It's time. What is the outcome of the election going to be

Will Oz win?

  • Total voters
Vamoose isn't going to sweep the west either


Well-Known Member
Canada had less than 8,000 people vote this time
Canada and the West had pretty much the same amount of votes as the east total
Yes I know that’s why I said “eke-out the win”. Those guys in the west were the same ones that voted me out of my company healthcare and into teamcare, so my apprehension towards them says until this election is over.


Well-Known Member
Now let's see if they've got some follow through... we've got guys who have been forced to work 6 days a week for almost two years now. Why the hell be part of a union if you're being driven like slave labor.
Now let's see if they've got some follow through... we've got guys who have been forced to work 6 days a week for almost two years now. Why the hell be part of a union if you're being driven like slave labor.
After this current contract was shoved by rear ends our boy Hoffa, Denis And Mr Kenny Hall had set the teamsters moving back 20 years by their little stunt that they pulled

And they wonder why the members do not get engaged anymore

I used to go to most of the union meetings now maybe go two or three your tops

browned out

Well-Known Member
The upcoming UPS contract will be an uphill battle to even get back to where we were before the concessionary pos contract Hoffa/Hall/Taylor/Vairma and others recommended and then rammed thru.

Our former Teamster " leaders " were company controlled ass clowns.

There is no plausible explanation as to why these abhorrent pieces of garbage crafted the National Master Agreement language with glaring omissions in regards to seniority.

They were not inept or incompetent. It was done with clear vision.

Language was not included to afford rights to RPCD's to 40 hours. That should have been in stone. All RPCDs should have been afforded the right to work a Saturday or Sunday if needed in order to reach 40 hours.

Language was not included to guarantee RPCD's the right to stay on their bid on and preferred work schedule. WHY? Many RPCDs bid on Tuesday thru Saturday or Wednesday thru Sunday schedules and were forced back to Monday to Friday. This is Union Seniority 101. It would have been simple to, at the least, grandfather these drivers in to be able to remain on their preferred schedule bids that they won entirely based on their seniority. Grandfathering it would still have not have been sufficient. Seniority should rule when preferred work schedules are available.

RPCDs have to take a $6 an hour payout to go back to their bid on days. Makes perfect sense. Multiparasitism at its worst; Teamster leaders and UPS corporate leaching off the hard working UPSers.

It is too bad that we will have to negotiate terms that should have never been suggested in the 1st place.

We move forward with the hope that whoever wins will actually represent the UPS teamsters. Be it the OZ slate or the slapdick Teamster PowderPuff slate.
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