Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Good work Mr. Overspeed with your Asian connections in HKG. A/C 256 dumped 8,000 lbs of fuel due to not following Mtc. Manual procedures when changing Overhead Fuel Control Panel on 09-19-09. Has anyone heard of this? Absolutely not! Why, because it was done in Asia. Can't read English, no problem the FAA doesn't care! What have they done that hasn't surfaced yet? Keep sending work to Asia!

"If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."

- Adolf Hitler
8000lbs of fuel or 56,000 gallons! I doubt any warning letters will be going out to the boys in Asia....not at those prices! God only knows what other time bombs we have circling the globe.


Well-Known Member
Good work Mr. Overspeed with your Asian connections in HKG. A/C 256 dumped 8,000 lbs of fuel due to not following Mtc. Manual procedures when changing Overhead Fuel Control Panel on 09-19-09. Has anyone heard of this? Absolutely not! Why, because it was done in Asia. Can't read English, no problem the FAA doesn't care! What have they done that hasn't surfaced yet? Keep sending work to Asia!

"If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."

- Adolf Hitler
" Ahe ya daft lads...I think this new ship was put together by monkeys. Oh, shes got a fine engine, but half the doors won't open, and guess who's job it is to make it right! Oh my bairns! My poor poor bairns!"
-Montgomery Scott- Star Trek TOS


First off, there is no contract with mgmt. There is what is reported for compensation and the plans for changes for the top mgmt in the company based on SEC rules. Second, as you indicated in the past, you still are the top paid aircraft mechanic in the industry, our drivers are the top paid drivers in the industry, but the top mgmt team isn't. Yes, They do make a lot, but the top mgmt folks should. If you aren't at a 20, you aren't getting the bonus. Is their an exception, sure, but that's a rarity. If you read my posts, I don't always take the companys side. Yes, I think we all should be chipping in for HW. I have been for years, I think the hourlies should also.
Sorry you have to pay for your insurance, not. Like the other non union folk that work at ups, get union, get better beni's.


After finally getting up to speed with my favorite thread on BC, so many great pics were posted there, I decided to get up to date with this one. What's this company coming to. Where is the legacy that Jim Casey left us. It's all gone, and why. Becuase everyone is chasing the almighty buck, instead of realizing that chasing the money paying customer, with an excellent service, unmatched by any other company, will allow us all to prosper. After some boneheaded management decided to offer a crappy contract in 97, or at least that's what we were told, and a Union Leader, trying to make a name for himself, chose a stirke, instead of letting the members decide if the company offer was worth a vote by the members it affected, the customer committment that made this company great, went out the window. The middle 90's showed some promise. The management showed a willingness to compromise with the hourly employees. It seemed like we were all striving for great customer satisfaction. It felt so differant than the late 80's. Any package driver that was around a few years before and after the strike knows full well what I'm talking about. After the strike, the company changed. The customer didn't matter like they used to. Was it because they really supported the hourlies during the strike. What did management expect. Your hourlies, but mostly the package drivers, are the ones making them happy. Doing all the little extra things to show them what a great company we were working for. When their drivers told them the company was treating us like crap, with a crappy offer, yes, an offer we never got to see, of course they were gonna take our side. When they tossed you from their stores, and told you to come back after you settled the strike, you turned on them. Don't deny it. Plenty of management/supervisors have admitted it to their emplyees over the past 10 years. You had better find middle ground soon. Before it is to late. To my fellow Teamsters, yes, I do believe that if this band of our brothers, the Arline Mechanics, do have to strike, they will get the full support of the rest of us union brothers/sisters. How can they not? They supported us in our time of need. Just as the pilots did. Some of the posts here say, You already are the higest paid in the industry. You are damm right they are, and so are WE, and so are our PILOTS. Why, because we are the best damm delivery company in the world today, bar none. You want to be the best, you work like the best, and you get PAID like the best. The AM's are fighting for what they deserve, their jobs, their beni's and their pay to remain the best in the industry. The company is outsourcing theire wotk to China and Asia. They are trying the same thing that a lot on non-union companies have been doing for years, creating jobs for low paying sweat shops at the exspense of our jobs here in the USA. We, the American workers created this company, we the American workers should be keeping our jobs, right here in the USA. We Teamsters have been fighting scabs pulling our loads for years, now the AM's are doing the same, support them, as they have supported us. Together we win, devided we fail. One poster on this thread talked about going to WallMart, where she will get better insurance:surprised:, hey lady, get a clue. Start organizing your fellow workers to vote the union into your jobs, then you wont need that part time job at WallMart. Do you see us union folks getting lousy health insurance? And we will fight to keep ours that way in the future, just as the AM's are now. I don't feel sympathy for the management folks posting on this thread about having to pay for their insurance either. Just as you get to chose to go into management:sad-very:, I chose to stay union, where my beni's may be under attack, but they are still intact. Your pay far outways your having to pay some of the cost of your insurance. Good luck Airline Mech's, you've got this Teasmters:peaceful: support 100%

Lue C Fur

Evil member
After finally getting up to speed with my favorite thread on BC, so many great pics were posted there, I decided to get up to date with this one. What's this company coming to. Where is the legacy that Jim Casey left us. It's all gone, and why. Becuase everyone is chasing the almighty buck, instead of realizing that chasing the money paying customer, with an excellent service, unmatched by any other company, will allow us all to prosper. After some boneheaded management decided to offer a crappy contract in 97, or at least that's what we were told, and a Union Leader, trying to make a name for himself, chose a stirke, instead of letting the members decide if the company offer was worth a vote by the members it affected, the customer committment that made this company great, went out the window. The middle 90's showed some promise. The management showed a willingness to compromise with the hourly employees. It seemed like we were all striving for great customer satisfaction. It felt so differant than the late 80's. Any package driver that was around a few years before and after the strike knows full well what I'm talking about. After the strike, the company changed. The customer didn't matter like they used to. Was it because they really supported the hourlies during the strike. What did management expect. Your hourlies, but mostly the package drivers, are the ones making them happy. Doing all the little extra things to show them what a great company we were working for. When their drivers told them the company was treating us like crap, with a crappy offer, yes, an offer we never got to see, of course they were gonna take our side. When they tossed you from their stores, and told you to come back after you settled the strike, you turned on them. Don't deny it. Plenty of management/supervisors have admitted it to their emplyees over the past 10 years. You had better find middle ground soon. Before it is to late. To my fellow Teamsters, yes, I do believe that if this band of our brothers, the Arline Mechanics, do have to strike, they will get the full support of the rest of us union brothers/sisters. How can they not? They supported us in our time of need. Just as the pilots did. Some of the posts here say, You already are the higest paid in the industry. You are damm right they are, and so are WE, and so are our PILOTS. Why, because we are the best damm delivery company in the world today, bar none. You want to be the best, you work like the best, and you get PAID like the best. The AM's are fighting for what they deserve, their jobs, their beni's and their pay to remain the best in the industry. The company is outsourcing theire wotk to China and Asia. They are trying the same thing that a lot on non-union companies have been doing for years, creating jobs for low paying sweat shops at the exspense of our jobs here in the USA. We, the American workers created this company, we the American workers should be keeping our jobs, right here in the USA. We Teamsters have been fighting scabs pulling our loads for years, now the AM's are doing the same, support them, as they have supported us. Together we win, devided we fail. One poster on this thread talked about going to WallMart, where she will get better insurance:surprised:, hey lady, get a clue. Start organizing your fellow workers to vote the union into your jobs, then you wont need that part time job at WallMart. Do you see us union folks getting lousy health insurance? And we will fight to keep ours that way in the future, just as the AM's are now. I don't feel sympathy for the management folks posting on this thread about having to pay for their insurance either. Just as you get to chose to go into management:sad-very:, I chose to stay union, where my beni's may be under attack, but they are still intact. Your pay far outways your having to pay some of the cost of your insurance. Good luck Airline Mech's, you've got this Teasmters:peaceful: support 100%

Very well said brother.:thumbup:

Dis-organized Labor

P man and been there, please go back to the IE board and carry junior sup disorganized with you. We were offered this, pay for health care, 1% raise, no retro, and more work to vendors, we say NO. You 3 guys think you know it all and maybe you do so go to the DIAD board or MIP board or Hypo loan board and leave us to discuss our struggle with "the company". Tell people how my 800 shares of OPL was paid off in pennies by Mary. Tell me why Founders day is out, what about Sales Lead, what about safe drivers awards, nascar, golf, etc etc.

What's the problem, Union and AOT Savior? Can't handle the truth?

You are a complete loser. You come riding in on your white truck, but you're asleep at the wheel as usual.

Your Struggle with the Company???

What about our struggle with people like you?? Self-proclaimed experts and authorities on everything. You're just a little under-achiever that can't accept your insignificance in the grand scheme of things. No one wants your opinion or input. We don't need it. Little, insignificant UNION & AOT SAVIOR, TA TA TA TAAAAAA. UNION & AOT SAVIOR IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY (I wish Andy Kaufman was here to sing it to you).



Well-Known Member
What's the problem, Union and AOT Savior? Can't handle the truth?

You are a complete loser. You come riding in on your white truck, but you're asleep at the wheel as usual.

Your Struggle with the Company???

What about our struggle with people like you?? Self-proclaimed experts and authorities on everything. You're just a little under-achiever that can't accept your insignificance in the grand scheme of things. No one wants your opinion or input. We don't need it. Little, insignificant UNION & AOT SAVIOR, TA TA TA TAAAAAA. UNION & AOT SAVIOR IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY (I wish Andy Kaufman was here to sing it to you).

"Alright you mutinos, disloyal, computerized half-breed, we'll see about you deserting my ship....Your a overgrown jackrabbit. An elf with a hyperactive thyroid....What else would you expect from a simpering devil eared freak who's father was a computer and who's mother was an encylopedia....Your father was a computer, like his son......From a planet of traitors. A Vulcan never lived who had an ounce of integrity....Your a traitor from a race of traitors. Disloyal to the core; rotton like the rest of your sub-human race, and you got the GALL to make love to that girl. Does she know what she's getting? A carcass full of memory banks who should be squatting on a mushroom, instead of passing himself off as a man. You belong in a circus, not a starship. RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOG-FACED BOY!"
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
I agree well said and thanks for your support !!!!

Two quotes in a row! Very impressive 767. Combine must of gave you some leash. You should pass Happybobs post to Combine, maybe it will inspire him to grow a spine. Lets hope our E-board grows a pair and does not get steam rolled this week in negotiations. No concessions!! Ever!!

Dis-organized Labor

After finally getting up to speed with my favorite thread on BC, so many great pics were posted there, I decided to get up to date with this one. What's this company coming to. Where is the legacy that Jim Casey left us. It's all gone, and why. Becuase everyone is chasing the almighty buck, instead of realizing that chasing the money paying customer, with an excellent service, unmatched by any other company, will allow us all to prosper. After some boneheaded management decided to offer a crappy contract in 97, or at least that's what we were told, and a Union Leader, trying to make a name for himself, chose a stirke, instead of letting the members decide if the company offer was worth a vote by the members it affected, the customer committment that made this company great, went out the window. The middle 90's showed some promise. The management showed a willingness to compromise with the hourly employees. It seemed like we were all striving for great customer satisfaction. It felt so differant than the late 80's. Any package driver that was around a few years before and after the strike knows full well what I'm talking about. After the strike, the company changed. The customer didn't matter like they used to. Was it because they really supported the hourlies during the strike. What did management expect. Your hourlies, but mostly the package drivers, are the ones making them happy. Doing all the little extra things to show them what a great company we were working for. When their drivers told them the company was treating us like crap, with a crappy offer, yes, an offer we never got to see, of course they were gonna take our side. When they tossed you from their stores, and told you to come back after you settled the strike, you turned on them. Don't deny it. Plenty of management/supervisors have admitted it to their emplyees over the past 10 years. You had better find middle ground soon. Before it is to late. To my fellow Teamsters, yes, I do believe that if this band of our brothers, the Arline Mechanics, do have to strike, they will get the full support of the rest of us union brothers/sisters. How can they not? They supported us in our time of need. Just as the pilots did. Some of the posts here say, You already are the higest paid in the industry. You are damm right they are, and so are WE, and so are our PILOTS. Why, because we are the best damm delivery company in the world today, bar none. You want to be the best, you work like the best, and you get PAID like the best. The AM's are fighting for what they deserve, their jobs, their beni's and their pay to remain the best in the industry. The company is outsourcing theire wotk to China and Asia. They are trying the same thing that a lot on non-union companies have been doing for years, creating jobs for low paying sweat shops at the exspense of our jobs here in the USA. We, the American workers created this company, we the American workers should be keeping our jobs, right here in the USA. We Teamsters have been fighting scabs pulling our loads for years, now the AM's are doing the same, support them, as they have supported us. Together we win, devided we fail. One poster on this thread talked about going to WallMart, where she will get better insurance:surprised:, hey lady, get a clue. Start organizing your fellow workers to vote the union into your jobs, then you wont need that part time job at WallMart. Do you see us union folks getting lousy health insurance? And we will fight to keep ours that way in the future, just as the AM's are now. I don't feel sympathy for the management folks posting on this thread about having to pay for their insurance either. Just as you get to chose to go into management:sad-very:, I chose to stay union, where my beni's may be under attack, but they are still intact. Your pay far outways your having to pay some of the cost of your insurance. Good luck Airline Mech's, you've got this Teasmters:peaceful: support 100%

The outsourcing spin is a crock!
All that has been sent overseas is Gateway Support, naturally, some wheels and brakes, as it is more cost effecient than shipping them from Louisville and two C Check lines in HKG. We have been doing C Checks overseas since 1990 when we couldn't afford the outrageous IAM price tags in the US.
That's it!

As far as the MD11 dumping fuel, obviously something was broken and needed to be fixed. For those that don't get it, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A FREAKIN' AIRPLANE!!!!
Would it be better to fly it here broken with no revenue so that some Teamster can drag out the repair and explore the entire fuselage trying to find some reason to keep the airplane out of service longer?
THAT is why the mechanics are treated with contempt on occassion.
THEY are screwing UPS, not the management that are trying to deliver what we tell our customers.
Morons like AIRBUSFXR are bad for us all. Getting more and more while everyone in the US has to GIVE UP more and more will create some real and should be anticipated tension between management and labor.
Then they can whine on and on about how poorly they're treated.
Any of you people understand the concept of "Cause and Effect"???


Well-Known Member
The outsourcing spin is a crock!
All that has been sent overseas is Gateway Support, naturally, some wheels and brakes, as it is more cost effecient than shipping them from Louisville and two C Check lines in HKG. We have been doing C Checks overseas since 1990 when we couldn't afford the outrageous IAM price tags in the US.
That's it!

As far as the MD11 dumping fuel, obviously something was broken and needed to be fixed. For those that don't get it, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A FREAKIN' AIRPLANE!!!!
Would it be better to fly it here broken with no revenue so that some Teamster can drag out the repair and explore the entire fuselage trying to find some reason to keep the airplane out of service longer?
THAT is why the mechanics are treated with contempt on occassion.
THEY are screwing UPS, not the management that are trying to deliver what we tell our customers.
Morons like AIRBUSFXR are bad for us all. Getting more and more while everyone in the US has to GIVE UP more and more will create some real and should be anticipated tension between management and labor.
Then they can whine on and on about how poorly they're treated.
Any of you people understand the concept of "Cause and Effect"???
"So let me get this straight...no sleep, no food, no women. No wonder you'r so angry. After thirty or fourty years of that, I'd be angry too."
-Jadzia Dax- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
The outsourcing spin is a crock!
All that has been sent overseas is Gateway Support, naturally, some wheels and brakes, as it is more cost effecient than shipping them from Louisville and two C Check lines in HKG. We have been doing C Checks overseas since 1990 when we couldn't afford the outrageous IAM price tags in the US.
That's it!

As far as the MD11 dumping fuel, obviously something was broken and needed to be fixed. For those that don't get it, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A FREAKIN' AIRPLANE!!!!
Would it be better to fly it here broken with no revenue so that some Teamster can drag out the repair and explore the entire fuselage trying to find some reason to keep the airplane out of service longer?
THAT is why the mechanics are treated with contempt on occassion.
THEY are screwing UPS, not the management that are trying to deliver what we tell our customers.
Morons like AIRBUSFXR are bad for us all. Getting more and more while everyone in the US has to GIVE UP more and more will create some real and should be anticipated tension between management and labor.
Then they can whine on and on about how poorly they're treated.
Any of you people understand the concept of "Cause and Effect"???

Real tough guy hiding behind a computer screen. I know you don't act that way out on the line! Funny thing is when all this is over, you will still be chasing your crew around trying to figure out whats going on. Stay under the radar because supervisor layoffs are coming.

P.S And I stll won't be paying for may insurance


Well-Known Member
Dis organized was the sup that couldnt get in the 757, had to call on the radio for a mechanic to open the door so he could in and look. He wont be laid off because he makes jr sup pay and just chases his tail trying to figure out what each mechanic is up to, which is making UPS money. UPS will be running off the sups that are over 55 with 18 yrs of service no matter if they have kids in school. **** He will be left to manage the workforce, sad.


Well-Known Member
Dis organized was the sup that couldnt get in the 757, had to call on the radio for a mechanic to open the door so he could in and look. He wont be laid off because he makes jr sup pay and just chases his tail trying to figure out what each mechanic is up to, which is making UPS money. UPS will be running off the sups that are over 55 with 18 yrs of service no matter if they have kids in school. **** He will be left to manage the workforce, sad.
"Still chasing your own tail? Picard and his lackeys would have solved all this techno-babble hours ago. No wonder your not commanding a starship."
-Q- Star Trek TNG
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Well-Known Member
As far as the MD11 dumping fuel, obviously something was broken.
Wow, no kidding! How would you know? Oh yea, you would read it on the wan.

For those that don't get it, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A FREAKIN' AIRPLANE!!!!
FREAKIN' AIRPLANE OR FREAKIN BROWN TRUCK you couldn't fix either one.

Would it be better to fly it here broken with no revenue so that some Teamster can drag out the repair and explore the entire fuselage trying to find some reason to keep the airplane out of service longer?
You're not the smartest ex pig farming sep sup is ya? Get someone to read the history for you. The item on the a/c was deferred because the #2 qty back light was out. The FREAKIN AIRPLANE was flying and making money when Balls On Chin decided to disconnect two cannon plugs and dump 8000 lbs of jet A on the ramp like "Rite Now"!

THEY are screwing UPS, not the management that are trying to deliver
Oh Management delivered all right. They Delivered 8000 lbs of Jet A to HKG ramp like "Rite Now" Zero Service Failures.

Dis organized was the sup that couldn't get in the 757, had to call on the radio for a mechanic to open the door.
Was you trained by Ross Peterman?

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
-Adolf Hitler

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You're not the smartest ex pig farming sep sup is ya? Get someone to read the history for you. The item on the a/c was deferred because the #2 qty back light was out. The FREAKIN AIRPLANE was flying and making money when Balls On Chin decided to disconnect two cannon plugs and dump 8000 lbs of jet A on the ramp like "Rite Now"!

Balls on chin...like Peter? he he

Keep sending the work overseas to that great cheap labor...you get what you pay for. First is fuel on the ramp...next its plane in the pond.

Hey mabye they can outsource managment too...replace them with Walmart supes. :devil:
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