Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't mind if we did not have a holiday bank in our next contract. I would be willing in light of the current economic situations to make some other concessions.

Another gutless weak kneed individuale. Tell us more about what concessions you are willing to give in order to save youself. People like you undermine real Union men that fought hard for the contract that you currently enjoy. Make a stand! No concessions! Ever!
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Well-Known Member
Another gutless weak kneed individuale. Tell us more about what concessions you are willing to give in order to save youself. People like you undermine real Union men that fought hard for the contract that you currently enjoy. Make a stand! No concessions! Ever!

Right On MRV !!
Another gutless weak kneed individuale. Tell us more about what concessions you are willing to give in order to save youself. People like you undermine real Union men that fought hard for the contract that you currently enjoy. Make a stand! No concessions! Ever!

It has nothing to do with weak or strong. Its give & take in a contract just like a relationship...or what one should be but knowing some of you that write on here, you probably don't understand about such. I don't always enjoy the contract, it is a restriction in some ways....I won't even discusss it with you because by the way you write on here, you are just another opinion and you know what they say about opinions! There are alot of trivial STUPID rules in the contract! Only about 1/2 of it has any merit. That must be the half Joe got for us!


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with weak or strong. Its give & take in a contract just like a relationship...or what one should be but knowing some of you that write on here, you probably don't understand about such. I don't always enjoy the contract, it is a restriction in some ways....I won't even discusss it with you because by the way you write on here, you are just another opinion and you know what they say about opinions! There are alot of trivial STUPID rules in the contract! Only about 1/2 of it has any merit. That must be the half Joe got for us!

Brainyone, ................ you complete me......................


Well-Known Member
There are alot of trivial STUPID rules in the contract! Only about 1/2 of it has any merit. That must be the half Joe got for us!

The STUPID rules that you speak of are those that allowed UPGRADES like yourself to make more money than you will ever be worth. That was the only flaw I see in the current contract. Thank God that deed is being undone as we speak. Just a shame that good mechanics have to hit the street to rectify the problem and turn the UPGRADES into DOWNGRADES. Now get me those parts out here to me in a timely manner or go back to McDonalds.

Riddle me this onebraincell? With all the maint cuts in SDF, ya think they need that many downgrades dry humping wheels? Next layoffs that include sups will also include DOWNGRADES!

I personally wouldn't mind if we did not have a holiday bank in our next contract. I would be willing in light of the current economic situations to make some other concessions!

"The only people I have been able to use are those who fought"
- Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't mind if we did not have a holiday bank in our next contract. I would be willing in light of the current economic situations to make some other concessions. ...

I hope you signed up for job sharing. Thats what UPS really wants. A part time workforce full of weak kneed mechanics willing to do anything for a job. Hopefully you started the ball rolling by making yourself a part time mechanic through that wonderful MOU our great E-board put out......after all a 50% pay cut is probably a worthy concession in light of the current economic situation.

An apeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
-Winston Churchill-

Think about it brainyone27 its not to late to become a man.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

I personally wouldn't mind if we did not have a holiday bank in our next contract. I would be willing in light of the current economic situations to make some other concessions. ......

With members so willing to gut our contract and take concessions UPS has already won the battle. Lets hope the Billboard works! If not lets try a letter writing campaign to Scott Davis, or maybe a overtime ban will work? Amature hour is over! We need people who know how to fight for its membership. Take the training wheels off!


Well-Known Member
With members so willing to gut our contract and take concessions UPS has already won the battle. Lets hope the Billboard works! If not lets try a letter writing campaign to Scott Davis, or maybe a overtime ban will work? Amature hour is over! We need people who know how to fight for its membership. Take the training wheels off!
And what would you suggest they do with all your strike wisdom?
Well I'm not MRV, but one could review all of his previous posts and figure out what he is not advocating...
i just looke d up unionmans history and I can't figure out which side he's on! Looks like we got ourselves a card carying screamin' conservalib! Pick a side buddy, it makes it easier to understand ya'.


Well-Known Member
Amerijet Pilots and Flight Engineers on Strike
Despite a five year attempt to secure a contract, the pilots and flight engineers of Amerijet International (Amerijet) have now gone on strike effective at 12:01 am on Thursday morning. The crewmembers of the Ft. Lauderdale-based all-cargo airline have been attempting to negotiate for a first contract since early in 2004. Over 5-1/2 years, they have faced management-based attempts to decertify the union, unilateral wage and benefit cuts and increased pressure to remove the legally elected union from the property.
Earlier in the week, the NMB, along with the union, continued to urge management to respond in good faith and come to an agreement. Late Wednesday night Amerijet management broke off further negotiations and walked out of the NMB-sponsored contract talks.
Amerijet's insisted on a five-year contract without any raise in the last 20 months of the contract's term. The company also refused the union's demand to restore severe wage and benefit cuts that the company imposed earlier this year, during a previous NMB-directed negotiating meeting in Washington, D.C. The Amerijet pilots and flight engineers had been working at the same pay rate since 1999 and then suffered a unilateral 10 percent wage cut in March 2009. It is a pay rate that is not only at or below the poverty level, it is almost identical to the pay of the regional pilots who were killed in the crash of Colgan Air 3407 in Buffalo this year. Amerijet does not provide basic sanitary facilities on the airplanes and does not provide food and water to their pilots and flight engineers flying long, hot and exhausting duty days throughout the Caribbean and South America.
According to Daisy Gonzalas, Business Agent at Local 769, Amerijet operates an air cargo link to many Caribbean islands and nations, carrying vital goods such as perishable products not produced in the islands.
Although so far some 727 flights have been operated by management pilots and a few who have crossed the picket line, a number of pilot groups including Capital Cargo pilots, ABX pilots and Atlas and Polar pilots, as well as freight companies such as Roadways, ABF Freight, Yellow Freight and UPS, are honoring the picket lines and refusing to deliver freight to Amerijet.


Well-Known Member

Hmmmmm.... Very Interesting.... NOT!!!!

Now back to our plight. Any thoughts out there whether we will get dismissed for cooling off period? I say not likely!

"Who says I am not under the special protection of God?"
- Adolph Hitler


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm.... Very Interesting.... NOT!!!!

Now back to our plight. Any thoughts out there whether we will get dismissed for cooling off period? I say not likely!

"Who says I am not under the special protection of God?"
- Adolph Hitler
The Obama administration has appointed a new head mediator and two airline pilots unions have been released this year already. We still have this ex Northwest airline mediator but he most likely is not going to be the one making the decisions from now on.
The tables have turned and UPS knows it. My guess is that they will hammer out a contract by the end of October before the Teamster National gets involved with informational pickets.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

Keep offering to take concessions, and UPS will hammer out a contract before you know it!

We are masters of the unsaid word, but slaves of those we let slip out.
-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
Keep offering to take concessions, and UPS will hammer out a contract before you know it!

We are masters of the unsaid word, but slaves of those we let slip out.
-Winston Churchill-
Its not a concession if you get more than you recieve.


Active Member
Its not a concession if you get more than you recieve.
Unionman, you just don't get it! I just reviewed several logbooks yesterday and found 12 pmc checks, 16 wans and 5 deferrals worked totaling over 200 hours of work. That is just one 767 over the weekend. The company is outsourcing our jobs. I think the local 2727 sits around jerking each other off everyday waiting to go to Minneapolis and get nowhere on the contract negotiations just to come back and tell the members disappointing news on the hotline. Joe never used the hotline to cover his ass saying the company won't talk to us or they are asking us to pay health care and they won't give us job security. I would love to play some poker with E-board since they love to show their hand every chance they get. Since the local 2727 will not do what we pay them to do, we need to get rid of them if we are still around in September 2010. I am going to take a wild guess and say that the negotiations this week will be disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Unionman, you just don't get it! I just reviewed several logbooks yesterday and found 12 pmc checks, 16 wans and 5 deferrals worked totaling over 200 hours of work. That is just one 767 over the weekend. The company is outsourcing our jobs. I think the local 2727 sits around jerking each other off everyday waiting to go to Minneapolis and get nowhere on the contract negotiations just to come back and tell the members disappointing news on the hotline. Joe never used the hotline to cover his ass saying the company won't talk to us or they are asking us to pay health care and they won't give us job security. I would love to play some poker with E-board since they love to show their hand every chance they get. Since the local 2727 will not do what we pay them to do, we need to get rid of them if we are still around in September 2010. I am going to take a wild guess and say that the negotiations this week will be disappointing.
Ok, so what would Joe do thats different? The greivances are being filed and we are winning the arbitrations, what else are they suppose to do? Ups is going to lose more than they ever think they have gained when this comes to a head. Theres a process, and that process is coming to a conclusion. This is nothing new, companies use the National Mediation Board to there favor all the time. The longer they can drag it out the better off they are. but in this case they might have dragged it too far and caused there employees to much harm to not get a bloody nose.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what would Joe do thats different? The greivances are being filed and we are winning the arbitrations, what else are they suppose to do? Ups is going to lose more than they ever think they have gained when this comes to a head. Theres a process, and that process is coming to a conclusion. This is nothing new, companies use the National Mediation Board to there favor all the time. The longer they can drag it out the better off they are. but in this case they might have dragged it too far and caused there employees to much harm to not get a bloody nose.

unionman, I heard Combine got kicked out of the negotiations yesterday and had to sit in the hall for 2 hours. The national had to step in. Do you still think our tantrum tactics are working?
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