Local 2727 UPDATE

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Dis-organized Labor

Real tough guy hiding behind a computer screen. I know you don't act that way out on the line! Funny thing is when all this is over, you will still be chasing your crew around trying to figure out whats going on. Stay under the radar because supervisor layoffs are coming.

P.S And I stll won't be paying for may insurance

I'm not "hiding" *******, I'm typing just as you are.
Do you even know what "radar" is? How does one stay under it? Do you know what "Sea Return" is? Probably not, ********.
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Dis-organized Labor

Dis organized was the sup that couldnt get in the 757, had to call on the radio for a mechanic to open the door so he could in and look. He wont be laid off because he makes jr sup pay and just chases his tail trying to figure out what each mechanic is up to, which is making UPS money. UPS will be running off the sups that are over 55 with 18 yrs of service no matter if they have kids in school. **** He will be left to manage the workforce, sad.


Why don't you have Nazi quotes and Hitler Avatars like your "colleagues". What a joke. You may have free health care, but I will always be YOUR SUPERIOR!! AND DON'T EVER FORGET THAT ha ha ha ha


Well-Known Member

Why don't you have Nazi quotes and Hitler Avatars like your "colleagues". What a joke. You may have free health care, but I will always be YOUR SUPERIOR!! AND DON'T EVER FORGET THAT ha ha ha ha
" My friend is obviously Chinese. I see you noticed the ears, they're actually easy to explain."

"Perhaps the unfortunate accident I had as a child"

"....The unfortunate accident he had as a child. He caught his head in a mechanical....rice picker."
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
-Spock- Star Trek TOS
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Well-Known Member
I'm not "hiding" *******, I'm typing just as you are.
Do you even know what "radar" is? How does one stay under it? Do you know what "Sea Return" is? Probably not, ********.


Why don't you have Nazi quotes and Hitler Avatars like your "colleagues". What a joke. You may have free health care, but I will always be YOUR SUPERIOR!! AND DON'T EVER FORGET THAT ha ha ha ha

Getting a little touchy I see. I know its hard trying to be an effective supervisor when your not equiped with the basic knowlege to do your job. Like I said before get some training so you can deal with your crew more effectively. You will never get off that 30/60/90 if you continue to allow your crew to run you around in circles! Its a good thing we are in contract negotiations, because you can blame all your problems on those 'maroon' mechanics. That excuse won't fly when things are settled! Then again you might not make it that far, and God forbid if we go on strike and you have to demonstrate even a minimum level of skill. You can't go thru life as a empty suit! Education and training is the key to your survival so quit being lazy and get educated. NOW GO APPROVE MY TIMECARD.


Well-Known Member
The outsourcing spin is a crock!
All that has been sent overseas is Gateway Support, naturally, some wheels and brakes, as it is more cost effecient than shipping them from Louisville and two C Check lines in HKG. We have been doing C Checks overseas since 1990 when we couldn't afford the outrageous IAM price tags in the US.
That's it!

As far as the MD11 dumping fuel, obviously something was broken and needed to be fixed. For those that don't get it, WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A FREAKIN' AIRPLANE!!!!
Would it be better to fly it here broken with no revenue so that some Teamster can drag out the repair and explore the entire fuselage trying to find some reason to keep the airplane out of service longer?
THAT is why the mechanics are treated with contempt on occassion.
THEY are screwing UPS, not the management that are trying to deliver what we tell our customers.
Morons like AIRBUSFXR are bad for us all. Getting more and more while everyone in the US has to GIVE UP more and more will create some real and should be anticipated tension between management and labor.
Then they can whine on and on about how poorly they're treated.
Any of you people understand the concept of "Cause and Effect"???

Outsourcing is happening everyday. Talk to your planning dept. and ask them why our ps1 checks are scheduled overseas also ask them why they issue wans to work mel's that are not even close to drop dead. and ask them why they schedule pmc checks overseas. I have asked and got to the bottom of it. They simply do not have the manpower to cover the work anymore. Our planning dept. is at odds with upper mangmnt regarding the layoffs. They simply cannot cover the work anymore. Therefore more scheduled work is done overseas. It is obviouse that you have not looked into our outsourcing problem and are not sure of your stance. I would advise you to do some homework on your next issue with American a/c maintenance. The reason the fuel dump was brought was because it is an indication of the quality of service we recieve in asia not that there is service in asia. I am tired of people like you thinking outsourcing only pertains to heavy checks. Beleive it or not an a/c requires a lot more maintenannce than letter checks alone.


Well-Known Member
Outsourcing is happening everyday. Talk to your planning dept. and ask them why our ps1 checks are scheduled overseas also ask them why they issue wans to work mel's that are not even close to drop dead. and ask them why they schedule pmc checks overseas. I have asked and got to the bottom of it. They simply do not have the manpower to cover the work anymore. Our planning dept. is at odds with upper mangmnt regarding the layoffs. They simply cannot cover the work anymore. Therefore more scheduled work is done overseas. It is obviouse that you have not looked into our outsourcing problem and are not sure of your stance. I would advise you to do some homework on your next issue with American a/c maintenance. The reason the fuel dump was brought was because it is an indication of the quality of service we recieve in asia not that there is service in asia. I am tired of people like you thinking outsourcing only pertains to heavy checks. Beleive it or not an a/c requires a lot more maintenannce than letter checks alone.
"How long to re-fit?"

"Eight weeks. But you don't have eight weeks, so I will do it for you in two."

"Do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?"

"How else to maintain my reputation as a miracle worker?"
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
- Montgomery Scott- Star Trek TOS
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Well-Known Member
cookdaddy, what are you going to quote when you run out of star trek? NERD!
"If you can't take a little bloddy nose, maybe you should go back home and crawl under your bed. Its not safe out here. Its wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but its not a place for the TIMID.
-Q- Star Trek TNG
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Dis-organized Labor

Getting a little touchy I see. I know its hard trying to be an effective supervisor when your not equiped with the basic knowlege to do your job. Like I said before get some training so you can deal with your crew more effectively. You will never get off that 30/60/90 if you continue to allow your crew to run you around in circles! Its a good thing we are in contract negotiations, because you can blame all your problems on those 'maroon' mechanics. That excuse won't fly when things are settled! Then again you might not make it that far, and God forbid if we go on strike and you have to demonstrate even a minimum level of skill. You can't go thru life as a empty suit! Education and training is the key to your survival so quit being lazy and get educated. NOW GO APPROVE MY TIMECARD.

You don't have a clue.
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Well-Known Member
You don't have a clue.
"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to tell the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It's the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based! If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform! I'm going to make this simple for you mister! Either you come foward and tell Admiral Brand what really took place, or I will!"
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard- Star Trek TNG
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This is the worst managment team in aviation history. this mangment team we have is not capable to run a laudromat. we all laugh at you guys with every stupid decision you make every day. most of our mangment team has never worked on aircraft. and the few of you that have either quit or are looking for other jobs . since I was hired I have seen seven supervisors find other jobs like at SouthWest Airlines , And The FAA. This is the first company I have worked for that no one whants to be in mangment. Even my current supervisors say they wish they never whent to managment. Thats why UPS has to promote from the Box head side. you guys do not know the differance between a High lock and a rivit. And if we are such bad techs remember you hired us! Hail local 2727:wink2:


Well-Known Member
This is the worst managment team in aviation history. this mangment team we have is not capable to run a laudromat. we all laugh at you guys with every stupid decision you make every day. most of our mangment team has never worked on aircraft. and the few of you that have either quit or are looking for other jobs . since I was hired I have seen seven supervisors find other jobs like at SouthWest Airlines , And The FAA. This is the first company I have worked for that no one whants to be in mangment. Even my current supervisors say they wish they never whent to managment. Thats why UPS has to promote from the Box head side. you guys do not know the differance between a High lock and a rivit. And if we are such bad techs remember you hired us! Hail local 2727:wink2:

The airline is definitly a dis-functional group! Most management people in UPS come up through the ranks. They generally know what the job is and understand what it takes to to be effective. Not in the airline, most sups and managers never worked on UPS aircraft and have no native knowlege on how to fix aircraft. They were either hired from some other bankrupt outfits or are trainee supervisors with ZERO experience. It's very difficult to run an operation when your supervisor and manager never worked on aircraft and rely on Tech Services for all aircraft related problems. Thats why we get paid the top dollar, because we are all out on an island fixing aircrat with no support system. Dis-Organized Labor is a classic case of a supervisor in way over his head. He was thrown into a situation where he did not know his job or how to direct a group on mechanics. In order to survive he focuses in on job rules instead of fixing aircraft. UPS has a management structure who's only concern is enforcing inane work rule....because fixing aircraft is beyond their abilities.


Well-Known Member

September 25, 2009 Official Statement of Teamsters Airline Division Director David Bourne

Press ContactGalen Munroe

[email protected]


The following is the official statement of Teamsters Airline Division Director David Bourne on the strike authorization vote by 1,400 UPS airline mechanics represented by Teamsters Local 2727 in Louisville, Ky.:
“Recently our 1,400 brothers and sisters at Teamsters Local 2727 that work as airline mechanics at UPS voted to authorize their union representatives to take them out on strike if necessary. We as an organization hope we will not be forced to take such an action, and hope to reach a fair agreement with the company.
“The Teamsters Union and its Airline Division stands ready to support these workers in their struggle secure a strong contract. Negotiations with the company for a new contract have been ongoing since October 2006. It is past time for UPS to recognize these skilled mechanics are an invaluable asset to the company, an asset that should not be marginalized.
“Our union will fight to ensure that any agreement reached between the company and Local 2727 will include acceptable gains in wage and benefit packages and language that protects any of their work from being outsourced to foreign maintenance stations.
“These mechanics are some of the most skilled workers in their industry – we hope that UPS recognizes this fact and treats them with the respect they deserve.”
The Teamsters Union was founded in 1903 and represents more than 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.



Well-Known Member

September 25, 2009 Official Statement of Teamsters Airline Division Director David Bourne

Press ContactGalen Munroe

[email protected]


The following is the official statement of Teamsters Airline Division Director David Bourne on the strike authorization vote by 1,400 UPS airline mechanics represented by Teamsters Local 2727 in Louisville, Ky.:
“Recently our 1,400 brothers and sisters at Teamsters Local 2727 that work as airline mechanics at UPS voted to authorize their union representatives to take them out on strike if necessary. We as an organization hope we will not be forced to take such an action, and hope to reach a fair agreement with the company.
“The Teamsters Union and its Airline Division stands ready to support these workers in their struggle secure a strong contract. Negotiations with the company for a new contract have been ongoing since October 2006. It is past time for UPS to recognize these skilled mechanics are an invaluable asset to the company, an asset that should not be marginalized.
“Our union will fight to ensure that any agreement reached between the company and Local 2727 will include acceptable gains in wage and benefit packages and language that protects any of their work from being outsourced to foreign maintenance stations.
“These mechanics are some of the most skilled workers in their industry – we hope that UPS recognizes this fact and treats them with the respect they deserve.”
The Teamsters Union was founded in 1903 and represents more than 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

"A true victory is to make your enemy see that they were wrong to oppose you in the first place; to force them to acknowledge your greatness."
-Gul Ducat- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
Looks like another wasted week of negotiations. No progress, just getting worse.

Did you expect progress? The company will not negotiate in good faith with this E-board. They will continue to stone wall and lay people off until our E-board hands them a concessionary contract. Once again we need to be patient and not let UPS dictate the pace of negotiations. UPS is deperate to get out from under our current contract, so why is the E-board pushing us into a strike? I guess we can expect more Billboards on I-65....Overtime band anyone?

767mech any word of wisdom? Anything to rally the troops? Come on give us something!

P.S Wait them out till 2010 then start the real negotiations!


Well-Known Member
Did you expect progress? The company will not negotiate in good faith with this E-board. They will continue to stone wall and lay people off until our E-board hands them a concessionary contract.

Combine must face reality and come to the conclusion that the rest of the membership has come to grips with. A 90% strike vote is a veiled threat and obviously the company is not concerned. Our next E-board will get the job done. If the company wants to wait til the economy turns around then we should oblige them.

"The God of War hates those who hesitate."
- Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Combine must face reality and come to the conclusion that the rest of the membership has come to grips with. A 90% strike vote is a veiled threat and obviously the company is not concerned. Our next E-board will get the job done. If the company wants to wait til the economy turns around then we should oblige them.

"The God of War hates those who hesitate."
- Adolf Hitler
"Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through...struggle, claw our way up...scratch for every inch of the way. Maybe we can't stroll to the music of lutes. We must march to the sound of drums."
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
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