okay. Being a loader kindof sucks. I've been doing it for almost a year now. Plus I worked a peak season a few years back.
When you get hired at our hub they tell you it's one of the biggest in the country. They said third biggest. But after reading online I don't think that's true at all... (If anyone has a list of the biggest hubs and you could tell me or show me a link that would be greatly appreciated). New Stanton. Pa.
The point is it's a big hub. I'm sure you all know that loading sucks. I'm on the second heaviest truck on my belt. (The first heaviest had 2 people in it 90% of the time). I'm usually alone. Lol
90% of the reason I want a different position is my sup. the other 10% is knowing that everyone moves up from loading eventually. I want to be there a long long time cause of the benefits. And I want to go to work with a bad mindset of the people and things around me that make me possibly anxious and in a bad mood. I've had jobs where I get up and in a way... Look forward to my day. But not ups right now. And I want to fix that.
When I worked there back in 2012. My sup was pretty okay. Didn't say much just told you what to do in a calm manner. I think he appreciated me coming in and doing my best. Cause he was pretty cool to me. My current sup. Is mean, rude, and arrogant to people. When the pickoffs call a truck, if he's In a pissy mood he'll yell "we know it's

ed up okay you don't need to keep yelling" in a smartass tone. There was a point where he bitched at our wall sweep for having 3 irreg full carts (even though our belt gets most irregs in the area by far). Our area sup made him apologize to the wall sweep, because he was literally working his ass off. And at our hub even though you're not supposed to lift anything over 70 alone. The wall sweeps are still expected to throw everything on the catwalk alone. ALWAYS. Lol
The truck I load gets the built in rollers when it gets a rail. (God I love shortflats). I have two doors on my truck. One with an extendo one without. When I get a rail... On the door with no extendo I mean everything just falls on the floor. It doesn't flow. So I gotta pick it up and push it. It's a lot of work but you can build walls okay... Except for sometimes a heavy heavy box can roll okay on the rollers so sometimes they smash in the wall...( And now they have this new calculation that says exactly and I mean exactly how tight you load. I doubt they take into account the rollers as space) lol
then the other door you got an extendo that doesn't flow either. (Our buffalo New York truck extendo flows great) so basically the technique is break make room for the pickoffs... Then try push around 20 packages to the end. And keep doing that til it's clear to the belt.. Then push everything down you get the idea. It's very difficult to load the rails with the built in rollers with an extendo). The most effective way for a a 5'8 dude like me to load off an extendo is to stand on a load stand. But you can barely get one in there. I gotta wrap this up lol.... Anyway I've been standing on the rollers. And loading off it. For efficiency, quickness, load quality. Cause like I said it's more difficult than a regular truck with built in rollers, and an extendo. My area sup saw me all the time. Didn't care. Some dude that manages the trucks who rarrreeelly comes around came around one night justtttt to see if I really needed an extra truck... Which I did. He saw me standing on the rollers and bitched. Then sup said I gotta break the habit. Then it was heavy as

. And he heard me saying to a new hire pushing down packages... Sup heard me say i could go way faster if I could just stand on the rollers. They don't roll anyway it's just like standing on a floor. He said exactly. I don't care if you stand on them just now when important people are around. Then some big wig saw me. Instead of saying hey man I know it'll slow you down but I won't get on you about not having a 400 load rate. He yelled at me in front of a crowd hard.
Listen I know it's my fault for standing on them for months, I knew the risk. But I show up every day and do my best and he still is nasty toward me if one thing doesn't go his way.
I went to a different belt for a day and the dude down there is very nice to anyone who tries their best.
I could've made this literally just this.
I work in a big hub with lots of positions. What's a position I should put my name on a bid list for I would like. Thanks
I had a few shots cause it's my cousins 21st and I haven't drank in forever.
I'm really sorry but I did warn you with the title.
So sorry. I don't wanna seem to complain but I'm just telling you like it is. I deal with it and try my best and get through it every day. Yes the roller thing was my fault. And my sup isn't terrible I just don't feel he gives respect when you do your best. Anyway please and thanks.