Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
90% in favor of strike.

Sieg Heil Combine

I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath."
- German Armed Forces Oath of Loyality


Well-Known Member

Sieg Heil Combine

I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath."
- German Armed Forces Oath of Loyality

Combine will need all the help he can get. UPS is hell bent on another round of layoffs. They will be laying off an additional 75 to 100 mechanics. The screws are being tightend on the E-board. Going public and those silly billboards just sent another 100 brothers and sisters to the street after peak. Once UPS drives our numbers below 800 they can throw Combine a bone and make him a hero.Time to work as much OT as possible and save for troubled times ahead. This is for real and the E-board won't do anything about it. Warden may be out but the machine keeps on going.

Dis-organized Labor

90% in favor of strike.

Out of the 43 that voted, 90% of them voted to strike
I like the spin that Combine put on it "90% voted to strike". Losers!
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Good by Warden, is been nice seeing ya at training dept. we'll miss you and all your BS.. NOT!!!, you can serve us hot coffee on the picket line. ok?

Nice try boys and girls but I'm back and diggin' in like an Alabama tick! One more thing...I will be around a lot longer then the next hundred of you! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Out of the 43 that voted, 90% of them voted to strike
I like the spin that Combine put on it "90% voted to strike". Losers!
"Dammit, do you want an acute case on you hands? This woman has immediate postprandial upper abdominal distension! Out of the way...get out of the way."

"What did you say she's got"?

- Doctor Lenord McCoy- Star Trek TOS
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
Go Bustin as in Union Busting. This is no joke! No matter what anyone says these lay offs are rooted in this mans hate for AMT's and this workforce. The combination of an inept control freak and a weak E-board is why we are being assaulted! Warden and his fake diplomas will not stop until he destroys this Union.
Hell Norway?


Well-Known Member
The Warden will be held accountable for this contract. Yahoo, Reuters, WSJ, Courier Journal, and USA Today are all buzzing about 920 employees who could control the biggest shippers future. We are not wanting to act like David, but Grades 20s raking it in, 650% increase for the big ones, the pilots were rewarded and now it is our turn.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The Warden will be held accountable for this contract. Yahoo, Reuters, WSJ, Courier Journal, and USA Today are all buzzing about 920 employees who could control the biggest shippers future. We are not wanting to act like David, but Grades 20s raking it in, 650% increase for the big ones, the pilots were rewarded and now it is our turn.

Oh yes...the Warden will be held accountable...he signed a contract along time ago and now its time to pay...(insert evil laugh here):devil3:


Well-Known Member
The Warden will be held accountable for this contract. Yahoo, Reuters, WSJ, Courier Journal, and USA Today are all buzzing about 920 employees who could control the biggest shippers future. We are not wanting to act like David, but Grades 20s raking it in, 650% increase for the big ones, the pilots were rewarded and now it is our turn.

Warden has marching orders to break the unions back and force a concessionary contract. These tactics include years of abusive management and excessive disipline. Now as we come to the end game he will dangle our members livelyhoods in order to force our E-board to conceed in hopes of saving jobs. After peak there will be more layoffs in an attempt to break our backs. 100 more souls lost and our E-board will continue to put up billboards and cry to Reuters.

Dis-organized Labor

The Warden will be held accountable for this contract. Yahoo, Reuters, WSJ, Courier Journal, and USA Today are all buzzing about 920 employees who could control the biggest shippers future. We are not wanting to act like David, but Grades 20s raking it in, 650% increase for the big ones, the pilots were rewarded and now it is our turn.

Hey, the UNION SAVIOR is back!!

Have you done anything fantastic today. Oh, what do i mean, of course you did because you're.........

AIRBUSFXR, UNION HERO (sound trumpets)!!!!

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