Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Uh oh! He's pulling the war hero card! There are a lot of x-military out there who don't need to resort to such a ridiculous statement to communicate...

When you're a sep sup that can't open an airplane door you tend to fall back and revel in the glory of the past. I just wonder how many of his fellow soldiers he tattled on.

"In a man to man fight the winner is the one who puts an extra round in his magazine"
-Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Dis-organized Labor

Peak starts after Thanksgiving. Lets see if our E-board has a November suprise for UPS...and I don't mean more billboards!! Maybe Dis-Organized Labor can bring in some of his "Far Superior" mechanics from Asia to make thing run smoooooth!

Truth hurt?


Well-Known Member
When you're a sep sup that can't open an airplane door you tend to fall back and revel in the glory of the past. I just wonder how many of his fellow soldiers he tattled on.

No wonder the FAA is surveiling UPS so hard. Must be scary when you have hash slinging war heros running things. I'll bet UPS locks this guy up in a closet when the FAA shows up. One look at this guy and the FED's will shut us down!


Active Member
When is the E-board going to get it through their thick skulls that we are going to pay for our health care just like the pilots do. We just need to make up the difference in wages. I guess they would rather see us on the street instead of paying for health care. Sounds like a great plan. Get your resumes ready boys!


Well-Known Member
When is the E-board going to get it through their thick skulls that we are going to pay for our health care just like the pilots do. We just need to make up the difference in wages. I guess they would rather see us on the street instead of paying for health care. Sounds like a great plan. Get your resumes ready boys!
Nobody knows what the Union is asking for or what UPS wants. Its time UPS's best offer is presented to the membership so we can see what we are fighting about!


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

Just out of curiosity, what type of concessions would you be willing to consider to help UPS get back to a competitve player in the small package express market?

Note now I said consider, not automatically accept.

If the answer is absolutely none, then I have to ask, who is that is not negotiating in good faith?
Talk to this guy brownIEman. He's on of our ex-AMT's who is ready to give UPS anything they want! Spineless and mindless.


Well-Known Member
If this is true why are there so many statements that UPS is not negotiating in good faith, etc.?
Most of my information consists if little more than hints and whispers, but its enough to convince me that whoever learns the secret of the Dominion, whatever that may be, will learn the secret of the Gamma Quadrent. Which is why, if you're smart, you don't do buisness with the Ferengi.
-Kira Nerys- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
Nobody knows what the Union is asking for or what UPS wants. Its time UPS's best offer is presented to the membership so we can see what we are fighting about!
"You are in a position to demand nothing, sir. I, on the other hand, am in a position to grant nothing! What you see is all that remains of the ship's company and crew of the Botany Bay, marooned here fifteen years ago by Captain James T. Kirk."
-Khan- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
Here is the deal, UPS will give us a 2%raise, every 18 months, but pay 250 bucks a month for health care with a 7% increase each 12 months. NO RETRO, a signing bonus of 7500 bucks instead of full RLA required pay for 4 years of us without while Grade 20s get fat wallets. What about Scott Davis? What about Grade 20s. MIP will be handed out soon and all sups will be rolling in the dough that Davis has fed them. I am asked to take a pay cut so we can buy more jets, hand more MIP to our bosses and pay Davis 640% more. I feel that we will be released from Mediation after Nov talks go in the tank and we all will be able to walk after Thanksgiving. If we are able to get a fair deal then in 2013 the drivers will not be asked to pay for health care. Brothers and Sisters in 2013 we will stand with you at your line when UPS ask you to pay for health care.
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Well-Known Member
Here is the deal, UPS will give us a 2%raise, every 18 months, but pay 250 bucks a month for health care with a 7% increase each 12 months. NO RETRO, a signing bonus of 7500 bucks instead of full RLA required pay for 4 years of us without while Grade 20s get fat wallets. What about Scott Davis? What about Grade 20s. MIP will be handed out soon and all sups will be rolling in the dough that Davis has fed them. I am asked to take a pay cut so we can buy more jets, hand more MIP to our bosses and pay Davis 640% more. I feel that we will be released from Mediation after Nov talks go in the tank and we all will be able to walk after Thanksgiving. If we are able to get a fair deal then in 2013 the drivers will not be asked to pay for health care. Brothers and Sisters in 2013 we will stand with you at your line when UPS ask you to pay for health care.

Just wondering where you got those numbers? I've heard worse, particulary the signing bonas number. At any rate being released by the mediator is the last thing we need. This time next year will be our time! Take the TRAINING WHEELS OFF!

767mech any words of wisdom?


Well-Known Member
Talk to this guy brownIEman. He's on of our ex-AMT's who is ready to give UPS anything they want! Spineless and mindless.

yeah, I am an ex AMT ready to give UPS everything, and don't you forget it! I was the best AMT ever too! Never in the history of the industry was there a better AMT! While I did the job, I won the AMT of the year every year! The international title mind you.

uhh, can someone tell me what an AMT is?


Well-Known Member

You continue to amaze me. You constantly talk about the grade 20's. You are not a grade 20 and therefore should not be concerned with what they get. I can assure you the MIP will be mini
scual for most of the management people. Besides anything they get will not offset the loss in 401k match, no raise, and the increase in medical contribution. The aircraft mechanics I know are great people and have been loyal employees who do a good job everyday, but to keep mentioning what the grade 20's get is a real stretch.

Next you'll be worried about the board of directors. You guys already make more money than most business managers and full time supervisors. In my eyes no hourly employee should ever make more than their boss!

I hope you get a fair contract, but I would be very surprised to see the company ever give in on the medical contribution. You are 100% right when you say this will be the next big issue in the next teamster contract. Face it, your going to have to contribute towards the cost, because the idiots in Washington aren't going to resolve the whole medical insurance issue and companies just can't continue to pay these continuing escalating cost increases.



Well-Known Member
yeah, I am an ex AMT ready to give UPS everything, and don't you forget it! I was the best AMT ever too! Never in the history of the industry was there a better AMT! While I did the job, I won the AMT of the year every year! The international title mind you.

uhh, can someone tell me what an AMT is?
AMT=AIrcraft Maintenance Technician. Or in Unionmans case Knuckle Dragging Mechanic.


Well-Known Member
Here is the deal, UPS will give us a 2%raise, every 18 months, but pay 250 bucks a month for health care with a 7% increase each 12 months. NO RETRO, a signing bonus of 7500 bucks instead of full RLA required pay for 4 years of us without while Grade 20s get fat wallets. What about Scott Davis? What about Grade 20s. MIP will be handed out soon and all sups will be rolling in the dough that Davis has fed them. I am asked to take a pay cut so we can buy more jets, hand more MIP to our bosses and pay Davis 640% more. I feel that we will be released from Mediation after Nov talks go in the tank and we all will be able to walk after Thanksgiving. If we are able to get a fair deal then in 2013 the drivers will not be asked to pay for health care. Brothers and Sisters in 2013 we will stand with you at your line when UPS ask you to pay for health care.
" Hmm...well, there is one possibility, but somehow I don't think this rickety barge or your half-witted crewmembers are up for the challenge."

" May I remind you, sir, that this 'rickety barge' and its 'half-witted crew ' are the only hope you have at the moment."

-Q- Star Trek Voyager
-Tuvok- Star Trek Voyager


Well-Known Member
This time next year will be our time! Take the TRAINING WHEELS OFF!

767mech any words of wisdom?

Hotline message begging for Darmento to return to testify for hearing. Will you go Joe? Maybe Combine should personally call you and apologize and beg you on behalf of the greater good? Will Joe accept such an apology?

All of us, who are members of the Germanic peoples, can be happy and thankful that once in thousands of years fate has given us, from among the Germanic peoples, such a genius, a leader, our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, and you should be happy to be allowed to work with us.

Heinrich Himmler


Well-Known Member

Next you'll be worried about the board of directors. You guys already make more money than most business managers and full time supervisors. In my eyes no hourly employee should ever make more than their boss!


We might make more than a package sup. but we don't make more than our Aircraft Maintenance Sup's. I'm not taking a paycut.
We might make more than a package sup. but we don't make more than our Aircraft Maintenance Sup's. I'm not taking a paycut.
I agree with you 100% about not taking a paycut-I don't like it.
Change is a funny thing though. When UPS gets rid of all the GOOD aircraft maintenance supervisors, unfortunately, then your quote above would be moot...
Go Darmento!
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