Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The warden is gone because of his decision to bring the Maddogs to domestic gateways, along with the loss of the medco contract along with the additional layoffs that ATL did not approve, along with the strike vote he forgot to tell ATL. The BODs had enough of this above Grade 20 causing waves in the UPSCO operation. He will be missed so much, his bad calls cost MILLIONS of dollars and without ATL people really understanding airline ops they will now try to place someone into his vacated spot. The next guy will be a Div Mgr and hopefully they pick the correct one. I suggest Phil Richardson or Ken Costa with Jess Mann being the last. If Crane or Gonzales or Spalding gets it then it will be more of the same. ATL will not accept this Medco loss with a JCP contract next if this dispute with only 1k people moving 16% of the packages that generate 75.578 of the profit. Tues all the Div Mgrs have been summoned to Mecca for a War Plan, I would love to hear what is being said about the billboards in ATL and what grade 20s in ATL thought when they drove their Benz and BMWs past them last week. Hopefully we will not have to ask our ground Brothers and Sisters to stand by us like we stood by them in '97 now that ATL has became involved.


Well-Known Member
Don't get to excited airbusfxr. Warden was a fool which worked to our advantage.. see current contract. After Joe took Warden to the cleaners he's been trying to recover ever since, thats why you've seen these cast of "hardass" managers the past few years. It works in the beginning but eventually people need to work together. Warden was more concerned about you backing your truck in and the color of your t-shirt that the well being of the airline. Look for UPS to bring in someone with UPS roots as Wardens replacement. The days of washed up scrubs from other airlines are over. All those division managers trying to emulate Wardens peverted management style are done. Look for a UPS'er with a newer A&P to continue the Browning of the airline. Welcome aboard Brad, please be nice to our E-board.


Well-Known Member
The warden is gone because of his decision to bring the Maddogs to domestic gateways,
Yeah I bet you head exploded the first time you saw one of those 3 holers! Lets hope that evil Sqwat Qwane dos'nt replace Warden.

Ding dong the witch is dead, ding dong the wicked witch is dead....
-Wizard of Oz- I think
UPS calls looming strike vote a gesture. Is it? - Reuters
The 1,400 U.S. mechanics who maintain United Parcel Service Inc's (UPS.N) worldwide fleet of 263 aircraft will hold a strike authorization vote next week, on the cusp of the company's peak shipping season.

Should investors or customers care?

It depends on whom you ask. UPS, the world's largest package delivery company, says the vote is meaningless. The union, Teamsters Local 2727, disagrees -- and at least one analyst thinks a walkout is possible, though he says a strike like the one that crippled UPS in 1997 is highly unlikely.


C'mon, Upstate! Is it really even possible to get too much Star Trek???!!!

(Keep it coming, Cookdaddy!)
LOL Not as far as I am concerned. My favorite:
Leonard Nimoy(Spock): You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours.


Well-Known Member
If mediation fails, the board can ask the parties to submit to binding arbitration. If the parties refuse, there is a 30-day “staus quo” period before a strike can occur. In some instances, the board can ask the president to create a Presidential Emergency Board, which would determine whether a work stoppage would “substantially” interrupt interstate commerce.
If a Presidential Emergency Board is convened, a work stoppage cannot be conducted until 30 days after it makes a recommendation on the case. Big O will let us strike the USPS and FDX can pick up struck goods since the economy is so bad people aint shipping.


Well-Known Member
I borrowed this from Yahoo Finance, it seems all at once this is a big deal to ATL. SKYking, I bet your head exploded when you first showed up in SDF.


Well-Known Member
If mediation fails, the board can ask the parties to submit to binding arbitration. If the parties refuse, there is a 30-day “staus quo” period before a strike can occur. In some instances, the board can ask the president to create a Presidential Emergency Board, which would determine whether a work stoppage would “substantially” interrupt interstate commerce.
If a Presidential Emergency Board is convened, a work stoppage cannot be conducted until 30 days after it makes a recommendation on the case. Big O will let us strike the USPS and FDX can pick up struck goods since the economy is so bad people aint shipping.
It a fascinating story. But as the Ferangi say, 'A good lie is eaiser to believe than the truth.'
-Captain Kathryn Janeway- Star Trek Voyager


Well-Known Member
Its interesting that Warden would get the axe on the eve of the strike vote. Either Atl finally saw thru Wardens counter productive bull******, or this is a face saving maneuver to get the negotiations moving. UPS has blinked!! Lets hope our E-board takes advantage of this and does not blow it.


Well-Known Member
I feel obliged to point out that the ........BLAH BLAH BLAH
-Data- Star Trek TNG

Mein Fuhrer would like to impress upon Cookdaddy to please in the future only quote from. - Star Trek TOS.


To all you TNG fans who have never understood TOS!

Picard surrendered on his first mission and you idolize the frog bastard.

TNG....no religion, no money, no social classes....Who made that show, Stalin???

Roddenberry save us.....
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Spock!Spock! Are you out of your Vulcan mind? Don't you know that the Nazi war economy was an inefficiant hodge podge of competing bureaucracies,often working at cross purposes, subject to the whims of an erratic dictator, and that the Nazis never even tried to fully mobilize until it was to late??
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS


Active Member
It's official, Warren is gone. I walked by his office and saw all his stuff packed up in boxes. Free at last, free at last, good god we're free at last!

Dis-organized Labor

It's official, Warren is gone. I walked by his office and saw all his stuff packed up in boxes. Free at last, free at last, good god we're free at last!

Guess again. The meeting scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday is the one scheduled all year.
well today is the day,(monday 9/14) that the e-board sell's us down the river again. hold on tight it's about to get real bumpy. work all the O-T you can. save every penny. and see ya later Warden. another manager tossed aside like the daily trash.


the real 18 wheelers
Go ahead and go on strike and we will just lay more of you off!

Good by Warden, is been nice seeing ya at training dept. we'll miss you and all your BS.. NOT!!!, you can serve us hot coffee on the picket line. ok?


Well-Known Member
Airbusfxr any word on the strike vote ? I would ask 767mech but he's not allowed to speak.
COOKDADDY try and control yourself.
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