Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Hoax, take control of the thread. I have never seen so many aircraft mechanic experts in my life. There are maybe 5 mechanics posting here, and could be less. I am shocked that people try to post on this thread, and some have never seen an UPS airplane except in a picture frame in an office. The issue here is that we are being asked to pay for health care, get no retro for 4 years of an expired contract (see RLA of 1929), get a 1% raise, and let mexico and china work on UPS owned commercial jets. If we walk then everyone that is IBT will walk, sorry but remember '97, if not ask a steward.

Airbusfxr , I am a mechanic, I happen to like this thread. Maybe it's time to start your own thread. You could talk about sharing the wealth and have an avatar of fidel castro.


Well-Known Member
Go to the first post, I did start this thread. Next I voted to strike, next I voted for Joe (everytime), next I voted no on every contract because UPS always low balls us. Remember last contract when we voted it down, UPS threw more money at us and still had more for us saved up. Why do SDF people love Combine? Talk to any gateway mechanics jumpseating through Mecca, most will tell you Combine cannot name any gateways or mechanics at outposts. If Combine does lead us to a strike at Peak he will be a hero, if he gets us retro, subcontracting freeze, 3 to 4% raise, health care, he will be a hero, if we are stalled he will be a zero and next Oct he will be back in the hangar working out of a toolbox.


Well-Known Member
Go to the first post, I did start this thread. Next I voted to strike, next I voted for Joe (everytime), next I voted no on every contract because UPS always low balls us. Remember last contract when we voted it down, UPS threw more money at us and still had more for us saved up. Why do SDF people love Combine? Talk to any gateway mechanics jumpseating through Mecca, most will tell you Combine cannot name any gateways or mechanics at outposts. If Combine does lead us to a strike at Peak he will be a hero, if he gets us retro, subcontracting freeze, 3 to 4% raise, health care, he will be a hero, if we are stalled he will be a zero and next Oct he will be back in the hangar working out of a toolbox.

Combine should be bending metal not negotiating a contract with UPS. Times are tough and we need strong minded leaders. This is not a time for a touchy feely union always tryng to apease everyone (SDF). Yet accomplishing nothing. We need a leader who thinks out of the box! Not one that makes them.

We shall not fail or falter, we shall not weaken or tire.. give us the tools to finish the job.
-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
Hoax, take control of the thread. I have never seen so many aircraft mechanic experts in my life. There are maybe 5 mechanics posting here, and could be less. I am shocked that people try to post on this thread, and some have never seen an UPS airplane except in a picture frame in an office. The issue here is that we are being asked to pay for health care, get no retro for 4 years of an expired contract (see RLA of 1929), get a 1% raise, and let mexico and china work on UPS owned commercial jets. If we walk then everyone that is IBT will walk, sorry but remember '97, if not ask a steward.

Airbusfxr is just upset because he is used to being the only Amt posting on this forum. Remember the good old days when you would tell everyone what the Hotline message said? You should become a moderator and just delete all posts that don't agree with your BS.


I started this.
Staff member
UPS calls looming strike vote a gesture. Is it? - Reuters

The 1,400 U.S. mechanics who maintain United Parcel Service Inc's (UPS.N) worldwide fleet of 263 aircraft will hold a strike authorization vote next week, on the cusp of the company's peak shipping season.

Should investors or customers care?

It depends on whom you ask. UPS, the world's largest package delivery company, says the vote is meaningless. The union, Teamsters Local 2727, disagrees -- and at least one analyst thinks a walkout is possible, though he says a strike like the one that crippled UPS in 1997 is highly unlikely.


Well-Known Member
How many pilots? How many sups? How many Air Groupers? How many rampers?

Don't you get it airbusfxr? These lay offs are all about the contract negotiations. UPS will continue to lay off our members in order to pressure the E-board to conceed. They are about to put Combine between a rock and a hard place.In order to save jobs Combine will send us a concessionay contract or lead us to a strike. If the later happens none of use will return. Look at NWA for UPS's master plan.

Change is the master key.
-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
No matter what you think about layoffs it is written 4 AMTs per aircraft on certificate. If we go to 200 airplanes then there will be 800 amts.The strike vote will be 95% yes and we will have to be released from mediation, then the PEB has to OK the action right before Thanksgiving. There will be no contract without Retro, free health care, 3 to 4% raise, less subcontracting and a new formula for mechanic to airplane ratio unless the SDF boys vote er in. As we all know the ratio was formed when we had 727's and DC8's, today we have MDs and it should be 6 to 8 mechanics per aircraft. If nothing happens before this peak we will again pay UPS to hand out record MIP to all and Grade 20s wallets are runneth over. People like the warden and B&* L#$%^&# will again laugh their way to the bank while we are stuck with 2005 wages. Joe will be back next Oct as long as a Combine contract has not been voted in, he will not defend a contract that he has not written.


Package Car Whipping Boy
I think on this day we call Labor Day we have to remember the lives and dedication that was sacrifice so that we can have what we have today. with that said we still have to fight for what we have. i am an air driver and i will not pass a picket line even if my job is threaten. you guys have the opportunity that we didn't have and that is to take on the giant. you guys deserve nothing less than what your last contract had and even a little more. good luck and God speed my fellow brother teamsters and rest comfortable knowing your fellow teamster brothers at UPS are behind you


Well-Known Member

Hey ups767mech does Combine know your posting here? I see you lurking, but no comments since you were told to zip it. Is it true the moderator threatened to put us on hiatus for a year? Maybe another temper tantrum by Combine and we can start the real negotiations in 2010.Come on 767 give us some insight! Whats going on? You are in charge of the strike commitee right? On second thought keep on lurking....

I am sure we do not want any fingers on the trigger. Least of all, do we want a fumbling finger?
-Winston Churchill-


Well-Known Member
a Combine contract has not been voted in, he will not defend a contract that he has not written.

Congradulations airbusfxr you just figured out why we are in this mess! This E-board will not defend you or this contract because it is not theirs. From the beginning they have undermined Joe and this contract in order to consolidate their power base. Four years of inept representation has us on the edge of disaster.

It is one thing to see the foward path and another to be able to take it.
-Winston Churchill-
we want Joe back. he never played elementary school games with our contract negotiations. Joe kept his hand well hidden at all time.all we want is a fair equitable contract. no charge for health care(unless every dept pays the same) a good pay raise and RETRO pay. no more overseas work. and hire back all layed off mechanics and hire some new extras. and quit the stupid bill boards. very elementary

Dis-organized Labor

No matter what you think about layoffs it is written 4 AMTs per aircraft on certificate. If we go to 200 airplanes then there will be 800 amts.The strike vote will be 95% yes and we will have to be released from mediation, then the PEB has to OK the action right before Thanksgiving. There will be no contract without Retro, free health care, 3 to 4% raise, less subcontracting and a new formula for mechanic to airplane ratio unless the SDF boys vote er in. As we all know the ratio was formed when we had 727's and DC8's, today we have MDs and it should be 6 to 8 mechanics per aircraft. If nothing happens before this peak we will again pay UPS to hand out record MIP to all and Grade 20s wallets are runneth over. People like the warden and B&* L#$%^&# will again laugh their way to the bank while we are stuck with 2005 wages. Joe will be back next Oct as long as a Combine contract has not been voted in, he will not defend a contract that he has not written.

See what I mean? You people can't orchestrate anything. You feed off each other. There will be no strike because most of the 2727 guys are smart enough to not follow the dribble that people like "Airbusfxr" spew about "solidarity". Gimme a break! Do you think this is 1930? Look around you ******************************. Why don't you try a constructive approach instead of destructive. management jumps on you because of your refusal to do an honest day's work for an honest dollar. OK, go ahead and tell me how all we care about is production and green airplanes. I'll tell you you're right. Don't you see that we're in a battle for survival?
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