Local 2727 UPDATE

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Dis-organized Labor

Be happy you guys are making what you are because the end you will be ones crying and reminiscing the good old days when you were making BooKoo Bucks.
It don't take a rocket scientist to perform daily maintenance and throw parts at a problem.
Why do you think they outsource all the heavy checks.
You guys will strike, they will contract out the daily stuff and the ball will keep on rollin.
As for what I was making... That was just the industry standard down here in South FL.
Greed and the unions killed the airline industry down here.
I never had the opportunity to work for a big time company, just contractors like Orion Air and Ryan Int'l. I did do 7 years with Arrow Air in Miami but all of the unemployed mechs from Eastern & Pan Am drove down the wages and when it comes to putting bread on the table, you take what you can get, especially if you're not in a position to relocate.
Now I am in a position to relocate and I am coming to SDF and who knows... there may be plenty of jobs available.
PS...Wear comfortable shoes.
Oh by the way, Airbusfxr, I'm a lost cause...I'm not the one(s) following a blind union for 3 years without a contract.

Good luck trying to explain your POV to these people. All they care about is themselves. Fortunately, there is only 4 or 5 of them that spend their time spewing their crap. Two quote Nazi's, one is a Trekkie, one's role appears to be a "troop Rallyer" (UNION SAVIOR), and there's a couple of hanger-on's. OOOHHHH...threatening.....


Well-Known Member
The way you attack your e-board is very interesting

Sep sup that can't open 757 door feels sorry for our Upgrade E-Board. One in the same.

Does striking help the company and all it's employees as a whole or just 2727?

Believe it or not it helps the whole company. If you think UPS keeps you around because you don't know how to open a 757 door, you're probably right.

I know it is entirely the company's fault that you haven't been able to come to terms (not), but the way you slam your current e-board shows how dysfunctional 2727 is internally.

(Like) it's entirely the company's fault, for sure, for sure. (Like) the way you take up for our e-board shows how dysfunctional management is (Like) you're getting all David Letterman with our union e-board. Got a confession to make? Sep sup's love banjo music and pig farmers cause they got a purty mouth and squeeell like a pig.

According to Goering and the Luftwaffe High Command, they were supposed to be the fighter elite.
Adolf Galland

Dis-organized Labor

Sep sup that can't open 757 door feels sorry for our Upgrade E-Board. One in the same.

Believe it or not it helps the whole company. If you think UPS keeps you around because you don't know how to open a 757 door, you're probably right.

(Like) it's entirely the company's fault, for sure, for sure. (Like) the way you take up for our e-board shows how dysfunctional management is (Like) you're getting all David Letterman with our union e-board. Got a confession to make? Sep sup's love banjo music and pig farmers cause they got a purty mouth and squeeell like a pig.

According to Goering and the Luftwaffe High Command, they were supposed to be the fighter elite.
Adolf Galland

This is how you want to portay your issues on behalf of 2727?
You have some serious issues.
It doesn't seem that you are capable of following a logical train of thought.
Go ahead and dissect this reply.
Oh, and don't forget the Nazi quote. It further shows your mentality and strategy.
This is how you want to portay your issues on behalf of 2727?
You have some serious issues.
It doesn't seem that you are capable of following a logical train of thought.
Go ahead and dissect this reply.
Oh, and don't forget the Nazi quote. It further shows your mentality and strategy.

Mighty presumptuous of you to try and determine the majority feeling of the 2727 union from one members post on a public bulletin board.
Dissecting a reply is a by-product of a process people seem to avoid these days, that’s called reading comprehension. Ace is simply comprehending what is written and replying in a logical way, you just may not like his responses…
Those other words he uses are called quotes. It would appear that some people can’t come to terms with who actually said them. With that said I propose that Ace (or any others) try to make their points a kinder, gentler way- For example:

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it


Well-Known Member

Mr. Overspeed,
I appreciate the fact that free speech is our inalienable right as a U.S. Citizen. I believe that your effort to indoctrinate heterosexuals to accept homosexuality by quoting SpongeBob would be better suited to a Media form strictly dealing with Homosexual subject matter. The browncafe is not that forum and I am (like) totally grossed out right now. Please refrain from quoting icons such as SpongeBob that glamorize (cartoon) men with such depraved history.

You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.
Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Mighty presumptuous of you to try and determine the majority feeling of the 2727 union from one members post on a public bulletin board.
Dissecting a reply is a by-product of a process people seem to avoid these days, that’s called reading comprehension. Ace is simply comprehending what is written and replying in a logical way, you just may not like his responses…
Those other words he uses are called quotes. It would appear that some people can’t come to terms with who actually said them. With that said I propose that Ace (or any others) try to make their points a kinder, gentler way- For example:
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

Actually, if you comprehend my post correctly, it says "you" (1st person, singular). "Comprehesion", by definition, is "inclusive". That, then suggests that "comprehesion" is an understanding of the complete post, not merely reading and replying to individual lines therein.
If one makes the time to quote a person, why choose a Nazi?
Why not someone like George Carlin, Mark Twain or JFK.
Go ahead and tell me that it is a free country. I agree, but it's a question of where you direct your energies.
Comprehend this entire post??

Dis-organized Labor

Mr. Overspeed,
I appreciate the fact that free speech is our inalienable right as a U.S. Citizen. I believe that your effort to indoctrinate heterosexuals to accept homosexuality by quoting SpongeBob would be better suited to a Media form strictly dealing with Homosexual subject matter. The browncafe is not that forum and I am (like) totally grossed out right now. Please refrain from quoting icons such as SpongeBob that glamorize (cartoon) men with such depraved history.

You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.
Adolf Hitler

You think you're clever, but as you hide behind your wife's picture, realize that at the end of the day, you're just a miserable, underachiever. This is my inalienable right to an opinion about Nazi wanna-be's.


Well-Known Member
you're just a miserable, underachiever.

Thems big words coming from a Sep Sup that chases mechanics around all day and then when catches up with them, tries to understand what they're talking about when they tell you what is wrong with the airplane. Compare your Sep Sup pay-check to that of one of your subordinates and then tell me who the underachiever is.

B757 Door Opening Secret #7 - Alakazam!

There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.
Heinz Guderian


Well-Known Member
This is how you want to portay your issues on behalf of 2727?
You have some serious issues.
It doesn't seem that you are capable of following a logical train of thought.
Go ahead and dissect this reply.
Oh, and don't forget the Nazi quote. It further shows your mentality and strategy.

Did'nt your handlers tell you guys not post on sights like this and lay low? You better hope they don't find out! You have enough problems just getting through your shift. Its funny how you play like your a management badass....when we both know your a pussycat out on the line.

I would have more respect for you if you told your guys what you really think... instead of being their whipping boy every night. You need a refresher course on Pro-Amt
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Was not interested in moving to MN. when NW was hiring.

When are you guys gonna start walking? maybe I can adjust my relocation schedule.
You know, the more I read on this site the more I stand by my original summation of unions today...The union is obsolete. They are doing nothing for you guys except taking your money every month and laughing about it.

Interesting how most labor union strikes occur in the winter...maybe its by design, you guys are already pissed of about the company or management and then they make matters worse by having you guys stand and picket out in the cold and sometimes harsh weather. And again...where are your union reps? inside all nice and cozy and again laughing at you guys.

Reading the various posts on this site it is quite obvious that you guys don't appreciate where you are, what you've got and what you earn...and you deserve to loose it all.
I do not feel for your plight.
Good luck and dress warm.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Was not interested in moving to MN. when NW was hiring.

When are you guys gonna start walking? maybe I can adjust my relocation schedule.
You know, the more I read on this site the more I stand by my original summation of unions today...The union is obsolete. They are doing nothing for you guys except taking your money every month and laughing about it.

Interesting how most labor union strikes occur in the winter...maybe its by design, you guys are already pissed of about the company or management and then they make matters worse by having you guys stand and picket out in the cold and sometimes harsh weather. And again...where are your union reps? inside all nice and cozy and again laughing at you guys.

Reading the various posts on this site it is quite obvious that you guys don't appreciate where you are, what you've got and what you earn...and you deserve to loose it all.
I do not feel for your plight.
Good luck and dress warm.

Union has been great to me...lets see...43.00hr + medical + pension + 401k and i pay 108.00 a month union dues. Lets see...you make 17hr...wait...the best you can do is 17hr after 24 years and your looking for a job.
Now run along UPS supe wannabee.
Actually, if you comprehend my post correctly, it says "you" (1st person, singular).
"Comprehesion", by definition, is "inclusive".
No, actually by "definition" it's more like "having the capacity to"
That, then suggests that "comprehesion" is an understanding of the complete post, not merely reading and replying to individual lines therein.
Must admit, you did tie it together well!
If one makes the time to quote a person, why choose a Nazi?
Hard to argue with what might fit the occasion???
Why not someone like George Carlin, Mark Twain or JFK.
Well, I don't think the moderator would let somebody quote Carlin, too vulgar for some people. Besides, what kind of quote is @#$#@ and &^%^up your a%%
Mark Twain was cool but..."Who are the oppressors? The few: the King, the capitalist, and a handful of other overseers and superintendents. Who are the oppressed? The many: the nations of the earth; the valuable personages; the workers; they that make the bread that the soft-handed and idle eat"-Mark Twain...Sorry, ol' Adolf suckers in the crowds, Twains a little too limp wristed.
As for JFK? Not a whole lot of spark goin on there either...
Go ahead and tell me that it is a free country.
Ok...Its a free country...
I agree, but it's a question of where you direct your energies.
Comprehend this entire post??
Not anymore.

Looky ACE now you have me doin' it!

Dis-organized Labor

Actually, if you comprehend my post correctly, it says "you" (1st person, singular).
"Comprehesion", by definition, is "inclusive".
No, actually by "definition" it's more like "having the capacity to"
That, then suggests that "comprehesion" is an understanding of the complete post, not merely reading and replying to individual lines therein.
Must admit, you did tie it together well!
If one makes the time to quote a person, why choose a Nazi?
Hard to argue with what might fit the occasion???
Why not someone like George Carlin, Mark Twain or JFK.
Well, I don't think the moderator would let somebody quote Carlin, too vulgar for some people. Besides, what kind of quote is @#$#@ and &^%^up your a%%
Mark Twain was cool but..."Who are the oppressors? The few: the King, the capitalist, and a handful of other overseers and superintendents. Who are the oppressed? The many: the nations of the earth; the valuable personages; the workers; they that make the bread that the soft-handed and idle eat"-Mark Twain...Sorry, ol' Adolf suckers in the crowds, Twains a little too limp wristed.
As for JFK? Not a whole lot of spark goin on there either...
Go ahead and tell me that it is a free country.
Ok...Its a free country...
I agree, but it's a question of where you direct your energies.
Comprehend this entire post??
Not anymore.

Looky ACE now you have me doin' it!

Now, THIS reply I appreciate....


Well-Known Member
Actually, if you comprehend my post correctly, it says "you" (1st person, singular).
"Comprehesion", by definition, is "inclusive".
No, actually by "definition" it's more like "having the capacity to"
That, then suggests that "comprehesion" is an understanding of the complete post, not merely reading and replying to individual lines therein.
Must admit, you did tie it together well!
If one makes the time to quote a person, why choose a Nazi?
Hard to argue with what might fit the occasion???
Why not someone like George Carlin, Mark Twain or JFK.
Well, I don't think the moderator would let somebody quote Carlin, too vulgar for some people. Besides, what kind of quote is @#$#@ and &^%^up your a%%
Mark Twain was cool but..."Who are the oppressors? The few: the King, the capitalist, and a handful of other overseers and superintendents. Who are the oppressed? The many: the nations of the earth; the valuable personages; the workers; they that make the bread that the soft-handed and idle eat"-Mark Twain...Sorry, ol' Adolf suckers in the crowds, Twains a little too limp wristed.
As for JFK? Not a whole lot of spark goin on there either...
Go ahead and tell me that it is a free country.
Ok...Its a free country...
I agree, but it's a question of where you direct your energies.
Comprehend this entire post??
Not anymore.

Looky ACE now you have me doin' it!
"Congradulations, Captain; a dazzling display of logic."
"Did'nt think I had it in me, did you?"
"No, sir."
-Spock- Star Trek TOS
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS


Well-Known Member
If you worked for Orion, interstate, etc etc you would have been hired. Oh ok you failed the drug test or you were just NO GOOD. EVERY contractor received this job for 43 bucks, free health care, 401k etc etc, but you worked in corrosion corner in south florida.


Well-Known Member
Good luck trying to explain your POV to these people. All they care about is themselves. Fortunately, there is only 4 or 5 of them that spend their time spewing their crap. Two quote Nazi's, one is a Trekkie, one's role appears to be a "troop Rallyer" (UNION SAVIOR), and there's a couple of hanger-on's. OOOHHHH...threatening.....

I bet you love hshi! ***************************************************************************
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You guys are something else... I am done trying to explain my self to you guys...
I found this site trying to get help as I do not ever see any aviation employment postings on the UPS career search website. I thought maybe just maybe I could get some resemblance of a lead on here - WRONG. Time is on my side, I'll keep searching.

Airbusfxr...I was offered a job in SDF, No I didn't fail a drug test and I was good at what I did and still am.

Due to inheriting a property in FL, that I was not able to sell or rent but was extremely affordable, I made the decision to move into it.
$17.00 / hr was what Orion / Ryan was paying at the time and there was nothing I could do about it. $125 / month mortgage payment was quite a motivator over the $500+ in rent I was paying in various parts of the country doing line maint. for Orion / Ryan.
But I got out of aviation and went into real estate and did well until the market went south where it is today.
At first I was a sales person, then obtained my brokers license and opened my own office and had employed 7 sales agents but when the market went down the overhead was too much and closed the office.
Aviation is a fall back, Its not my fault there are no jobs down here.
I will soon be in a position to relocate and certain determining criteria factors make Louisville, KY the prime candidate. So lets see... I have an aviation background, Louisville is home to the UPS hub, Logic would dictate that I try to get a job with UPS.
At least in Louisville there is more employment opportunities than there is in FL.
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