Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Pilot's left alot of money on the table with their latest contract. If we don't take it their going to be pissed.

Dis-organized Labor

Pilot's left alot of money on the table with their latest contract. If we don't take it their going to be pissed.

2727 and 81 (or is it 88?) should take the IPA approach.

They are ORGANIZED!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't care why. nov 2nd get relaesed. strike on dec 2nd. I know it aint going to happen. they'll never let him leave the room. then we'll get their best offer. big game.



Well-Known Member
Ace / CookDaddy:

Let's start over.
It was initially fun giving you sh--, but I prefer (and Manage) differently.
I understand your frustrations, but please look at both sides.
I'm sorry for saying that the Asian mechanics do better work than you guys, but honestly, that is my observation.

My offer to meet you was only to meet you, have a few laughs over the stuff on BC, and (possibly) better understand your issues and give you mine.

My opinion or insight has nothing to do with what the massive machine called UPS will do, but I just wanted to actually meet you guys, purchase your beverages (which was solely intended to be a NICE gesture and not a gay gesture).

We don't have to meet and I will tone down my posts.


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Well-Known Member
It was initially fun giving you sh--, but I prefer (and Manage) differently.

UPS sups aren't allowed to manage! They merely do as they are told.

I understand your frustrations
Pillows on a couch frustrates me, not UPS. UPS is funny!

I'm sorry for saying that the Asian mechanics do better work than you guys, but honestly, that is my observation.

Your very wrong opinion. They pencil whip almost everything. There is no oversight from the FAA. They are being used as a tool, as leverage.

My offer to meet you was only to meet you, have a few laughs over the stuff on BC, and (possibly) better understand your issues and give you mine.

Dude, you're half whacked! First you wanted to buy me drinks, then you PM'd me that you wanted to beat the crap out of me. Now you want to be friends again. I don't know what kind of medication you're on, it ain't working.

My opinion or insight has nothing to do with what the massive machine called UPS will do, but I just wanted to actually meet you guys, purchase your beverages (which was solely intended to be a NICE gesture and not a gay gesture).

I don't believe your opinion or insight has anything to do with reality.

We don't have to meet and I will tone down my posts.

Whew, I don't have to meet a half whacked sep sup at Stooges! Ahh you must have checked out the Blue Oyster!


These clashes are the only evolu-tionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich.
Heinrich Himmler

Dis-organized Labor

UPS sups aren't allowed to manage! They merely do as they are told.

Pillows on a couch frustrates me, not UPS. UPS is funny!

Your very wrong opinion. They pencil whip almost everything. There is no oversight from the FAA. They are being used as a tool, as leverage.

Dude, you're half whacked! First you wanted to buy me drinks, then you PM'd me that you wanted to beat the crap out of me. Now you want to be friends again. I don't know what kind of medication you're on, it ain't working.

I don't believe your opinion or insight has anything to do with reality.

Whew, I don't have to meet a half whacked sep sup at Stooges! Ahh you must have checked out the Blue Oyster!


These clashes are the only evolu-tionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich.
Heinrich Himmler

Man; Lot's of work on your part.
I apologize for the IM. I get pissed just as you do.
I'd still buy you a drink and shake your hand.
We all work for the same company and if it goes under we're all hosed.

My offer still stands.

Wouldn't it be cool to sit face to face and discuss the crap we (I) spew on this site?

I'll be humble. You can probably kick my ass!!!

Best Regards...

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Well-Known Member
Man; Lot's of work on your part.
I apologize for the IM. I get pissed just as you do.
I'd still buy you a drink and shake your hand.
We all work for the same company and if it goes under we're all hosed.

My offer still stands.

Wouldn't it be cool to sit face to face and discuss the crap we (I) spew on this site?

I'll be humble. You can probably kick my ass!!!

Best Regards...

Maybe now we can have some meaningful discussions on this matter. Dis-organized is right, we all work for the same company and when it gets personal we all lose. Its nice to see Ace, Cookdaddy and Dis-organized working things out.After this is over I would also like to meet some of you tards as well. I hope Unionman comes out of the darkness and takes back all the negitive things he's said to his fellow AMT's....that woukld be nice. Life to short to go thru life with negitive Rep power.

Dis-organized Labor

Maybe now we can have some meaningful discussions on this matter. Dis-organized is right, we all work for the same company and when it gets personal we all lose. Its nice to see Ace, Cookdaddy and Dis-organized working things out.After this is over I would also like to meet some of you tards as well. I hope Unionman comes out of the darkness and takes back all the negitive things he's said to his fellow AMT's....that woukld be nice. Life to short to go thru life with negitive Rep power.

Fully agree


Well-Known Member
Don't care why. nov 2nd get relaesed. strike on dec 2nd. I know it aint going to happen. they'll never let him leave the room. then we'll get their best offer. big game.


Get ready Unionman!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Nothing portrays the plight of the American worker like the lyrics from a one-hit-wonder British band?

We know that these clashes with Britain are necessary for evolution.
Heinrich Himmler

The Kinks...a one hit wonder british band??? I think you better do a search on the Kinks? Lots of hits and lots of albums. :happy-very:

Dis-organized Labor

The voice sounds familiar.

Like 10CC?

Probably not, but who is this?


Well-Known Member
He only mentioned that on the hotline because he got caught with his pants down for saying NO during the previous round. More important is what will UPS offer when they give us the 'Last and Final offer'. Will it be better or worse?



Well-Known Member
We are now in the final stages of ou E-boards great and visionary strategy. We have two choices. One is to strike UPS and the other is to be locked out and forced to vote on a final offer. Either way don't expect any improvements on our current agreement. Combine has put all in peril. Start saving any prepare for a long drawn out battle. Don't expect James T. Kirk to come to the rescue!


Well-Known Member
I never thought I would ask, but COOKDADDY can you please go back to posting quotes instead of your idiotic videos.
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