Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Well-Known Member
He’s just going to serve the interests of the weirdo zealots at Heritage this time. They’ll make it very easy on him.
The people at Heritage are a conservative think tank.

What did Trump conserve?

He has no interest in them, follow the money. The big technocrats are lining up for him.


Well-Known Member
Wealthy tax cuts and overturning Roe. They want him to go a lot further this next time. Including support for anti union legislation
He didn’t know overturn Roe it overturned itself…

“She believed that the Roe v Wade case had based the right to abortion on the wrong argument, a violation of a woman's privacy rather than on gender equality. This, she thought, left the ruling vulnerable to targeted legal attacks by anti-abortion activists.”

Feckless Democrats had 50 years to codify it, didn’t do it.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
He didn’t know overturn Roe it overturned itself…

“She believed that the Roe v Wade case had based the right to abortion on the wrong argument, a violation of a woman's privacy rather than on gender equality. This, she thought, left the ruling vulnerable to targeted legal attacks by anti-abortion activists.”

Feckless Democrats had 50 years to codify it, didn’t do it.
It was settled law. Now the republicans have lost election after election because of it. Stupid move.


Well-Known Member
Already proven after McCarthy released the security footage. Funny how we've gone over this before but like all Democrats you come back with the same narrative as if you've never heard what was said before. Repeat a lie enough and people will believe it seems to be the Democrats' mantra.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Already proven after McCarthy released the security footage. Funny how we've gone over this before but like all Democrats you come back with the same narrative as if you've never heard what was said before. Repeat a lie enough and people will believe it seems to be the Democrats' mantra.
Your BS is unimportant. The footage showed what happened. We all saw what happened.


Well-Known Member
John Kelly has led a stellar life of service. You’re going to compare his life of service to the country to a game show host that was only elected because white people’s brains broke because a man named OBAMA served in the Oval for 8 years?
Always with the race baiting. The other Democrat mantra. It was Obama's policies that most of us objected to.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is. Until it’s not, of course. But it’s settled until something comes along to change it.
So then it’s not settled. And what you consider courage others consider something else.

We have a way to make things settled make an amendment if you think it’s a right.


Well-Known Member
His job as COS was more important to him than exposing Trump for being a callous :censored2: towards our military.

“John Kelly, former White House Chief of Staff, recently confirmed that Donald Trump did indeed refer to fallen soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.” Kelly said he waited to come forward publicly because he initially tried to maintain a sense of loyalty and confidentiality due to his role. Over time, he felt compelled to speak out because he believed the public needed to know the truth about Trump's statements and attitudes towards the military, especially as Trump continued to deny the allegations.”

John Kelly vs. a guy who openly mocked a disabled reporter and had his charity and “university” shut down for FRAUD.

You know damn well Trump is capable of saying something so terrible about people.
Trump didn't act any differently towards that disabled reporter than he did towards quite a few other libs. Same exaggerated mannerisms mocking idiotic questions. But because that reporter was disabled the Left jumped on it as an example of how cruel and insensitive Trump was. I think he's learned a lot from dealing with the Press and is careful to sound more presidential these days.