Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
"We must march to the sound of drums."
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS

Hark, in the distance, the Labor natives must be wrestles. I hear the impending drone of drums. In my mind they are being played by Neil Peart. When I receive my marching papers in the very near future I will proudly Goose-Step out the door.

"War is the mother of everything."
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Hark, in the distance, the Labor natives must be wrestles. I hear the impending drone of drums. In my mind they are being played by Neil Peart. When I receive my marching papers in the very near future I will proudly Goose-Step out the door.

"War is the mother of everything."

-Adolf Hitler
"But...who knows-our reality may be very much like theirs. And all this...might just be an elaborate simulation running inside a little device...sitting on someone's table."
-Captain Jean-Luc Picard- Star Trek TNG


Well-Known Member
The talks went into the tank again last week. The company is just asking for a strike, do the people in ATL want a work stopage? It is hard to understand why UPS would let 920 people cause a service interuption that would have a financial downturn that makes '97 look like a gain. The Reuters article stated that UPS could double our pay and never miss one penny, and the ole UPS rule of thumb, Step over a dollar to pick up a penny, is more true today then ever. The insurance issue is the one that you, the driver, will be asked to pay for in your next contract. You must make sure that your IBT reps know that you will also strike to keep from losing your gains made from contracts in the past. UPS must understand that we are workers that provide end line customer service and must be fairly compensated. In closing, if Combine cannot strike before peak we must then wait till next Oct and give a new (old) E-Board a shot at dealing with UPS. I have a feeling a new (old) E-Board will not be as nice as this group but I will give them my support till the end.


Well-Known Member

The Reuters article probably is accurate in terms of the total dollars because of the small number of mechanics there are in comparison to the total UPS workforce. I think you are correct when you say that UPS wants the medical contribution. I also agree that this is what is coming down the road in the next Teamsters contract. I know that nobody likes it but, sadly that is the future and I think as a company they have to do this. The increase in costs is astronomical and if the meatheads in Washington don't do this Health care reform right it is only going to get worse for everyone. I don't have much faith in those fools in the Capital getting this right.

All the actions and decisions being made in Atlanta are all about cost. There is no growth, profit is dwindling, and operating cost continue to keep going up. Medical, fuel, insurance, labor, are all growing and the company will soon not be able to compete. The years of every contract offering more and more are over.
The move to outsourcing work is the true indicator that you guys are pricing yourselves out of business.
I have no interest in either side since I am retired. This is just one mans thoughts.



Well-Known Member
The talks went into the tank again last week. The company is just asking for a strike, do the people in ATL want a work stopage? It is hard to understand why UPS would let 920 people cause a service interuption that would have a financial downturn that makes '97 look like a gain. The Reuters article stated that UPS could double our pay and never miss one penny, and the ole UPS rule of thumb, Step over a dollar to pick up a penny, is more true today then ever. The insurance issue is the one that you, the driver, will be asked to pay for in your next contract. You must make sure that your IBT reps know that you will also strike to keep from losing your gains made from contracts in the past. UPS must understand that we are workers that provide end line customer service and must be fairly compensated. In closing, if Combine cannot strike before peak we must then wait till next Oct and give a new (old) E-Board a shot at dealing with UPS. I have a feeling a new (old) E-Board will not be as nice as this group but I will give them my support till the end.
" We Klingons have a reputation for ruthlessness; you will find that it is deserved. Should one Klingon soldier be killed, a thousand Organians will die. I will have ORDER!"
-Kor- Klingon Military Govenor of Organia-Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member

The Reuters article probably is accurate in terms of the total dollars because of the small number of mechanics there are in comparison to the total UPS workforce. I think you are correct when you say that UPS wants the medical contribution. I also agree that this is what is coming down the road in the next Teamsters contract. I know that nobody likes it but, sadly that is the future and I think as a company they have to do this. The increase in costs is astronomical and if the meatheads in Washington don't do this Health care reform right it is only going to get worse for everyone. I don't have much faith in those fools in the Capital getting this right.

All the actions and decisions being made in Atlanta are all about cost. There is no growth, profit is dwindling, and operating cost continue to keep going up. Medical, fuel, insurance, labor, are all growing and the company will soon not be able to compete. The years of every contract offering more and more are over.
The move to outsourcing work is the true indicator that you guys are pricing yourselves out of business.
I have no interest in either side since I am retired. This is just one mans thoughts.

" Bad enough to be a military govenor, but to govern a planet of sheep! Very well....round up 200 more. The fools! Will I have to kill them all? Always it is the brave ones who die, the soldiers. I hope you continue to savor the sweetness of your lives;you disgust me!"
-KOR-Klingon Military Govenor of Organia- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
" A chimpanzee and two trainee's could run her."
-Montgomery Scott- Star Trek TOS
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS

Kudos to Mr. Overspeed, Balls On Chin and the rest of the Asian Persuasion. Md 11 air turn back due to gear pin not being removed prior to departure. Asia gets the medal for most fuel wasted in two weeks.

"Laws are inoperative in war"
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Kudos to Mr. Overspeed, Balls On Chin and the rest of the Asian Persuasion. Md 11 air turn back due to gear pin not being removed prior to departure. Asia gets the medal for most fuel wasted in two weeks.

"Laws are inoperative in war"

-Adolf Hitler
" All I can say is...they don't make them like they used ta...The engine imbalance is what caused the worm-hole in the first place. It'll happen again if we don't fix it...He stayed at his post(chocking back tears), when the trainees ran away"
-Cheif Engineer Montgomery (Scotty) Scott- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
The talks went into the tank again last week. The company is just asking for a strike, do the people in ATL want a work stopage? It is hard to understand why UPS would let 920 people cause a service interuption that would have a financial downturn that makes '97 look like a gain. The Reuters article stated that UPS could double our pay and never miss one penny, and the ole UPS rule of thumb, Step over a dollar to pick up a penny, is more true today then ever. The insurance issue is the one that you, the driver, will be asked to pay for in your next contract. You must make sure that your IBT reps know that you will also strike to keep from losing your gains made from contracts in the past. UPS must understand that we are workers that provide end line customer service and must be fairly compensated. In closing, if Combine cannot strike before peak we must then wait till next Oct and give a new (old) E-Board a shot at dealing with UPS. I have a feeling a new (old) E-Board will not be as nice as this group but I will give them my support till the end.
Looks like UPS will not negotiate in good faith. We should slow down and make UPS honor our contract until we are in a better barganing position. I agree with you Airbusfxr, next October with a new(old) E-board seems to be our only hope.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, what type of concessions would you be willing to consider to help UPS get back to a competitve player in the small package express market?

Note now I said consider, not automatically accept.

If the answer is absolutely none, then I have to ask, who is that is not negotiating in good faith?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Just out of curiosity, what type of concessions would you be willing to consider to help UPS get back to a competitve player in the small package express market?

Note now I said consider, not automatically accept.

If the answer is absolutely none, then I have to ask, who is that is not negotiating in good faith?

We already gave a concession when our contract expired 3 years ago and we were patient with our contract talks while UPS was busy rolling in the cash.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, what type of concessions would you be willing to consider to help UPS get back to a competitve player in the small package express market?

Note now I said consider, not automatically accept.

The number one issue is job security by stopping the outsourcing of our work. They break the contract every week by having maintenance performed in Asia.

Shenzhen is the new disaster that may affect pilots. UPS has invested hundreds of millions of dollars for the new sort and China will not allow UPS the routes to fly inter-Asia with Shenzhen hub. Not only Inter-Asia but China wants to fly Chinese airplanes full of freight to Anchorage. Once there UPS can take its packages and freight and then load onto UPS aircraft. I don't know, but I doubt the pilots contract will allow that to happen. That is why UPS sent word not to abandon the Philippines sort at Clark.

UPS is also in talks to have the De-ice performed by an outside company in Anchorage. The company they are looking at is Contego. About three years ago they put a hole about 15 feet long down the fuselage of a Southern Air 747 and never told anyone.

So Mr. Brown IE man, who are they having to compete with? Fed Ex has about 3,000 mechanics doing more of their own work making almost the same money. Not to mention by hiring on at UPS as a mechanic takes at least 13 years to catch up with Fed Ex due to the dismal starting pay and 5 year top out. Not to mention in the past six months they have erased everyone hired in the last 5 years. Approximately 160 mechanics never saw top out pay and have worked for an average of $23.00 to $24.00 per hour. Many of whom never saw $23.00 per hour.

UPS is also making hundreds of millions of dollars more than Fed Ex. Where does it stop? Who are they trying to compete with? Your 401k match you lost, you know where it will go? How about your new enhanced insurance benefit, you know where it will go? What about your nuggets, I wonder where they will go? Remember those few that got the big bonuses this year? That's where it will all go!

"The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility"
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
3 Years without a raise, while UPS recorded recorded profits, is a concession.

no it is not, as long as any raise given is retroactive. Now, if you are willing to talk about forgoing the retroactive raise, that could be considerd a concession.


Well-Known Member
The number one issue is job security by stopping the outsourcing of our work. They break the contract every week by having maintenance performed in Asia.

Shenzhen is the new disaster that may affect pilots. UPS has invested hundreds of millions of dollars for the new sort and China will not allow UPS the routes to fly inter-Asia with Shenzhen hub. Not only Inter-Asia but China wants to fly Chinese airplanes full of freight to Anchorage. Once there UPS can take its packages and freight and then load onto UPS aircraft. I don't know, but I doubt the pilots contract will allow that to happen. That is why UPS sent word not to abandon the Philippines sort at Clark.

UPS is also in talks to have the De-ice performed by an outside company in Anchorage. The company they are looking at is Contego. About three years ago they put a hole about 15 feet long down the fuselage of a Southern Air 747 and never told anyone.

So Mr. Brown IE man, who are they having to compete with? Fed Ex has about 3,000 mechanics doing more of their own work making almost the same money. Not to mention by hiring on at UPS as a mechanic takes at least 13 years to catch up with Fed Ex due to the dismal starting pay and 5 year top out. Not to mention in the past six months they have erased everyone hired in the last 5 years. Approximately 160 mechanics never saw top out pay and have worked for an average of $23.00 to $24.00 per hour. Many of whom never saw $23.00 per hour.

UPS is also making hundreds of millions of dollars more than Fed Ex. Where does it stop? Who are they trying to compete with? Your 401k match you lost, you know where it will go? How about your new enhanced insurance benefit, you know where it will go? What about your nuggets, I wonder where they will go? Remember those few that got the big bonuses this year? That's where it will all go!

"The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility"

-Adolf Hitler

none of which contains any thing approaching a concession. This is just a long justification of why you think you are justified in not even considereing a concession. In otherwords, a long justification of why you feel you should not have to negotiate in good faith.


This contract dispute has went on for too long. Both sides have played too many stupid games. Maybe this is what happens in big business. Mr. Casey has to be rolling in his grave to see what his company has become. Everyone has this perception that this company is the best thing since sliced bread on the outside. However, the interior is less than attractive. Peak is right around the corner and the negotiations doesn't seem to be any closer to resolution than three years ago. I have seen in books how a business is ran from a management perspective. Management is not conducting business like anything what is being taught through a book. Granted the foolishness of the union isn't conducive of a good work environment either. If there is a strike then it will get rid of even more jobs in the future. Planes will not fly during Christmas. There will be no UPS. Fed Ex is licking there chops knowing that this garbage is going on. Both sides are at fault. Is what the company wants to do? Is this what the union wants to do? Does anyone care what this whole is doing to the future of this company? There will be no company. Here is what needs to happen is that both the union and the company be locked in a room till a contract is resolved. This should have happened a long time ago instead of letting it linger for this long.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This contract dispute has went on for too long. Here is what needs to happen is that both the union and the company be locked in a room till a contract is resolved. This should have happened a long time ago instead of letting it linger for this long.

I agree. Make sure there is no food, water, bathroom, and the mediator is present. :devil2:


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, what type of concessions would you be willing to consider to help UPS get back to a competitve player in the small package express market?

Note now I said consider, not automatically accept.

If the answer is absolutely none, then I have to ask, who is that is not negotiating in good faith?
We will not take any concessions! UPS is poor mouthing us in order to gain an upper hand in negotiations. They poor mouthed us 4 years ago when the economy was strong, and they are doing the same now....Thats why they are not negotiating in good faith. UPS does not give a rat's a** about anyone in this company! They are a huge company that lost its soul when they sold-out to Wall Street. UPS can always count on people like you to take it in the a** for the COMPANY! But eventually you won't have any a** left to give and will be disgarded....For the good of the COMPANY of course!

Dis-organized Labor

The airline is definitly a dis-functional group! Most management people in UPS come up through the ranks. They generally know what the job is and understand what it takes to to be effective. Not in the airline, most sups and managers never worked on UPS aircraft and have no native knowlege on how to fix aircraft. They were either hired from some other bankrupt outfits or are trainee supervisors with ZERO experience. It's very difficult to run an operation when your supervisor and manager never worked on aircraft and rely on Tech Services for all aircraft related problems. Thats why we get paid the top dollar, because we are all out on an island fixing aircrat with no support system. Dis-Organized Labor is a classic case of a supervisor in way over his head. He was thrown into a situation where he did not know his job or how to direct a group on mechanics. In order to survive he focuses in on job rules instead of fixing aircraft. UPS has a management structure who's only concern is enforcing inane work rule....because fixing aircraft is beyond their abilities.

This is typical of a union mechanic that knows absolutely nothing about me, my skills, my history, or even who I am ASSUMING that he is in a position to make a judgement about me, UPS management, or even how to post something that is worth reading.
UPS should have never become an airline, because all the fears came true about union being greedy and not part of the solution.
Asian mechanics are far superior to you and your fellow thugs. They really are. If you open your eyes and look instead of constantly complaining and looking to throw a wrench in the works. It's people like you that are driving the work there. I know you are incapable of acknowledging anyone else's POV but the unions.
This thread is becoming boring.
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