Local 2727 UPDATE

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Dis-organized Labor

We are now in the final stages of ou E-boards great and visionary strategy. We have two choices. One is to strike UPS and the other is to be locked out and forced to vote on a final offer. Either way don't expect any improvements on our current agreement. Combine has put all in peril. Start saving any prepare for a long drawn out battle. Don't expect James T. Kirk to come to the rescue!

"If you can't take a bloody mary, maybe you should get yourself a martini. It's not safe here. Its horrible, with measures to satiate desires both beautiful and gross; but its not a place for the faint."
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Dis-organized Labor

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Well-Known Member
We are now in the final stages of ou E-boards great and visionary strategy. We have two choices. One is to strike UPS and the other is to be locked out and forced to vote on a final offer. Either way don't expect any improvements on our current agreement. Combine has put all in peril. Start saving any prepare for a long drawn out battle. Don't expect James T. Kirk to come to the rescue!

The E-Board has some kind of plan to deal with a final offer by UPS. Not sure what that means. When NW mechanics went on strike a final offer was given, and those who voted yes worked and those who did'nt lost their jobs. Of course those who voted were scabs. Lets hope we don't get to that point.

Dis-organized Labor

Regardless of the outcome.... Good Luck!
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Well-Known Member
The E-Board has some kind of plan to deal with a final offer by UPS. Not sure what that means. When NW mechanics went on strike a final offer was given, and those who voted yes worked and those who did'nt lost their jobs. Of course those who voted were scabs. Lets hope we don't get to that point.



Well-Known Member
Regardless of the outcome.... Good Luck!

I was initially going to comment on Dis-organized Labors post but it just really isn't worth it. I think his meds, probably an AZT cocktail need to be adjusted. I don't look for this love fest it to continue. As soon as his enhanced higher deductible insurance kicks in and he has to dilute his AZT cocktail with vinegar, he'll back to calling us all names and wanting to kick our ass.

We are now in the final stages of ou E-boards great and visionary strategy. We have two choices. One is to strike UPS and the other is to be locked out and forced to vote on a final offer. Either way don't expect any improvements on our current agreement. Combine has put all in peril. Start saving any prepare for a long drawn out battle. Don't expect James T. Kirk to come to the rescue!

I agree, but an all out lock out could be risky. If they can stall one more month I'd say it's a no-brain'r. They have been sending sups to training all year and have yet to lay any of them off. When you add the sups and the mechanics that would cross the line after a week, they could probably pull it off. It will definitely take all the pilots in the federation to save us, not just James T.

I assume by now that Dis-organized Labor has the 757 door opening down to a science. As long as nobody shows him the secret switch for the Mad Dogs, we may have a chance.

Only faith is sufficient.
Robert Ley

Dis-organized Labor

I was initially going to comment on Dis-organized Labors post but it just really isn't worth it. I think his meds, probably an AZT cocktail need to be adjusted. I don't look for this love fest it to continue. As soon as his enhanced higher deductible insurance kicks in and he has to dilute his AZT cocktail with vinegar, he'll back to calling us all names and wanting to kick our ass.

Where's the trust?

I agree, but an all out lock out could be risky. If they can stall one more month I'd say it's a no-brain'r. They have been sending sups to training all year and have yet to lay any of them off. When you add the sups and the mechanics that would cross the line after a week, they could probably pull it off. It will definitely take all the pilots in the federation to save us, not just James T.

I assume by now that Dis-organized Labor has the 757 door opening down to a science. As long as nobody shows him the secret switch for the Mad Dogs, we may have a chance.

I know that I just give you a call, and you'd gladly open the door for me

Only faith is sufficient.
Robert Ley


Browncafe Steward
What you need to do is resolve this quickly so the rest of us that have absolutely nothing to do with your dispute will not be put out of work as a result.

The perfect me, me, me upser! How quickily we forget what these brothers and sisters did for us back in 97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't care why. nov 2nd get relaesed. strike on dec 2nd. I know it aint going to happen. they'll never let him leave the room. then we'll get their best offer. big game.

Brothers and sisters from 2727, there are a lot of us here pulling for you and will support you in what ever you decide! You walk and many of us will honor your lines in respect and walk with you, including myself and dam near my whole local!


Well-Known Member
The perfect me, me, me upser! How quickily we forget what these brothers and sisters did for us back in 97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brothers and sisters from 2727, there are a lot of us here pulling for you and will support you in what ever you decide! You walk and many of us will honor your lines in respect and walk with you, including myself and dam near my whole local!

We are going to need the support of ALL Teamsters in this fight. If we don't get 100% support UPS will bust us, and the rest of you will be next. Pray for cooler heads.


Well-Known Member
The fact is that in '97 the pilots and mechanics did shut down the airline. We were locked out as will the IBT members of the ground operations if we strike this Dec. Fact 2, the pilots, as fr8dog said, left many dollars on the table and they did not give up one thing, as UM states, fact 3 unionman has not been with this company long enough to even post here. He would give up everything that I have worked, fought and earned in my 20 years of service. We are going to win because in not we will be locked out again in 2013 when the drivers are asked for givebacks. UPS is making money, one day if the economy turns I will give back, but as long a a guy who has never touched a package is running UPS, I will not take a paycut or pay for health care.
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Well-Known Member
We are going to need the support of ALL Teamsters in this fight. If we don't get 100% support UPS will bust us, and the rest of you will be next. Pray for cooler heads.

At the risk of being Cooked, the game is nearly over. 2727 is just a pawn in a bigger move to gut and ravage all Teamsters. UPS will not negotiate in good faith because they have their eye's set on the National contract in 2013. Unfortunatly our E-Board has played into UPS's hands and have become sacrificial lambs. Supervisor like Dis-organized labor have change their tone and attitudes as directed by their handlers. A softer tone has been struck to sway the Last and Final offer vote. No concessions!! Ever!!

Dis-organized Labor

At the risk of being Cooked, the game is nearly over. 2727 is just a pawn in a bigger move to gut and ravage all Teamsters. UPS will not negotiate in good faith because they have their eye's set on the National contract in 2013. Unfortunatly our E-Board has played into UPS's hands and have become sacrificial lambs. Supervisor like Dis-organized labor have change their tone and attitudes as directed by their handlers. A softer tone has been struck to sway the Last and Final offer vote. No concessions!! Ever!!

MRV cannot be short for a "MonkeyReVolver" as I see a slide.

Anyhow, I haven't changed anyone's tone.
My basic position: We need you guys.
Don't take this wrong, but people like me establish the strategy and long term viablility with respect to financial constraints and political issues that inherent in any corporation. I have no political aspirations, just want to do a good job and then go home (sound familiar).

You guys execute that strategy.

Remember my USAF post? I was Enlisted and I did as I was directed. Now, the Private Sector is much different, but the principle still seems to be valid.
I screwed up and came off too strong oringinally, but I will bear the criticisms I rightfully deserve.

You guys are just like me; we cut our grass the same; send our kids to the same schools, etc.

I admit that I sent ACE a PM saying that I wanted to kick his ass, but what other SEP-Stud wouldn't do the same (-;

I have strived to get you guys to understand the pressures that i have on moving the airplanes; to no avail.

There was once when I couldn't get in to a 757............ I had to get the Guard Shack guy to help me ..

Peace V


Well-Known Member
My basic position: We need you guys.

Of course, we know how to open airplane doors.

Don't take this wrong, but people like me establish the strategy and long term viablility with respect to financial constraints and political issues that inherent in any corporation.

Is that what they told you when they taught you to click the little box with mouse and approve the time cards?

Remember my USAF post?

Fort Dicks?

I was Enlisted and I did as I was directed.

Don't ask, Don't tell?

Now, the Private Sector is much different,

Harder to bait men with offer of free beer?

butt, the principle still seems to be valid.

If you say so.

One day I heard a speech of Hitler. In this speech he said that the German factory worker and the German labourer must make common cause with the German intellectual worker.
Fritz Sauckel


Well-Known Member
Asian mechanics are far superior to you and your fellow thugs. They really are. If you open your eyes and look instead of constantly complaining and looking to throw a wrench in the works. It's people like you that are driving the work there. I know you are incapable of acknowledging anyone else's POV but the unions.
This thread is becoming boring.

You say you need us, but in reality you've done everything possible to undermine our work ethic, expertise, and what we do to help UPS be a profitable company. I believe UPS believes what you do, that anyone can do our jobs. That we are overpriced malcontents that need to be beat down. Your systematic assult on out profession has created an atmosphere of hate and discontent......yet we continue to provide UPS with unsurpassed on time departures during these assults. We acheive these record performance numbers because we are professionals. We are the only AMT's in the industry that are requires to perform all forms of maintenance without specialization. We are the only AMT's that are required to have technical knowlege on five fleet types, eight prior to the retirement of the DC8, 727, and 747 classic. We are the only AMT's that work with limited supervision and resourses, yet we are seen by UPS as unskilled labor worthy of replacement by the lowest bidder. Our current contract was negotiated in good faith. UPS gave us that contract because of our professional expertise. I will not go backwords because Airline management has a personal vendeta againts AMT's and what we bring to the table. You can continue to spread fear by laying off our brothers and sisters. You can continue write me up and hold hearings in an attempt to break my will, but I will stand tall and do my job because I am a professional AMT. No concessions!!!!!!!!!!!!Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Come on Cookdaddy give me some love.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I will not take a pay cut. In the future if UPS loses money I might consider, but my group moves 16% of the packages for 47% of the profit. Scott Davis and his group are getting raises, I will not take a pay cut.
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