It’s official. OZ to run.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You think that email was horrific? I’d say vague at best. But like I said, you probably haven’t seen Sean work.
I've seen the email, think Sean is a good union man and thought he was a complete maroon for pressing send on the email. That email was a long time ago, and that particular member is no longer with the firm, but he is a relentless, tireless advocate for reform. He is still out there and will never let it die. He lost his career partly because of Sean's conduct. The guy is a tool, but he has a family and he was a Teamsters, Steward, Father, and human being. he was did dirty.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
I've seen the email, think Sean is a good union man and thought he was a complete maroon for pressing send on the email. That email was a long time ago, and that particular member is no longer with the firm, but he is a relentless, tireless advocate for reform. He is still out there and will never let it die. He lost his career partly because of Sean's conduct. The guy is a tool, but he has a family and he was a Teamsters, Steward, Father, and human being. he was did dirty.
And as a reformer, TDU never helped him build a case?

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Rome wasn't built in a day and Rome won't be torn down with a two year suspension. Rome is loved out west, almost to a cult following status. He's done some really stupid things, but the members love him out west and he is actually widely respected as a whole in the Teamsters. His contributions in organizing can't be ignored.
Yet in the east, Rome isn’t known. Like at all.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
The one and only Rome A. He is kinda a big deal out west. A little background on the west, particularly California, its the most unionized state in the union. Rome had a very big hand it that.
I know who he is. However, he isn’t known in the east at all.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Maybe by you, and this might tell the tale of just how much you actually know about what goes on as a whole or what you might be feed.
I know him because I follow union politics. I think his charges put a mark on him. Valid or not, he won’t carry a ticket. It’s my thought that Sean will landslide the east and z the central. Even if they lose West and Canada, it’s a win. But that is a long ways away.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
What I found hilarious about yesterdays festivities was the 251 guys there to cheer on a guy who threatened them about 4 or 5 years back and actually had to serve a suspension for it, cheering him on. WTF, I remember at the convention Sean freaking out so badly at a black vest wearing Teamster that he had charges filed on him as well. The list is a long one if I ha the time to piece it all together. Sean was huge Hoffa guy until 2017 with Fred being a hofficer as late as 2012 I believe. I might be a little bit off on some of my dates, because I also have my own job to do, but to you smell what I'm cooking?

So if you look it another way Sean and Fred running together is kind of a Hoffa ticket running again, by extension.
What does it say about Sean’s ability for a Local of reformers to bury the hatchet and work together? You’re mistaking a “political persona” for the true person.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
I've seen the email, think Sean is a good union man and thought he was a complete maroon for pressing send on the email. That email was a long time ago, and that particular member is no longer with the firm, but he is a relentless, tireless advocate for reform. He is still out there and will never let it die. He lost his career partly because of Sean's conduct. The guy is a tool, but he has a family and he was a Teamsters, Steward, Father, and human being. he was did dirty.
Is this what your talking about?

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Did you read the emails?
Yeah dude. We did.
"I'll take care of it ".
I mean obviously he went to the IRB and the DOL. What was the result of the investigation? That would give us a better understanding of guilt. Do you have a case number we can look up?