Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Hotline message begging for Darmento to return to testify for hearing. Will you go Joe? Maybe Combine should personally call you and apologize and beg you on behalf of the greater good? Will Joe accept such an apology?

Ths entire E-board should do the right thing and step down. They had their chance, and have done nothing but cause misery and hardship to everyone in 2727! Their not close to getting a contract and 160 good brothers and sisters have been given the pink slip... with more to come! How many more layoffs? How many more warning letters and article 8 hearings before everyone has had enough? These clowns need to go! Step aside and let the professionals finish the job. TAKE THE TRAINING WHEELS OFF! Enough already!!!


Well-Known Member
NHGuy, thanks but I do not make near what my sup rakes in. Do you think a pilot should make less than a package supervisor? You seem to know a few mechanics and you state the are service providers but you want their wages set as a bike mechanic. We will pay for health care when the company loses money, when bosses give back, when pilots give back, till then I will not pay for health care or take a pay cut so you and your grade 20s can play an extra round of golf each week.


Well-Known Member
Hotline message begging for Darmento to return to testify for hearing. Will you go Joe? Maybe Combine should personally call you and apologize and beg you on behalf of the greater good? Will Joe accept such an apology?

Ths entire E-board should do the right thing and step down. They had their chance, and have done nothing but cause misery and hardship to everyone in 2727! Their not close to getting a contract and 160 good brothers and sisters have been given the pink slip... with more to come! How many more layoffs? How many more warning letters and article 8 hearings before everyone has had enough? These clowns need to go! Step aside and let the professionals finish the job. TAKE THE TRAINING WHEELS OFF! Enough already!!!
" I assure you I'm in perfect health; I was saving Voyager from annihilation when you were only a gleam in your programmer's eye! Now are you going to help me take back this ship or not?"
-The Doctor- Star Trek Voyager


Well-Known Member
Hotline message begging for Darmento to return to testify for hearing. Will you go Joe? Maybe Combine should personally call you and apologize and beg you on behalf of the greater good? Will Joe accept such an apology?

All of us, who are members of the Germanic peoples, can be happy and thankful that once in thousands of years fate has given us, from among the Germanic peoples, such a genius, a leader, our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, and you should be happy to be allowed to work with us.

Heinrich Himmler
"I am First Omet'iklan. And I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hardar. Remember victory is life."
-Omet'iklan- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
NHGuy, thanks but I do not make near what my sup rakes in. Do you think a pilot should make less than a package supervisor? You seem to know a few mechanics and you state the are service providers but you want their wages set as a bike mechanic. We will pay for health care when the company loses money, when bosses give back, when pilots give back, till then I will not pay for health care or take a pay cut so you and your grade 20s can play an extra round of golf each week.

Um, I know management keeps giving back: paying more for health care, no raise, lost 401K match. If I remember correctly Pilots contribute to their health care. I also know a number of grade 20s and, believe it or not, they don't play golf during the work week - and they also didn't get raises, 401K matches and are paying more more for health care.

If you can post what UPS and 2727 have been offering / counter-offering it could be an interesting discussion on the merits but the repeated, often incorrect, rhetoric does not help your position.


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly Pilots contribute to their health care.

The smallest raise that the lowest paid pilot received from their last contract was an $800.00 per month raise. Yes they had to ante up approx $275.00 for health insurance.

That would be a concession that I could live with.

Unfortunately this earth is not a fairy-land, but a struggle for life, perfectly natural and therefore extremely harsh.

-Martin Bormann,
Party Minister Of The National Socialist German Workers' Party


Well-Known Member
So our E-board is begging Joe to come back and fight for them in an outsourcing arbitration! Its a good move on their part because without Joe, they have no chance in winning a very important arbitration. The corner stone to their whole contract strategy and media blitz may now rest in the hands of the man they tried so hard to destroy!

Just another indication of how weak minded this E-board is, all the chest pounding rhetoric over the years and they still need Joe to rescue them

Listen to the E-board. Bring Joe back! They finally got something right! They need Joe just like our membership needs professinal representation.

Its time UPS starts feeling worried! Time for change! TAKE THE TRAINING WHEELS OFF!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What a B757/B767 Captain told me that we will make 300k and he pays 300 bucks a month for family. If I make 100k I will still pay 0 or we will strike. I talk to AMTs every day and we are not willing to pay for health care and subcontract to Asia and Mexico, and not get out Retro, and etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
So our E-board is begging Joe to come back and fight for them in an outsourcing arbitration! Its a good move on their part because without Joe, they have no chance in winning a very important arbitration. The corner stone to their whole contract strategy and media blitz may now rest in the hands of the man they tried so hard to destroy!

Just another indication of how weak minded this E-board is, all the chest pounding rhetoric over the years and they still need Joe to rescue them

Listen to the E-board. Bring Joe back! They finally got something right! They need Joe just like our membership needs professinal representation.

Its time UPS starts feeling worried! Time for change! TAKE THE TRAINING WHEELS OFF!!!!!
"Brave words, I've heard them before. From thousands of beings on thousands of worlds since long before you were created. Now they are all Borg....I'm sorry this lesson has been so painful for you, but you are a difficult pupil. Abandon your human frailties- they are the cause of your pain.
-Borg Queen- Star Trek TNG


Well-Known Member
What a B757/B767 Captain told me that we will make 300k and he pays 300 bucks a month for family. If I make 100k I will still pay 0 or we will strike. I talk to AMTs every day and we are not willing to pay for health care and subcontract to Asia and Mexico, and not get out Retro, and etc etc etc.
"I am Locutus of Borg! Why do you resist? Resistance is futile. Negotiation is irrevelent. Freedom is irrelevent. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time foward, you will service us. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.You will be assimulated. You must comply."
-Locutus of Borg- Star Trek TNG


Staff member
"I am Locutus of Borg! Why do you resist? Resistance is futile. Negotiation is irrevelent. Freedom is irrelevent. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time foward, you will service us. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.You will be assimulated. You must comply."
-Locutus of Borg- Star Trek TNG

One of the best episodes, a two parter.


Well-Known Member
What a B757/B767 Captain told me that we will make 300k and he pays 300 bucks a month for family. If I make 100k I will still pay 0 or we will strike. I talk to AMTs every day and we are not willing to pay for health care and subcontract to Asia and Mexico, and not get out Retro, and etc etc etc.

You will make a good cook at McDonalds after you walk. If the grill breaks down, they may ask you to fix it. Labor negotitiations are a give and take. Saying you are only willing to pay 0 for benefits unless the company is losing money is the statement of a complete idiot. If you really think the ground guys are going to follow you out, you are also an idiot.


Well-Known Member
You will make a good cook at McDonalds after you walk. If the grill breaks down, they may ask you to fix it. Labor negotitiations are a give and take. Saying you are only willing to pay 0 for benefits unless the company is losing money is the statement of a complete idiot. If you really think the ground guys are going to follow you out, you are also an idiot.
And you will be manning the fry machine. If we go down, you go down! Lets hope something positive happens and we can all keep working.


Browncafe Steward
You will make a good cook at McDonalds after you walk. If the grill breaks down, they may ask you to fix it. Labor negotitiations are a give and take. Saying you are only willing to pay 0 for benefits unless the company is losing money is the statement of a complete idiot. If you really think the ground guys are going to follow you out, you are also an idiot.
If they go I go! I am a ground guy and I will not cross their picket line! I would walk it like it was our picket line! They honored us in 95 97 and 98 s=and I will honor theirs in 09/10 if it happens.

Why should they have to pay for their benefits? The last two contracts for small package and the building and auto mechanics did not give such concessions! Their contract was up first but do not think that they are the only UPS employees without a contract CSI also is without a contract.

Please do not use the line that because management has! Your not union and not entitled to a negotiated benefit! I myself am fully aware that this will be a huge deal in 2013 and I am fully prepared to take less hourly to ensure my medical stays.

So please only speak of what you know! There are many pissed off UPS employees that are just itching to walk and what a better way than to collect unemployment for honoring their line!


Well-Known Member
You will make a good cook at McDonalds after you walk. If the grill breaks down, they may ask you to fix it. Labor negotitiations are a give and take. Saying you are only willing to pay 0 for benefits unless the company is losing money is the statement of a complete idiot. If you really think the ground guys are going to follow you out, you are also an idiot.
" You're a bumbing, inept fool. Here you have an opportunity to experience something really unique, and you're wasting it. You want to commit murder? Go ahead! But whats the sport in a simple hanging? Yes! The terror of murder. The suspense, the *FUN*."
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
Stop quoting star trek or I will be forced to out you!

A line drawn in the sand?

It is sometimes tougher to fight my superiors than the French.
-Martin Bormann,
Party Minister Of The National Socialist German Workers' Party


Well-Known Member
Stop quoting star trek or I will be forced to out you!
" You burst into may home, show me some twisted peice of metal, and tell me it proves I'm a mass murderer? I've never seen your species before, I've never heard of a planet called 'Earth', and whether you beleive me or not, I had nothing to do with killing millions of its inhabitants!"
-Gralik Durr- Star Trek Enterprise

Lue C Fur

Evil member
If they go I go! I am a ground guy and I will not cross their picket line! I would walk it like it was our picket line! They honored us in 95 97 and 98 s=and I will honor theirs in 09/10 if it happens.

Why should they have to pay for their benefits? The last two contracts for small package and the building and auto mechanics did not give such concessions! Their contract was up first but do not think that they are the only UPS employees without a contract CSI also is without a contract.

Please do not use the line that because management has! Your not union and not entitled to a negotiated benefit! I myself am fully aware that this will be a huge deal in 2013 and I am fully prepared to take less hourly to ensure my medical stays.

So please only speak of what you know! There are many pissed off UPS employees that are just itching to walk and what a better way than to collect unemployment for honoring their line!

Thanks for your support brother.:peaceful:
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