Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
You guys are something else... I am done trying to explain my self to you guys...
I found this site trying to get help as I do not ever see any aviation employment postings on the UPS career search website. I thought maybe just maybe I could get some resemblance of a lead on here - WRONG. Time is on my side, I'll keep searching.

Airbusfxr...I was offered a job in SDF, No I didn't fail a drug test and I was good at what I did and still am.

Due to inheriting a property in FL, that I was not able to sell or rent but was extremely affordable, I made the decision to move into it.
$17.00 / hr was what Orion / Ryan was paying at the time and there was nothing I could do about it. $125 / month mortgage payment was quite a motivator over the $500+ in rent I was paying in various parts of the country doing line maint. for Orion / Ryan.
But I got out of aviation and went into real estate and did well until the market went south where it is today.
At first I was a sales person, then obtained my brokers license and opened my own office and had employed 7 sales agents but when the market went down the overhead was too much and closed the office.
Aviation is a fall back, Its not my fault there are no jobs down here.
I will soon be in a position to relocate and certain determining criteria factors make Louisville, KY the prime candidate. So lets see... I have an aviation background, Louisville is home to the UPS hub, Logic would dictate that I try to get a job with UPS.
At least in Louisville there is more employment opportunities than there is in FL.

So now your a real estate agent, you don't really have 24 years of aircraft experience, the last time you worked on aircraft was 20 years ago, and you made 17 dollars an hour.....Now you are trying to get back into aviation because the real estate market went down! Just to let you know UPS got rid of all their DC8's and 727's and since you have'nt used your A@P in so many years you may have a hard time finding a job.

BTW-Why come on this forum and get into a pissing match with a bunch of people fighting to keep their jobs? Your opinions on UPS, its mechanics, Unions and our current situation is based on 20 year old information. Good Luck, but I think the airline buisness may have passed you by. Maybe Dis-Organized Labor can help you! He seems to like you, and he probably would be able to give you some training to bring you up to speed. Just don't ask him how to open a 757 door.


Well-Known Member
ACE, You are a real piece of work.

You have the nerve to call me a piece of work? You now admit that you haven't done anything but flip houses for the past 20+ years.

You're making a huge mistake by getting out of the real estate business in Florida. I visited Florida about twenty some odd years ago and think it is the perfect place to live and work. Hardly anybody lives down there, orange trees as far as the eye can see. Beaches look like mounds of pure cane sugar.

Since you are in the real-estate business maybe you should buy up some land around Orlando. I've heard that some guy by the name of Walt Disney is planning on building a theme park in that area. Roller Coasters, Tilt-A-Whirls and Bumper Cars, crap like that. Probably have one of them there alli-gator farms for the tourists to check out. Nope I'd say you'll be making a huge mistake to move to Louisville. Florida is on the verge of greatness. Best of Luck!

We believe that Almighty God has sent us Adolf Hitler so that he may rid Germany of the hypocrites and Pharisees.
Robert Ley
Head Of German Labor Front


Active Member
You guys are something else... I am done trying to explain my self to you guys...
I found this site trying to get help as I do not ever see any aviation employment postings on the UPS career search website. I thought maybe just maybe I could get some resemblance of a lead on here - WRONG. Time is on my side, I'll keep searching.

Airbusfxr...I was offered a job in SDF, No I didn't fail a drug test and I was good at what I did and still am.

Due to inheriting a property in FL, that I was not able to sell or rent but was extremely affordable, I made the decision to move into it.
$17.00 / hr was what Orion / Ryan was paying at the time and there was nothing I could do about it. $125 / month mortgage payment was quite a motivator over the $500+ in rent I was paying in various parts of the country doing line maint. for Orion / Ryan.
But I got out of aviation and went into real estate and did well until the market went south where it is today.
At first I was a sales person, then obtained my brokers license and opened my own office and had employed 7 sales agents but when the market went down the overhead was too much and closed the office.
Aviation is a fall back, Its not my fault there are no jobs down here.
I will soon be in a position to relocate and certain determining criteria factors make Louisville, KY the prime candidate. So lets see... I have an aviation background, Louisville is home to the UPS hub, Logic would dictate that I try to get a job with UPS.
At least in Louisville there is more employment opportunities than there is in FL.
hshi, You are quite frankly; how should I put this, **************** UPS has layed-off over 100 mechanics so far and you are trying to get a job with them. *************************************************************************************
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Well-Known Member
hshi, we have a ceo by the name of scott davis, goggle his name and see what comes up. we are on the verge of worldcom, enron, etc etc. Sorry you didnt come in 87 your would be in the top 200 in seniority, have day shift, have any gateway you wanted, (yes you would be in the top 10 in florida) but you dropped the ball. Over the years many people have told me "I would have been in the first class but UPS only paid 20 bucks and you had to move to SDF". You might try to apply for jr sup job, you seem more like a bosser than a mechanic and with you attitude you would fit in good with disorganizer's group.


Well-Known Member
You might try to apply for jr sup job, you seem more like a bosser than a mechanic and with you attitude you would fit in good with disorganizer's group.

Yeah, get yourself a lobotomy and have your spine removed and you could fill the void that ****************8 left.

Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare.
Heinz Guderian
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Well-Known Member
I bet you love hshi! ***************************************************************************

hshi, You are quite frankly; how should I put this, **************** UPS has layed-off over 100 mechanics so far and you are trying to get a job with them. *************************************************************************************
"Your use of language has alltered since we arrived. It is currently laced with, shall we say, colorful metaphors,'double dumb-ass on you' and so forth.

"Oh you mean the profanity"


"Well thats simply the way we talk around here. Nobody pays attention to you unless you swear every other word."

-Spock- Star Trek TOS
-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
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Well-Known Member
I bet you love hshi! ***************************************************************************

hshi, You are quite frankly; how should I put this, **************** UPS has layed-off over 100 mechanics so far and you are trying to get a job with them. *************************************************************************************
"Spock, where the Hell is that power you promised me?"

"One damn minute, Admiral!"

-Captain James T. Kirk- Star Trek TOS
-Spock- Star Trek TOS
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Well-Known Member
Googled scott davis and found out we had some bad info. i thought his 675% pay raise was paid out over 3 years. 225 a year for next 3 years. wrong. he's getting 600% this year and up to 675% next year. I don't get it. No raise and 401k match for front line managment. the ones in the rain, snow etc. wants the mechanics to take a pay cut and him and his grade 20's stealing millions from this company. He doesn't want the 100 bucks a week from mechanics, he wants the 100 bucks a week from the 125,000 drivers, sorters etc. so they can put more in their pockests. Sorry for the rant. I'm not taking a pay cut.


Well-Known Member
Scott deserves 675% this year also, look at the stock, it is great. Look at OPL, we are proud of the returns and the way Mary and her Bermuda mates are making money. I bet front line managers decided on their own to take less so Scott can receive a fair days pay for a fair days work. Yes dog, you are correct, the company will asked the drivers to pay in 2013, it will be '97 all over. Will UPS survive 2 work stoppages due to ATL trying to take from the workers or will someone step up and reward the workers. Davis never answered Combines letter, do you think he will answer one from Hoffa or Big O? I am not taking a pay cut either.
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Well-Known Member
Scott deserves 675% this year also, look at the stock, it is great. Look at OPL, we are proud of the returns and the way Mary and her Bermuda mates are making money. I bet front line managers decided on their own to take less so Scott can receive a fair days pay for a fair days work. Yes dog, you are correct, the company will asked the drivers to pay in 2013, it will be '97 all over. Will UPS survive 2 work stoppages due to ATL trying to take from the workers or will someone step up and reward the workers. Davis never answered Combines letter, do you think he will answer one from Hoffa or Big O? I am not taking a pay cut either.

Airbusfxr, in your notes for editing you ask if any manger or supervisor questions the 675% raise. I do. According to the proxy staement filed with the SEC, Scott's raise was in the LTIP which went from a target of 475% of base salary in 2008 to 600% of base salary in 2009. His base salary in 2008 and 2009 was / is $960K. IF all LTIP targets were / are met that would make his base + LTIP salary $5.52 Million for 2008 and $6.72 Million for 2009, or a 22% increase IF ALL LTIP targets are met, not 675%.

I've said it before, but your exaggerations and false information do not help your argument. A large number of management folks feel it is was not the best example for Scott to take any raise when they weren't. A large number of hourly folks feel it was inappropriate for Scott to take a raise when drivers were being laid off. If you just say Scott took a raise it would make your point. When you provide misleading and / or incorrect information it takes away from your creditability.


Well-Known Member
Scott deserves 675% this year also, look at the stock, it is great. Look at OPL, we are proud of the returns and the way Mary and her Bermuda mates are making money. I bet front line managers decided on their own to take less so Scott can receive a fair days pay for a fair days work. Yes dog, you are correct, the company will asked the drivers to pay in 2013, it will be '97 all over. Will UPS survive 2 work stoppages due to ATL trying to take from the workers or will someone step up and reward the workers. Davis never answered Combines letter, do you think he will answer one from Hoffa or Big O? I am not taking a pay cut either.

No sense complaining about Scott Davis and his croonies. Their lack integrity will run UPS into the ground. They ask for sacrafice, but make none. Its easy sitting in an ivory tower detached from the real world.Makes it easier to cut you peoples heart out from a distance. These people will continue to make cuts and destroy lives, while rewarding themslves! UPS is dead, it died a long time ago. Lack of leadership and integrity killed UPS, now its just another place to work and when these creatures suck it dry they will move on to another victim. Thats why I will not be taking a pay cut either.


Nine Lives
No sense complaining about Scott Davis and his croonies. Their lack integrity will run UPS into the ground. They ask for sacrafice, but make none. Its easy sitting in an ivory tower detached from the real world.Makes it easier to cut you peoples heart out from a distance. These people will continue to make cuts and destroy lives, while rewarding themslves! UPS is dead, it died a long time ago. Lack of leadership and integrity killed UPS, now its just another place to work and when these creatures suck it dry they will move on to another victim. Thats why I will not be taking a pay cut either.

Don't understand the integrity reference.
Usually integrity is referenced when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't.
I don't recall UPS ever saying they would do any of the things you keep ranting about.


Well-Known Member
Don't understand the integrity reference.
Usually integrity is referenced when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't.
I don't recall UPS ever saying they would do any of the things you keep ranting about.

Integrity is part of it but many other words must be considered to fully explain their actions. I believe words such as principle, sincerity, righteousness and virtue. In our case Scott Davis appears to show that he is deficient in many of these qualities. I understand he may have reached his goals that he set for himself. Isn't it reasonable to assume that he can only attain his goals for monetary remuneration if the rest of the employees for the same company attain their goals. Is it reasonable that he gets a raise while everyone else takes a pay cut?

Factories are the workplaces of our National Socialist racial comrades.
Fritz Todt


Well-Known Member
Don't understand the integrity reference.
Usually integrity is referenced when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't.
I don't recall UPS ever saying they would do any of the things you keep ranting about.
"You see, Picard, After we dissect your Enterprise for every precious bit of information, I intend to display its broken hull in the center of the Romulan capital as a symbol of our victory. It will inspire our armies for generations to come. And serve as a warning to any other traitor who would create ripples of disloyalty."
-Tomalak- Star Trek TNG


Well-Known Member
Don't understand the integrity reference.
Usually integrity is referenced when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't.
I don't recall UPS ever saying they would do any of the things you keep ranting about.

Scott Davis is only interested in his own well being. If he is truely concerned with how UPS performs during this bad economy, he would lead by example, and not pad his pockets. He is detached from reality and thinks UPS is his personal candy store. He will continue to reward himself while others are asked to sacrifice. Just about anyone can affect the bottoml line by cutting jobs,and gutting peoples incomes, a real leader would ralley everyone to reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction. Instead he presides over the death of UPS


Well-Known Member
Scott Davis came to UPS in 1986 from II Morrow which is UPS Aviation Technology. His bio from Forbes shows his incredable climb from making ADS-B to running a trucking company with airplanes. There are a few other "buddies" from 2morrow that are all "way up" in the money tree. How many package people were past over to let an airline guy run a trucking companing making the MOST compensation package ever? Hoax tell us.
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Nine Lives
Don't understand the integrity reference.
Usually integrity is referenced when someone says they are going to do something and then they don't.
I don't recall UPS ever saying they would do any of the things you keep ranting about.

Pretty bad when cookdaddy's reply makes the most sense in regards to Scott's integrity. :sad-little:


Well-Known Member
Scott Davis came to UPS in 1986 from II Morrow which is UPS Aviation Technology. His bio from Forbes shows his incredable climb from making ADS-B to running a trucking company with airplanes. There are a few other "buddies" from 2morrow that are all "way up" in the money tree. How many package people were past over to let an airline guy run a trucking companing making the MOST compensation package ever? Hoax tell us.
" Hew-Mons used to be a lot like Ferengi's. Thats who I am....Thats what I do. I'm a businessman. And more than that, I'm a *Ferengi* businessman. Do you know what that means? It means I'm exploiting and cheating people at random. I'm doing it according to a specific set of rules. The Rules of Aquisition. And I won't disregard them when I find them inconvenient."
-Quark- Star Trek DS9


Well-Known Member
"You see, Picard, After we dissect your Enterprise for every precious bit of information, I intend to display its broken hull in the center of the Romulan capital as a symbol of our victory. It will inspire our armies for generations to come. And serve as a warning to any other traitor who would create ripples of disloyalty."
Pretty bad when cookdaddy's reply makes the most sense in regards to Scott's integrity. :sad-little:

Yep Cookdaddy possesses an astute ability to zero in on the subject in question, dissect it down it its simplest modest form of verbiage and regurgitate it back in a line or two of bad dialog from a science fiction show that was written for children under the age of 12.

Yes, you who called us godless, we found our faith in Adolf Hitler, and through him found God once again. That is the greatness of our day, that is our good fortune!
Robert Ley
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