Local 2727 UPDATE

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The sad part of all of this is that this thread like the negotiations will still be going on 4 years from still unresolved.


The sad part of all of this is that this thread like the negotiations 4 years from now will be still be going on and not a thing will be resolved.

Dis-organized Labor

Your right he was just CEO of OPL from 88 to 91. Google Davis or Forbes.com, get some info before you post. Why cant you just read my post and understand I give correct information.

OK, you got me.
I apologize for stating that you were wrong, when you were actually correct.

Best Regards to you and the Nazi wanna-be's


Well-Known Member
OK, you got me.
I apologize for stating that you were wrong, when you were actually correct.

Best Regards to you and the Nazi wanna-be's

You're wrong a lot! No wonder you have a home business for backup. You may think about getting a third job. Eventually your lack of knowledge will catch up with you. As long as it doesn't happen all at once you may get by.

Best Regards to "The Sup wanna-be"

A leader who loses his connection to his people soon loses the ability to lead them.
Robert Ley

Dis-organized Labor

You're wrong a lot! No wonder you have a home business for backup. You may think about getting a third job. Eventually your lack of knowledge will catch up with you. As long as it doesn't happen all at once you may get by.

Best Regards to "The Sup wanna-be"

A leader who loses his connection to his people soon loses the ability to lead them.
Robert Ley
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Well-Known Member
I am happy,

Understanding sometimes is not enough to explain something.
Robert Ley

[video=youtube;TeBoEoEYklw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeBoEYklw"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/url][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeBoEoEYklw[/video]
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New Member
The strike vote only shows the unity of the membership. The Teamsters will then go to the big membership and show just cause that the aircraft mechanics cannot get a fair deal, then Hoffa will OK all Teamsters to honor the aircraft mechanics strike line. In '97 we honored the Big Teamsters (the pilots also shut down the airline) now we might have to ask you to support us. I dont think UPS would want a nationwide air and ground strike but remember if they are tell us we are going to pay for health care do you think your going to get it for free on your next contract. We are being layed off and subcontracting is being done overseas. We must make a stand or we will be run over by a big bully, remember you could be next. Would you like paying 400 bucks a month for health care?
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