If you are thinking about voting NO…

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Actually.... 161 Locals approved it, Local 89 voted no, and 14 Locals didn't show up.

I find that funny. FZ, our Secretary-Treasurer, had a part in negotiating the contract, and recommends it. He was President of Local 89. And the only Local to reject the National is Local 89.


Well-Known Member
Again, why aren’t you putting money in your 401(k) yourself? And if you are, you’re probably doing very well. My financial advisor says that pensions no longer being offered has not been advantageous to working people. Because unfortunately working people just don’t save. They fail to pay their selves
Again, why aren’t you putting money in your 401(k) yourself? And if you are, you’re probably doing very well. My financial advisor says that pensions no longer being offered has not been advantageous to working people. Because unfortunately working people just don’t save. They fail to pay their selves first.
Yes, I do. 20% after Roth is maxed. All I’m saying is pensions are inferior to a match


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. 20% after Roth is maxed. All I’m saying is pensions are inferior to a match
That’s a great job you’re doing keep it up. I do much of that as well. The idea of a union is supposed to be solid, wages, great healthcare, and retirement with dignity for all members. The best way to do that was pensions. Especially when these funds started there wasn’t even a 401(k) option. I don’t believe it was even available until the late 70s correct? And I would ask you for regular people who put boots on and don’t drive BMWs to work. Has the 401(k) made everyone’s retirement better?


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
But not because of what the union gives them. It's because of poor plan management or other outside factors.

Big difference.

What if those “other outside factors” include prior piss poor negotiations..?

Talking about the Central…:bag: …of course..


Well-Known Member
I laugh and scoff, when people blame Denis T for the last contract.

You have to find a boogeyman.... somewhere ?
Denis was the right guy for the job??? Would have rather had Kenny hall…at least he had experience with the company. Wasn’t Denis from the car haul division???


Well-Known Member
Exactly why I’ve been saying I want a matched 401k instead of a dumb pension. Get that money in my name immediately

Most would just squander that money on new cars, boats, etc etc and would have jack :censored2: to retire on and cry that the union didn’t have their back. Sometimes we have to save people from themselves.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If members would’ve voted, they wouldn’t even have known who Denis was