Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
You know, I would love to see the mechanics with a contract. I certainly think that 4 years is ridiculous.

However, what is the point in you spreading mistruths??

Grade 20's pay for health insurance like anyone else.

They do NOT get millions of dollars. Are they hurting? No... They make up about .25% of a fortune 50 company. What do you think the top .25% of executives at Microsoft or IBM make?

You want to make as much or more than your peers. However, you think that these top executives do not deserve the same right.

Again, you deserve a good and fair contract now. That does not excuse your biased misinformation.


P Man is right. If you look at our top exec's and compare to any other similar sized company, you'll see they are on the bottom tier of pay. (And that includes the raises they've gotten recently). But the maintenance folks are at the top end of the pay range compared to other companies. Also for the top .25%, I believe that's just mgmt folks, not the entire work force. I believe there's only 2300 grade 18's and above, so the grade 20's and above are probably around 200-300 (Just a guess).


Well-Known Member
You two are crazy drinking brown kool-aid. They gave themselves raises and ALL Grade 20s have their own "pileOmoney" devided between themselves. If you read their contract closely it also includes many Division Managers that perform. You two guys take the company's side anyway so go wax your district managers Lexus and his wife's Range Rover. You two guys only care about the top people, why didnt you answer Angel Mary and tell her she makes enough and have her pay more for her health care. I bet you two will be the first to ask drivers to pay out of pocket for health care and big deductables.

Dis-organized Labor

You two are crazy drinking brown kool-aid. They gave themselves raises and ALL Grade 20s have their own "pileOmoney" devided between themselves. If you read their contract closely it also includes many Division Managers that perform. You two guys take the company's side anyway so go wax your district managers Lexus and his wife's Range Rover. You two guys only care about the top people, why didnt you answer Angel Mary and tell her she makes enough and have her pay more for her health care. I bet you two will be the first to ask drivers to pay out of pocket for health care and big deductables.

Hey, Now he's the AOT HERO!!!
What a genius!!! He has access to Grade 20 "Contracts".


This carboard rocket scientist doesn't have a clue about the jibberish that he's spouting. Go back to whatever Holler your inbred brain came from and get an education.

Any idiot can sit in a truck at night and pretend to be a frekin' expert on EVERYTHING.

Keep posting your trash. I enjoy targeting you.



Well-Known Member
Hey, Now he's the AOT HERO!!!
What a genius!!! He has access to Grade 20 "Contracts".


This carboard rocket scientist doesn't have a clue about the jibberish that he's spouting. Go back to whatever Holler your inbred brain came from and get an education.

Any idiot can sit in a truck at night and pretend to be a frekin' expert on EVERYTHING.

Keep posting your trash. I enjoy targeting you.

"Dismissed..Thats Starfleet for get out!"
-Captain Kathryn Janeway- Star Trek Voyager


Well-Known Member
You two are crazy drinking brown kool-aid. They gave themselves raises and ALL Grade 20s have their own "pileOmoney" devided between themselves. If you read their contract closely it also includes many Division Managers that perform. You two guys take the company's side anyway so go wax your district managers Lexus and his wife's Range Rover. You two guys only care about the top people, why didnt you answer Angel Mary and tell her she makes enough and have her pay more for her health care. I bet you two will be the first to ask drivers to pay out of pocket for health care and big deductables.

First off, there is no contract with mgmt. There is what is reported for compensation and the plans for changes for the top mgmt in the company based on SEC rules. Second, as you indicated in the past, you still are the top paid aircraft mechanic in the industry, our drivers are the top paid drivers in the industry, but the top mgmt team isn't. Yes, They do make a lot, but the top mgmt folks should. If you aren't at a 20, you aren't getting the bonus. Is their an exception, sure, but that's a rarity. If you read my posts, I don't always take the companys side. Yes, I think we all should be chipping in for HW. I have been for years, I think the hourlies should also.


Well-Known Member
You know, I would love to see the mechanics with a contract. I certainly think that 4 years is ridiculous.

However, what is the point in you spreading mistruths??

Grade 20's pay for health insurance like anyone else.

They do NOT get millions of dollars. Are they hurting? No... They make up about .25% of a fortune 50 company. What do you think the top .25% of executives at Microsoft or IBM make?

You want to make as much or more than your peers. However, you think that these top executives do not deserve the same right.

Again, you deserve a good and fair contract now. That does not excuse your biased misinformation.


OZ made 450.000. scott makes 6.4mil and gave himself and his gr 20 and up a 600 percent pay raise in stock payed out over 3 years...crooks.


Well-Known Member
You two are crazy drinking brown kool-aid. They gave themselves raises and ALL Grade 20s have their own "pileOmoney" devided between themselves. If you read their contract closely it also includes many Division Managers that perform. You two guys take the company's side anyway so go wax your district managers Lexus and his wife's Range Rover. You two guys only care about the top people, why didnt you answer Angel Mary and tell her she makes enough and have her pay more for her health care. I bet you two will be the first to ask drivers to pay out of pocket for health care and big deductables.

Let me get this straight.

You post biased and inaccurate information and rather than posting facts, you instead choose to attack my credibility.

Then, you go ahead an post more inaccurate information. Ther is no contract. Grade 20's did not get raises.

If you are talking about LTIP, this was discussed before. It is not a "pileomoney" to be divided.

Again, why should you make more or the same as your peers, and not UPS management?



Well-Known Member
UPS management has been seeing the real UPS for years. They are the first to get it rammed up their a** because they have no representation or recourse. The days of the old PARTNERSHIP is over. We have to go to the street to hire management because there are no mechanics in their right mind that would take a promotion and a step back. The policy book and all of UPS's traditions are dead! They eat their own and will destroy anyone without representation. Anyone that believes UPS will do the right thing is a fool! One of the oldest and respected companies in American history is no more...just a perverted shell of its self. Get whatever you can... because they will do the same just go ask your supervisor.


Well-Known Member
P man and been there, please go back to the IE board and carry junior sup disorganized with you. We were offered this, pay for health care, 1% raise, no retro, and more work to vendors, we say NO. You 3 guys think you know it all and maybe you do so go to the DIAD board or MIP board or Hypo loan board and leave us to discuss our struggle with "the company". Tell people how my 800 shares of OPL was paid off in pennies by Mary. Tell me why Founders day is out, what about Sales Lead, what about safe drivers awards, nascar, golf, etc etc.


Nine Lives
Let me get this straight.

You post biased and inaccurate information and rather than posting facts, you instead choose to attack my credibility.

Then, you go ahead an post more inaccurate information.

Sorry, I guess we should have warned you.

You are without a doubt wasting your time on this thread.

No one takes him seriously and he is quite amusing. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I guess we should have warned you.

You are without a doubt wasting your time on this thread.

No one takes him seriously and he is quite amusing. :wink2:
"It's been my observation that you always act from a sense of justice...or at least what you consider justice. There is no feeling behind what you do, no emotion beyond a certain distaste for loose ends and disorder. You don't know what it means to care about someone, do you? People are just interesting creatures ...to be studied and analyzed."
-Garak- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
P man and been there, please go back to the IE board and carry junior sup disorganized with you. We were offered this, pay for health care, 1% raise, no retro, and more work to vendors, we say NO. You 3 guys think you know it all and maybe you do so go to the DIAD board or MIP board or Hypo loan board and leave us to discuss our struggle with "the company". Tell people how my 800 shares of OPL was paid off in pennies by Mary. Tell me why Founders day is out, what about Sales Lead, what about safe drivers awards, nascar, golf, etc etc.

Sorry, it's a public board, and we can't let you just spew out incorrect data and let you claim it as facts. So what you are offered is what we already have; We've been paying for health care for years. We got a 0% raise this year, not 1%w. You're making the highest pay in industry, we aren't anymore. We used to have way more mgmt in the regions and districts and we reduced them. So what you are offered, is still better then what we have.


Well-Known Member
We've been paying for health care for years. We got a 0% raise this year, not 1%w. You're making the highest pay in industry, we aren't anymore. We used to have way more mgmt in the regions and districts and we reduced them. So what you are offered, is still better then what we have.

Thats why we must fight UPS every step of the way. We don't want to be on the same slippery slope your on. UPS cuts your benifits and pay at every opportunity knowing you will continue to take it in the hopes that things will get better. When thing get better for UPS your situation won't, you will continue to get the short end in order to meet the bottom line. The PARTNERSHIP is over and all the blood ,sweat and tears you guys poured into this company was for nothing. Keep drinking the koolaid! The next time UPS kicks you in the a** just say "Can I have another."


Well-Known Member
You need to take a reality pill! Nobody, and I mean Nobody ever likes to get less. Talk to your neighbors, talk to the school teachers, go look at all the empty closed stores in the strip malls, go look at the unemployment numbers, go talk to all those people who have had their homes foreclosed, most of these people would have given up a lot to continue to survive.

It's a shame you guys have gone four years with this mess, but your union is just as much to blame as the company. You guys never want to give up anything. It's always we want more and more and more! We all want more, but times have changed!

My youngest son has a small general contractors business. He pays $1,000.00 a month to insure his family. He doesn't get paid if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid if he takes a vacation. Before you say it, he chooses to do this. You chose to be where you are. Stand United and strong and do what you can to bring this company down and see where you end up. Can you say Eastern Airlines!!!!

"Remember the big fish always eats the little one's"


Well-Known Member
You need to take a reality pill! Nobody, and I mean Nobody ever likes to get less. Talk to your neighbors, talk to the school teachers, go look at all the empty closed stores in the strip malls, go look at the unemployment numbers, go talk to all those people who have had their homes foreclosed, most of these people would have given up a lot to continue to survive.

It's a shame you guys have gone four years with this mess, but your union is just as much to blame as the company. You guys never want to give up anything. It's always we want more and more and more! We all want more, but times have changed!

My youngest son has a small general contractors business. He pays $1,000.00 a month to insure his family. He doesn't get paid if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid if he takes a vacation. Before you say it, he chooses to do this. You chose to be where you are. Stand United and strong and do what you can to bring this company down and see where you end up. Can you say Eastern Airlines!!!!

"Remember the big fish always eats the little one's"
So how many cuts are you willing to take? Your the perfect UPS drone willing to to do anything just to "survive". Next time UPS bends you over just ask for another, after all you will survive. You can't go through life being a little fish all the time. Man up and fight for yourself!!


Well-Known Member
Your the perfect UPS drone willing to to do anything just to "survive".
A Borg Drone is an assimilated being within the Borg Collective. These beings are enhanced thru the use of Borg technology, connecting them to the hive mind and stripping them of any individuality. Worker drones are the most common type of Borg and they perform the majority of the tasks on a vessel or complex, as well as beginning the assimilation process when facing other lifeforms. They are equiped with standard drone enhancements and technolgies.
-Data- Star Trek TNG


Well-Known Member
I was hoping that this thread would last so long that Puff Daddy would run out of Star Trek quotes.
"Had enough? I never realized what it took to get under that thick hide of yours. Besides,I don't know what your upset about - It isn't every first officer that gets to belt his captain...several time."
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
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Well-Known Member
" A chimpanzee and two trainee's could run her."
-Montgomery Scott- Star Trek TOS
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS

Good work Mr. Overspeed with your Asian connections in HKG. A/C 256 dumped 8,000 lbs of fuel due to not following Mtc. Manual procedures when changing Overhead Fuel Control Panel on 09-19-09. Has anyone heard of this? Absolutely not! Why, because it was done in Asia. Can't read English, no problem the FAA doesn't care! What have they done that hasn't surfaced yet? Keep sending work to Asia!

"If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
- Adolf Hitler
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