I understand that night happen to most people. But I have dealt with the worst of the worst from other jobs. Where there was not such thing as a HR department. So with that being said I think I will be fine. I'm have dealt with a wide variety of people from many different backgrounds. So when I "correct" people I don't come off as a jerk. I do expect a lot, I'm ambitious and that was noticed by the manager. Which Is why I have come into this part time supervisor position off the bat. I understand if your experience was a negative one. Which explains why you talk the way you do which makes sense. I have a more optimistic outlook regardless, but thanks for the advice anyways!
I expect to see a Lifetime movie about how you managed to uplift and inspire the lowly hourlies into becoming a package loading dream team who despite all odds managed to make it to the very top and win the UPS Metrics Games; thus changing their life courses for the better with motivational screenshots at the end of the movie explaining what happened to the main characters after you ascended to.. whatever it is you end up doing.
Honestly~ I'll give a piece of advice that you can keep/discard/whatever. The perky optimism can piss people off just about as much as being a jerk; but from the sounds of how you describe yourself, you are aware of this and seem to be able to chameleon your way around a wide variety of people well enough to not trigger those responses. All I know is that if you came into our hub as a pt supervisor with that kind of attitude, well, it would "be a bit of an unpleasant headache!" for you. The jerks get much more respect (which actually weirds me out in a way..).
If I sound salty, it's partly jealousy because~ wow, awesome luck and good job getting that offer! but more along the lines of, "... this person is going into pretty much a dead end position without knowing what they are getting into, yet somehow will probably make it work out.... kind of like how a drunk person behind the wheel who isn't buckled up can get into a severe auto accident and walk away with a few bruises.
I'm an equal opportunity hater of any representative of inefficient systems. Regardless~ you sound like you're going to go right up the ladder wherever you go~whatever you do. Just remember, in the meantime, to not keep your nose tilted up too high around the belts and the people working them; it's -REALLY- dusty in there and you don't want that stuff getting too deep into your lungs and nasal cavities :3.