Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
If he cared for his fellow union brothers and sisters he would gladly testify but I suspect that will not be the case.

He doesn't have a problem with his union brothers and sisters, after all we are paid higher than any other AMT in the Universe! Why should he go back and help the current E-board after they have done nothing but spread lies about him. You choose not to believe that Combine turned down getting released. I choose to believe that the rumor about Darmento stealing money is all a crock! Where is the proof? Combine continues to bad mouth Darmento because he realizes that he will not be able to deliver a contract as good as the one we have now! Combine is a Lame Duck. Step down and let someone get the job done. Three years and nothing but a lot of talk. Putting on a suit and tie and acting like a big shot!

The future battle on the ground will be preceded by battle in the air. This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer operational and tactical disadvantages and be forced throughout the battle into adoption compromise solutions.
Erwin Rommel


Well-Known Member
Well no sh^% they got a good raise and they gave some things up too. How do you think they were able to consolidate these stations this year?

Gave up some things? What are these things? You think the pilots specify where they will fly? You have the audacity to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about? If I didn't have anything better to add to this thread, I'd keep my mouth shut! You need to talk to more of your fellow pig farmers that have turned against Combine!

The future battle on the ground will be preceded by battle in the air. This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer operational and tactical disadvantages and be forced throughout the battle into adoption compromise solutions.
Erwin Rommel


Well-Known Member
Gave up some things? What are these things? You think the pilots specify where they will fly? You have the audacity to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about? If I didn't have anything better to add to this thread, I'd keep my mouth shut! You need to talk to more of your fellow pig farmers that have turned against Combine!

The future battle on the ground will be preceded by battle in the air. This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer operational and tactical disadvantages and be forced throughout the battle into adoption compromise solutions.
Erwin Rommel
Ask a pilot, Im not going to explain it to you. Basically there are hardly any easy routes. they make more money but they are more efficient.


Well-Known Member
Hey you gutless wonder. Darmento got you the best contract in the industry.....Combine got you the door! You were not around when Darmento beat down UPS and now your pumping gas because Combine does not know what he's doing. Change is coming! When we boot these clowns out you may get your job back! You can always go into management... join the ranks of other company men.
Yeah a contract that pays an experienced mechanic 21 bucks an hour and a pitiful 900 mechanics have job security. Man I'm so happy I could just sh&^. Leave me alone I have some gas to pump, thanks Darmento

Dis-organized Labor

You know, I cannot express my disgust towards Sky king, MIRV, Nazi guy, and cook dummy. These back stabbing AMT's would rather come on here and attack other mechanics then to stand behind there fellow brothers and sisters and fight the likes of this disgruntled management clown dis- organized labor. There are only 900 of us and they choose to take the companies side. Its getting down right embarrassing to watch the old man from management call out these clowns and see them hide under ignorance. We need to watch each others backs not attack one another like these bad examples for AMT's.

All of 2727 is like them, total disorganization and direction.
It hilarious to watch..
What makes you think that I'm in management?
Because some idiot thinks I'm a SEP SUP?

Dis-organized Labor

First of all, I along with 90% of my fellow AMT's voted to authorize a strike. When given the opportunity, what did our embarrassing, yeller, back stabbing E-board do? "Do You Want To Be Released?" no. You know how you ruin a good bird dog? Don't fire a shot after the dog flushes the bird. The dog will give you a pass a couple of times, then he will lose faith in you and give up. Combine asked us to give up overtime, and we did. That was a huge mistake because we did the company a favor and taught them to manage their time better. You want to stand behind these labor clowns you go right ahead. Did the company want to be released from negotiations? Obviously not! By Combine saying no! He did exactly what the company wanted, NOTHING! Combine asked each and everyone of use to lay it out there and we did! We flushed the bird and Combine didn't pull the trigger. You want to go for a joy walk in the woods with Combine, go ahead. I want to go hunting with someone not afraid to pull the trigger, cause I want to kill me some birds!

The only people that made out on the strike vote was the United States Postal Service, they sold a bunch of stamps for nothing!

He who does not believe has no soul. He is empty. He has no ideals. He has nothing to live for. He has no sunshine, no light, no joy in life. He is a poor, poor man.
Robert Ley

Sounds like Fairdale trailer trash talking, Jethro. "I want to kill me some birds"

Dis-organized Labor

Darmento is a pro and your a joke. I have read your posts, I think your a mngmnt plant on this thread just to stir things up.

I'm a mechanic plant out to expose Ace and MRV as Utilities.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a contract that pays an experienced mechanic 21 bucks an hour and a pitiful 900 mechanics have job security. Man I'm so happy I could just sh&^. Leave me alone I have some gas to pump, thanks Darmento

So that's what's eating at you. You never got to make what you are worth. Now you can, congrats! You are now free to go and work at what you are worth. No wonder you still worship Combine, he gave you the ability to go and do this! So how much you making now?

All we know is that, at times, fighting the Russians, we had to remove the piles of enemy bodies from before our trenches, so as to get a clear field of fire against new waves of assault.
Paul von Hindenburg


Well-Known Member
All of 2727 is like them, total disorganization and direction.
It hilarious to watch..
What makes you think that I'm in management?
Because some idiot thinks I'm a SEP SUP?

You still trolling this thread trying to take somebody out for drinks?

Sounds like Fairdale trailer trash talking, Jethro. "I want to kill me some birds"

Geez you offered to buy this Jethro Fairdal Trailer Trash drinks and to talk the other day. You people sure are fickle!

I'm a mechanic plant out to expose Ace and MRV as Utilities.

Go expose yourself to somebody at the Blue Oyster. We all know who you are and now we all know what you are.

We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy.
Heinrich Himmler

Dis-organized Labor

You still trolling this thread trying to take somebody out for drinks?

Geez you offered to buy this Jethro Fairdal Trailer Trash drinks and to talk the other day. You people sure are fickle!

Go expose yourself to somebody at the Blue Oyster. We all know who you are and now we all know what you are.

We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy.
Heinrich Himmler

I don't have a clue where or what the Blue Oyster is.
It interesting that you do. Is that your hangout?


Well-Known Member
I don't have a clue where or what the Blue Oyster is.
It interesting that you do. Is that your hangout?

Well when you find out, you'll probably never have to resort to luring mechanics with the offer of free drinks to Stooges ever again.

We shall have to pass through many a valley, many a narrow defile. Many will grow tired on the way. Of course they will mostly be those who have no reason to do so.
Heinrich Himmler


Well-Known Member
You still trolling this thread trying to take somebody out for drinks?
Geez you offered to buy this Jethro Fairdal Trailer Trash drinks and to talk the other day. You people sure are fickle!
Go expose yourself to somebody at the Blue Oyster. We all know who you are and now we all know what you are

I don't have a clue where or what the Blue Oyster is.
It interesting that you do. Is that your hangout?

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Well-Known Member
Too lazy to paste a quote..New hotline message says were going to ask to be released on nov 2nd if no progress. Who ever said that mediator asked us if we wanted to be released and combine said no was false. Please do not comment anymore on this discussion.


Well-Known Member
Too lazy to paste a quote..New hotline message says were going to ask to be released on nov 2nd if no progress. Who ever said that mediator asked us if we wanted to be released and combine said no was false. Please do not comment anymore on this discussion.
He only mentioned that on the hotline because he got caught with his pants down for saying NO during the previous round. More important is what will UPS offer when they give us the 'Last and Final offer'. Will it be better or worse?


Well-Known Member
Don't care why. nov 2nd get relaesed. strike on dec 2nd. I know it aint going to happen. they'll never let him leave the room. then we'll get their best offer. big game.

Dis-organized Labor

Well when you find out, you'll probably never have to resort to luring mechanics with the offer of free drinks to Stooges ever again.

We shall have to pass through many a valley, many a narrow defile. Many will grow tired on the way. Of course they will mostly be those who have no reason to do so.
Heinrich Himmler

Ace / CookDaddy:

Let's start over.
It was initially fun giving you sh--, but I prefer (and Manage) differently.
I understand your frustrations, but please look at both sides.
I'm sorry for saying that the Asian mechanics do better work than you guys, but honestly, that is my observation.

My offer to meet you was only to meet you, have a few laughs over the stuff on BC, and (possibly) better understand your issues and give you mine.

My opinion or insight has nothing to do with what the massive machine called UPS will do, but I just wanted to actually meet you guys, purchase your beverages (which was solely intended to be a NICE gesture and not a gay gesture).

We don't have to meet and I will tone down my posts.



Well-Known Member
Don't care why. nov 2nd get relaesed. strike on dec 2nd. I know it aint going to happen. they'll never let him leave the room. then we'll get their best offer. big game.

Yea, the game is almost over.Don't be suprised if UPS lets us walk. They are trying to send a message to all Teamsters in 2013. We're nothing compared to the National contract.
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