Local 2727 UPDATE

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Nine Lives
Originally Posted by 159
Good first try 159.
Hang in there and type sumptin before hitting the Submit Reply key.

Welcome to the Brown Cafe ... the place for friends and friendly harassment.


Well-Known Member
Want to meet at Stooges with "Ace"?

I'll buy; we can talk

Yep people are super friendly, they will even ask you out for drinks and to talk. Some will even offer to pay.

Germany has been born anew.
Robert Ley

Hey Dis-organized Labor! Ask Unionman and hshi, I'll bet they would love to meet you for drinks.:wink2:



Well-Known Member
You know, I cannot express my disgust towards Sky king, MIRV, Nazi guy, and cook dummy. These back stabbing AMT's would rather come on here and attack other mechanics then to stand behind there fellow brothers and sisters and fight the likes of this disgruntled management clown dis- organized labor. There are only 900 of us and they choose to take the companies side. Its getting down right embarrassing to watch the old man from management call out these clowns and see them hide under ignorance. We need to watch each others backs not attack one another like these bad examples for AMT's.


Well-Known Member
What you need to do is resolve this quickly so the rest of us that have absolutely nothing to do with your dispute will not be put out of work as a result.


Well-Known Member
You know, I cannot express my disgust toward Nazi guy. These back stabbing AMT's would rather come on here and attack other mechanics then to stand behind there fellow brothers and sisters and fight the likes of this disgruntled management clown dis- organized labor. There are only 900 of us and they choose to take the companies side. Its getting down right embarrassing to watch the old man from management call out these clowns and see them hide under ignorance. We need to watch each others backs not attack one another like these bad examples for AMT's.

First of all, I along with 90% of my fellow AMT's voted to authorize a strike. When given the opportunity, what did our embarrassing, yeller, back stabbing E-board do? "Do You Want To Be Released?" no. You know how you ruin a good bird dog? Don't fire a shot after the dog flushes the bird. The dog will give you a pass a couple of times, then he will lose faith in you and give up. Combine asked us to give up overtime, and we did. That was a huge mistake because we did the company a favor and taught them to manage their time better. You want to stand behind these labor clowns you go right ahead. Did the company want to be released from negotiations? Obviously not! By Combine saying no! He did exactly what the company wanted, NOTHING! Combine asked each and everyone of use to lay it out there and we did! We flushed the bird and Combine didn't pull the trigger. You want to go for a joy walk in the woods with Combine, go ahead. I want to go hunting with someone not afraid to pull the trigger, cause I want to kill me some birds!

The only people that made out on the strike vote was the United States Postal Service, they sold a bunch of stamps for nothing!

He who does not believe has no soul. He is empty. He has no ideals. He has nothing to live for. He has no sunshine, no light, no joy in life. He is a poor, poor man.
Robert Ley


Well-Known Member
First of all, I along with 90% of my fellow AMT's voted to authorize a strike. When given the opportunity, what did our embarrassing, yeller, back stabbing E-board do? "Do You Want To Be Released?" no. You know how you ruin a good bird dog? Don't fire a shot after the dog flushes the bird. The dog will give you a pass a couple of times, then he will lose faith in you and give up. Combine asked us to give up overtime, and we did. That was a huge mistake because we did the company a favor and taught them to manage their time better. You want to stand behind these labor clowns you go right ahead. Did the company want to be released from negotiations? Obviously not! By Combine saying no! He did exactly what the company wanted, NOTHING! Combine asked each and everyone of use to lay it out there and we did! We flushed the bird and Combine didn't pull the trigger. You want to go for a joy walk in the woods with Combine, go ahead. I want to go hunting with someone not afraid to pull the trigger, cause I want to kill me some birds!

The only people that made out on the strike vote was the United States Postal Service, they sold a bunch of stamps for nothing!

He who does not believe has no soul. He is empty. He has no ideals. He has nothing to live for. He has no sunshine, no light, no joy in life. He is a poor, poor man.
Robert Ley
Come on, as the rumor goes on here, supposedly the mediator asked Combine if he wanted to be released. That if you ask me is a crock. No way in hell is a mediator, who is there to keep things rolling, going to try and start the strike process.
Who started the Johnson rumor? I bet you believe that hsi guy from florida is a real mechanic.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

If UPS can get enough people like you the contract will be settled quickly. You need to change your name to something other than unionman. How about Companyman, Givebackman,or Savemyassman. I have no sympathy for a boy who is so willing to gut a contract, that real UNIONMEN fought for, in order to save his a**. Keep pumping gas, we don't need your kind.


Well-Known Member
If UPS can get enough people like you the contract will be settled quickly. You need to change your name to something other than unionman. How about Companyman, Givebackman,or Savemyassman. I have no sympathy for a boy who is so willing to gut a contract, that real UNIONMEN fought for, in order to save his a**. Keep pumping gas, we don't need your kind.

You think the company is just going to give you everything you want? The pilots gave up all there good routes and now pay for medical coverage. Your ignorance of how negotiations work is laughable... You didn't fight for that contract. What exactly did you do? Nothing. The real battle has been with the Majors and you know it. This contract is got so many holes in it and the only thing you care about is yourself. I am a real UNIONMAN and you are not.


Well-Known Member
You think the company is just going to give you everything you want? The pilots gave up all there good routes and now pay for medical coverage. Your ignorance of how negotiations work is laughable... You didn't fight for that contract. What exactly did you do? Nothing. The real battle has been with the Majors and you know it. This contract is got so many holes in it and the only thing you care about is yourself. I am a real UNIONMAN and you are not.

You are starting to sound very weak and scared. Not to worry, you will still be allowed to work even if we walk.


Well-Known Member
the mediator asked Combine if he wanted to be released. That if you ask me is a crock. I bet you believe that hsi guy from florida is a real mechanic.

That is obviously your right to continue to support our E-board but I am done with them. I have no faith and I am not alone. They have lost ground with many of their strong supporters. I also have no idea whether hsi is a mechanic, nor do I know if you are. Either way I could really care less. I have no use for our E-board and no use for the Upgrades. If the E-board gets lucky and pulls out a good contract, I'll appologize. I'm bettin I ain't gonna have to do that.

You think the company is just going to give you everything you want? The pilots gave up all there good routes and now pay for medical coverage.

Good Route? Now they have to fly the bumpy airways from SDF to DFW? I don't know a good route for a pilot from a bad route. I know that the smallest raise among the pilot group was an $800.00 per month increase. So they have to pay $300.00 for insurance. I'll take that deal, throw in the bumpy route. The extra cash in my wallet will cushion the ride!

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.
Heinz Guderian


Well-Known Member
Oh great another Darmento eboard member that joined BC in Aug to promote the thief.

Listen to last weeks Hotline message. Combine's E-board begging the thief for help. It's normal to invite thieves back to your house after you've been robbed?

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.
Heinz Guderian


Well-Known Member
Listen to last weeks Hotline message. Combine's E-board begging the thief for help. It's normal to invite thieves back to your house after you've been robbed?

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.
Heinz Guderian
They need him to testify on an arbitration case that involves him. I think that is far from what you said and if he cared for his fellow union brothers and sisters he would gladly testify but I suspect that will not be the case.


Well-Known Member
That is obviously your right to continue to support our E-board but I am done with them. I have no faith and I am not alone. They have lost ground with many of their strong supporters. I also have no idea whether hsi is a mechanic, nor do I know if you are. Either way I could really care less. I have no use for our E-board and no use for the Upgrades. If the E-board gets lucky and pulls out a good contract, I'll appologize. I'm bettin I ain't gonna have to do that.

Good Route? Now they have to fly the bumpy airways from SDF to DFW? I don't know a good route for a pilot from a bad route. I know that the smallest raise among the pilot group was an $800.00 per month increase. So they have to pay $300.00 for insurance. I'll take that deal, throw in the bumpy route. The extra cash in my wallet will cushion the ride!

If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.
Heinz Guderian
Well no sh^% they got a good raise and they gave some things up too. You don't know what your talking about when you speak of there routes. How do you think they were able to consolidate these stations this year?


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

Oh great another Darmento eboard member that joined BC in Aug to promote the thief.

Hey you gutless wonder. Darmento got you the best contract in the industry.....Combine got you the door! You were not around when Darmento beat down UPS and now your pumping gas because Combine does not know what he's doing. Change is coming! When we boot these clowns out you may get your job back! You can always go into management... join the ranks of other company men.
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