Kamala Harris accomplishment thread

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
It took 5 years after Roe for Jerry Falwell to give his first sermon about the evils of abortion. Wanna know why? Because integration was happening.

Anti-abortion was a mask racists put on to fight against school integration.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Trump didn't act any differently towards that disabled reporter than he did towards quite a few other libs. Same exaggerated mannerisms mocking idiotic questions. But because that reporter was disabled the Left jumped on it as an example of how cruel and insensitive Trump was. I think he's learned a lot from dealing with the Press and is careful to sound more presidential these days.
Let’s see those other videos of Trump mocking other reporters with those gestures. Come on. Put up or shut the :censored2: UP.


Well-Known Member
It took 5 years after Roe for Jerry Falwell to give his first sermon about the evils of abortion. Wanna know why? Because integration was happening.

Anti-abortion was a mask racists put on to fight against school integration.
Roe was in '73. Integration had already happened in the 60's. Spinning yet another false narrative?


Well-Known Member
It took 5 years after Roe for Jerry Falwell to give his first sermon about the evils of abortion. Wanna know why? Because integration was happening.

Anti-abortion was a mask racists put on to fight against school integration.
That doesn’t even make any sense. The black community is by far the one who suffers because of abortion by percentages.

How does more dead black babies equal more integration?


Well-Known Member
Let’s see those other videos of Trump mocking other reporters with those gestures. Come on. Put up or shut the :censored2: UP.
I don't carry them around with me, sorry. But last year saw a guy on FOX play a number of videos of Trump rallies where Trump was acting the same way in reference to the gotcha questions from the liberal media.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I don't carry them around with me, sorry. But last year saw a guy on FOX play a number of videos of Trump rallies where Trump was acting the same way in reference to the gotcha questions from the liberal media.
Let’s see those videos. Link me the videos of him flailing around the same way he mocked that reporter.


Inordinately Right
There was nothing to discuss.
Yes there was and the things they wanted to discuss were clearly laid out in the letter Ted Cruz submitted and many Republicans signed.
Bunch of BS. They were looking for any angle to overthrow the results of the election.
So you admit there was stuff to discuss, you just disagree with that stuff.

Luckily for you, Democrats left the Capitol building undefended so a riot prevented that discussion.


Well-Known Member
It took 5 years after Roe for Jerry Falwell to give his first sermon about the evils of abortion. Wanna know why? Because integration was happening.

Anti-abortion was a mask racists put on to fight against school integration.
fact check time . google is your friend

If you think about the basis of your argument you would have to realize how wrong it was without having to google it.
clearly if Roe vs wade was heard in 73 then there had to be a debate that worked itself up to the supreme court that started years before easily in the 60's.
your argument would be that falwell stayed silent on abortion while this debate was taking place those many years.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to clarify further. But the fact that you view men as never being able to change or to realize they’re wrong is quite disturbing.

“There are many other aspects of the abortion issue that underscore its inherent evil, but the most important evidence for me came from the Scripture. Of course, the Bible does not address itself directly to the practice of abortions. However, I was amazed to observe how many references are made in both the Old and New Testaments to God's personal acquaintance with children prior to birth. Not only is He aware of their gestations but He is specifically knowledgeable of them as unique individuals and personalities.”