Juneteenth is now a federal holiday !!!


Staff member
And Democrats call themselves the party of Jefferson (a slave owner).

Both founded their party and neither party today follows the principles of their founder.
There’s a distinction though. Democrats quickly admit to Jefferson’s failings and don’t try to hide them.

Republicans like to hide their own failings under Lincoln’s name.


Inordinately Right

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Legio patria nostra
Are the State Prisons combining Juneteenf and Fathers Day to make visiting more convenient for the offspring of the 17% of the US population that make up over 38% of the violent criminals???
“Asking for a friend”.


Well-Known Member
Understandable, after all they snuck this new feral holiday in under the cover of darkness. Gotta give enough advance warning to plan a party and loot the liquor stores. Doubtful anyone needs direction to just not report for work however.