Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
unionman, I heard Combine got kicked out of the negotiations yesterday and had to sit in the hall for 2 hours.

Maybe negotiations had gone into overtime and Combine initiated a "No Overtime Ban" on himself.

If it all fell apart then I would assume that more layoffs will follow.

"Germany is prepared to agree to any solemn pact of non-aggression, because she does not think of attacking but only acquiring security."
- Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
unionman, I heard Combine got kicked out of the negotiations yesterday and had to sit in the hall for 2 hours. The national had to step in. Do you still think our tantrum tactics are working?
Until the National gets involved, Im afraid the beatings will continue.


the real 18 wheelers
well well well, Big Bad Bob gets kicked out of the negotions and sent to the hallway in time out. and now the NMB is involved, really tying the hand of 2727. also heard more than 33 planes parked after peak. that equals more layoff's.. good job boy's.. keep up the good work. and don't forget to "work safe".

have a good day.. i'm going fishing.


Well-Known Member
well well well, Big Bad Bob gets kicked out of the negotions and sent to the hallway in time out. and now the NMB is involved, really tying the hand of 2727. also heard more than 33 planes parked after peak. that equals more layoff's.. good job boy's.. keep up the good work. and don't forget to "work safe".

have a good day.. i'm going fishing.
Bob must have told them they were smoking crack again.... I Doubt it very seriously that they will have enough lift minus 33 more aircraft. Unless they lose enough business when companies find out about a possible strike.

Dis-organized Labor

Local 2727 is one of the most dysfunctional groups I have ever been around. You guys are so full of crap, it is unbelievable!
You spew this garbage out about evil management, how you "make the company millions of dollars". How, by sitting in a truck?
Give me a break!
Most of you guys work at a snail's pace and the good guys pick up your slack. Then you treat them like they're your enemy.
One on one, the union losers that I've dealt with are weasels and only act like tough guys when you have an audience.
Your e-board is a joke.
Good luck with your strike.
It will be a real surprise when you see the lack of support and the contract guys showing up.


Well-Known Member
Local 2727 is one of the most dysfunctional groups I have ever been around. You guys are so full of crap, it is unbelievable!
You spew this garbage out about evil management, how you "make the company millions of dollars". How, by sitting in a truck?
Give me a break!
Most of you guys work at a snail's pace and the good guys pick up your slack. Then you treat them like they're your enemy.
One on one, the union losers that I've dealt with are weasels and only act like tough guys when you have an audience.
Your e-board is a joke.
Good luck with your strike.
It will be a real surprise when you see the lack of support and the contract guys showing up.
Thanks for your input.


unionman, I heard Combine got kicked out of the negotiations yesterday and had to sit in the hall for 2 hours. The national had to step in. Do you still think our tantrum tactics are working?
"Lord! It's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!"


Well-Known Member
"Lord! It's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!"

He had two days to dig out! He obviously wasn't paying attention to what is going on in the negatiantions. I'd bet if you looked behind the "UPS We're Stop Proof" poster you'll find a big hole in the wall that he escaped through.

"The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category."
- Adolph Hitler
Local 2727 is one of the most dysfunctional groups I have ever been around. You guys are so full of crap, it is unbelievable!
You spew this garbage out about evil management, how you "make the company millions of dollars". How, by sitting in a truck?
Give me a break!
Most of you guys work at a snail's pace and the good guys pick up your slack. Then you treat them like they're your enemy.
One on one, the union losers that I've dealt with are weasels and only act like tough guys when you have an audience.
Your e-board is a joke.
Good luck with your strike.
It will be a real surprise when you see the lack of support and the contract guys showing up.

Your anguish sustains me…


Well-Known Member
"union losers that I've dealt with are weasels and only act like tough guys." So my friend your first post is a good one. How about boss losers I've dealt with are weasles and only act like tough guys. You are a coward because you have not dealt with UPSCO employees. You wouldnt understand how an airplane makes you millions because you are a ground sup that gets MIP handed to you no matter what your golf handicap happens to be. You have never been to an Air Ops and would not know UPS had aircraft if the picture was not on your wall in your office.
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Well-Known Member
Local 2727 is one of the most dysfunctional groups I have ever been around. You guys are so full of crap, it is unbelievable!
Have you ever been to the Air Group Bldg? That is the most dysfunctional group that UPS has. People just sitting around getting MIP, Grade 20s will full pockets, and overloaded groups of BPs without a care in the world. No layoffs even though the fleets have gone. Again, my friend, your first post shows you hate mechanics and pilots even though they bring you MIP, monthly checks, and benefits for your family. People like you, sitting behind a desk, without a care in the world, is the problem with UPS. Wait till you are run out from behind the desk like you were in '97, we will not strike unless the International pulls the drivers off the street.


Well-Known Member
Bob must have told them they were smoking crack again.... I Doubt it very seriously that they will have enough lift minus 33 more aircraft. Unless they lose enough business when companies find out about a possible strike.

Bottom line..Our E-board went to Minn and made asses of themselves. Now we are fighting the mediator as well as UPS. Throwing fits and being repramaned by the mediator just weakens us further. Combine has no credibility anymore! If we don't take control of this Union a concessionary contract will be shoved down our throughts.. The International is not going to send 300k Union brothers to the street because our E-board can not conduct themselves in a professional manner. Time to hunker down and vote them out! Time to start over! Our E-board is playing right into UPS's hand. Look for more layoffs in order to pressure Combine to bring us a concessionary contract.

Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse.

-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
Tried to call the Union hall today to see if anyone is still alive. As usual no one answered the phone. Now waiting for the Hotline message. I'm sure Combine will tell us how hard he fought and that UPS won't negotiate in good faith. To bad he was not in the room for these negotiations. Its time for a change! Four years in negotiations, 150 brothers and sisters on the street with more to come! Time to wake up and take control of your lives!

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
Tried to call the Union hall today to see if anyone is still alive. As usual no one answered the phone. Now waiting for the Hotline message. I'm sure Combine will tell us how hard he fought and that UPS won't negotiate in good faith. To bad he was not in the room for these negotiations. Its time for a change! Four years in negotiations, 150 brothers and sisters on the street with more to come! Time to wake up and take control of your lives!

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
Local 2727 is one of the most dysfunctional groups I have ever been around. You guys are so full of crap, it is unbelievable!
You spew this garbage out about evil management, how you "make the company millions of dollars". How, by sitting in a truck?
Give me a break!
Most of you guys work at a snail's pace and the good guys pick up your slack. Then you treat them like they're your enemy.
One on one, the union losers that I've dealt with are weasels and only act like tough guys when you have an audience.
Your e-board is a joke.
Good luck with your strike.
It will be a real surprise when you see the lack of support and the contract guys showing up.

To bad you did not bother to get an education. Had you made an effort you could be sitting in a truck with me making 90k cold! Unfortunately because you were lazy,you are doomed to a life of mediocraty busting your a** for nickles and dimes. Instead of being jealous try and improve yourself, make something of yourself!

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.

-Winston Churchill-
Joe Darmento put the fear of God into UPS Management weenies!
Joe did not take any crap from them and his lil' sidekick Chatburn did a great job too because he IS a unionman. I think Bob Combine is too nice
of a guy to get the job done, he doesn't cuss at Ragar enough.


Well-Known Member
Tried to call the Union hall today to see if anyone is still alive. As usual no one answered the phone. Now waiting for the Hotline message. I'm sure Combine will tell us how hard he fought and that UPS won't negotiate in good faith. To bad he was not in the room for these negotiations. Its time for a change! Four years in negotiations, 150 brothers and sisters on the street with more to come! Time to wake up and take control of your lives!

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

-Winston Churchill-

mrv, we tried to get in touch with them all dy, no answer as usual. There has to be a way to vote them under " no confidence " .


Nine Lives
To bad you did not bother to get an education. Had you made an effort you could be sitting in a truck with me making 90k cold! Unfortunately because you were lazy,you are doomed to a life of mediocraty busting your a** for nickles and dimes. Instead of being jealous try and improve yourself, make something of yourself!

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.

-Winston Churchill-

I think you missed the target here. That was your supervisor who is sitting in a warm office drinking coffee with his feet propped up on a desk making $150k and glad he is not you sitting in a cold truck with a hard seat. :wink2:
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