Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The perfect me, me, me upser! How quickily we forget what these brothers and sisters did for us back in 97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red, you are absolutely correct--I worry about me first as there is no one else who will. Unlike the state of California, my creditors will not accept IOUs and I refuse to be sidelined by an issue that I have no involvement with.

This issue has little or no attention beyond this forum. I mentioned it at work the other day and was met with blank stares. I also find it unfair that an issue that involves less than 1,000 could potentially impact many thousands more.

2009 is not 1997. There is absolutely no public support for a work stoppage, especially when the AMTs are the highest paid in the industry. I do agree that outsourcing needs to be stopped but beyond that I find little to agree with in re: to their demands. Paying for a portion of healthcare will become a part of all of our lives in 2013, perhaps sooner for the AMTs. I would think at $43 per hour a couple of hundred bucks a month would be manageable.

All of this rhetoric will be moot when the issue is resolved before Thanksgiving.


Nine Lives
2009 is not 1997. There is absolutely no public support for a work stoppage, especially when the AMTs are the highest paid in the industry.

UPS eventually bought out the Central States pension and responsibilities which is what 1997 was all about anyway.
Except, everyday, Teamsters are still feeling the negative effects of that strike.


Active Member
Of course, we know how to open airplane doors.

Is that what they told you when they taught you to click the little box with mouse and approve the time cards?

Fort Dicks?

Don't ask, Don't tell?

Harder to bait men with offer of free beer?

If you say so.

One day I heard a speech of Hitler. In this speech he said that the German factory worker and the German labourer must make common cause with the German intellectual worker.
Fritz Sauckel


Active Member
MRV cannot be short for a "MonkeyReVolver" as I see a slide.

Anyhow, I haven't changed anyone's tone.
My basic position: We need you guys.
Don't take this wrong, but people like me establish the strategy and long term viablility with respect to financial constraints and political issues that inherent in any corporation. I have no political aspirations, just want to do a good job and then go home (sound familiar).

You guys execute that strategy.

Remember my USAF post? I was Enlisted and I did as I was directed. Now, the Private Sector is much different, but the principle still seems to be valid.
I screwed up and came off too strong oringinally, but I will bear the criticisms I rightfully deserve.

You guys are just like me; we cut our grass the same; send our kids to the same schools, etc.

I admit that I sent ACE a PM saying that I wanted to kick his ass, but what other SEP-Stud wouldn't do the same (-;

I have strived to get you guys to understand the pressures that i have on moving the airplanes; to no avail.

There was once when I couldn't get in to a 757............ I had to get the Guard Shack guy to help me ..

Peace V

Your comments are a day late and a dollar short. We have seen the real Dis-organized Labor and he is running scared. I have a funny feeling that you are Scott Davis in disguise. Not funny ha ha, but funny boo hoo. Pack your bags Dis-organized Davis. We are going for a trip down memory lane all the way back to 1997 and this time you won't be coming back
Of course, we know how to open airplane doors.

Is that what they told you when they taught you to click the little box with mouse and approve the time cards?

Fort Dicks?

Don't ask, Don't tell?

Harder to bait men with offer of free beer?

If you say so.

One day I heard a speech of Hitler. In this speech he said that the German factory worker and the German labourer must make common cause with the German intellectual worker.
Fritz Sauckel

i think that dis-organized labor and Ace have a secret love affair.. sounds like more than just buying someone a beer.

"don't be a fool, wrap your tool"

Dis-organized Labor

Your comments are a day late and a dollar short. We have seen the real Dis-organized Labor and he is running scared. I have a funny feeling that you are Scott Davis in disguise. Not funny ha ha, but funny boo hoo. Pack your bags Dis-organized Davis. We are going for a trip down memory lane all the way back to 1997 and this time you won't be coming back

Definitely not scared of anything.
This is just another issue.
Actually, you saw one side of my posts. That's all.

Dis-organized Labor

You say you need us, but in reality you've done everything possible to undermine our work ethic, expertise, and what we do to help UPS be a profitable company. I believe UPS believes what you do, that anyone can do our jobs. That we are overpriced malcontents that need to be beat down. Your systematic assult on out profession has created an atmosphere of hate and discontent......yet we continue to provide UPS with unsurpassed on time departures during these assults. We acheive these record performance numbers because we are professionals. We are the only AMT's in the industry that are requires to perform all forms of maintenance without specialization. We are the only AMT's that are required to have technical knowlege on five fleet types, eight prior to the retirement of the DC8, 727, and 747 classic. We are the only AMT's that work with limited supervision and resourses, yet we are seen by UPS as unskilled labor worthy of replacement by the lowest bidder. Our current contract was negotiated in good faith. UPS gave us that contract because of our professional expertise. I will not go backwords because Airline management has a personal vendeta againts AMT's and what we bring to the table. You can continue to spread fear by laying off our brothers and sisters. You can continue write me up and hold hearings in an attempt to break my will, but I will stand tall and do my job because I am a professional AMT. No concessions!!!!!!!!!!!!Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Come on Cookdaddy give me some love.

I may have posted some nasty comments initially, but I later rescinded them and apologized for getting too emotional.
I've never beat down anyone at UPS. I can't give you any details, but the union people I was involved with were quite happy and highly productive. That is not my view, but theirs.

Dis-organized Labor

Of course, we know how to open airplane doors.

Is that what they told you when they taught you to click the little box with mouse and approve the time cards?

Fort Dicks?

Don't ask, Don't tell?

Harder to bait men with offer of free beer?

If you say so.

One day I heard a speech of Hitler. In this speech he said that the German factory worker and the German labourer must make common cause with the German intellectual worker.
Fritz Sauckel

A few weeks ago, I would have sent a nasty comment back, but now i just let it go, because your responses don't seem as hateful as they did a few weeks ago.
I am definitely not a SEP SUP.
I remember the program, though.
I find it hard to believe that someone couldn't figure out the door from either inside or out.
There are no "magic buttons" or levers to release the door or yellow throws to stow under a plastic cover.
SEP turned out to be a bad idea, but the initial reason for having such a program seemed ok.


Well-Known Member
Red, you are absolutely correct--I worry about me first as there is no one else who will. Unlike the state of California, my creditors will not accept IOUs and I refuse to be sidelined by an issue that I have no involvement with.

This issue has little or no attention beyond this forum. I mentioned it at work the other day and was met with blank stares. I also find it unfair that an issue that involves less than 1,000 could potentially impact many thousands more.

2009 is not 1997. There is absolutely no public support for a work stoppage, especially when the AMTs are the highest paid in the industry. I do agree that outsourcing needs to be stopped but beyond that I find little to agree with in re: to their demands. Paying for a portion of healthcare will become a part of all of our lives in 2013, perhaps sooner for the AMTs. I would think at $43 per hour a couple of hundred bucks a month would be manageable.

All of this rhetoric will be moot when the issue is resolved before Thanksgiving.
Go ahead and cross the picket line. Manager like you have no idea what is at stake in our struggle with UPSCO. JCP already is using FDX Ground because of the Reuters article. If you think this forum is the only place this small issue has surfaced you are like your "blank stares" to us. The only a thousand small people move 16% of the packages that generate 70% of the profit. Your little world is a long way from ATL and SDF where the world of UPS revolves. Thanks for all your support.
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Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by UpstateNYUPSer
Red, you are absolutely correct--I worry about me first as there is no one else who will. Unlike the state of California, my creditors will not accept IOUs and I refuse to be sidelined by an issue that I have no involvement with. OH OK I see where you are coming from. I stood by your side in '97 along with all the mechanics and pilots and you probably scabbed your line. I was sidelined and stood by your side and we had valid contracts. People like you is what is wrong with the world today.


Well-Known Member
You say you need us, but in reality you've done everything possible to undermine our work ethic, expertise, and what we do to help UPS be a profitable company. I believe UPS believes what you do, that anyone can do our jobs. That we are overpriced malcontents that need to be beat down. Your systematic assult on out profession has created an atmosphere of hate and discontent......yet we continue to provide UPS with unsurpassed on time departures during these assults. We acheive these record performance numbers because we are professionals. We are the only AMT's in the industry that are requires to perform all forms of maintenance without specialization. We are the only AMT's that are required to have technical knowlege on five fleet types, eight prior to the retirement of the DC8, 727, and 747 classic. We are the only AMT's that work with limited supervision and resourses, yet we are seen by UPS as unskilled labor worthy of replacement by the lowest bidder. Our current contract was negotiated in good faith. UPS gave us that contract because of our professional expertise. I will not go backwords because Airline management has a personal vendeta againts AMT's and what we bring to the table. You can continue to spread fear by laying off our brothers and sisters. You can continue write me up and hold hearings in an attempt to break my will, but I will stand tall and do my job because I am a professional AMT. No concessions!!!!!!!!!!!!Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Come on Cookdaddy give me some love.

" We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind....Ahhh screw it watch the video instead!"


Dis-organized Labor

Fry-Cook Daddy at Waffle House ;-)

I actually watched your video. I was looking for the link from MRV's post to my post and/or his / anyone's repsonse.
Is there a message here?
This is the first video that I have looked at and I don't see what you're trying to say.
How about if you add a hint in the EDIT line as to how we should read the Star Trek U-Tube video?? I'm sure others on this thread get it....BUT!

I'm just a SEP SUP WANNABE.................... ;-)
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Well-Known Member
Red, you are absolutely correct--I worry about me first as there is no one else who will. Unlike the state of California, my creditors will not accept IOUs and I refuse to be sidelined by an issue that I have no involvement with.

This issue has little or no attention beyond this forum. I mentioned it at work the other day and was met with blank stares. I also find it unfair that an issue that involves less than 1,000 could potentially impact many thousands more.

2009 is not 1997. There is absolutely no public support for a work stoppage, especially when the AMTs are the highest paid in the industry. I do agree that outsourcing needs to be stopped but beyond that I find little to agree with in re: to their demands. Paying for a portion of healthcare will become a part of all of our lives in 2013, perhaps sooner for the AMTs. I would think at $43 per hour a couple of hundred bucks a month would be manageable.

All of this rhetoric will be moot when the issue is resolved before Thanksgiving.

We did 'nt fully understand your issues in 1997, but we supported your strike and did not cross any picket lines. We supported you because you are Teamsters and Teamsters don't cross picket lines! This is the first battle in a war against all Teamsters! Get on board.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This issue has little or no attention beyond this forum. I mentioned it at work the other day and was met with blank stares. I also find it unfair that an issue that involves less than 1,000 could potentially impact many thousands more.

If you not management then you should be...your perfect UPS brown blood material.


Well-Known Member
nope. There is just a lab in the basement were they draw a vial of blood to test when you put your letter in. If it does not come out brown to begin with, you don't get the promotion...


Well-Known Member
NDA and Int volume both up. This movement of these packages result from on-time large commercial jets. The figures show it is over 16% of the packages using air movement again for a high profit margin.


Well-Known Member
NDA and Int volume both up. This movement of these packages result from on-time large commercial jets. The figures show it is over 16% of the packages using air movement again for a high profit margin.

That does not mean anything to UPS. They are determined to cut us off at the knees. Many Amt's have left UPS recently and are not being replaced by laid off members, instead UPS is slipping in letters of attrition to circumvent the contract and reduce our ranks. 60 to 75 AMT's will be laid off after peak. This strategy is designed to wear us down, to force our E-board to agree to a concessionary contract in order to save jobs.


Well-Known Member
Many Amt's have left UPS recently and are not being replaced by laid off members, instead UPS is slipping in letters of attrition to circumvent the contract and reduce our ranks. 60 to 75 AMT's will be laid off after peak. This strategy is designed to wear us down, to force our E-board to agree to a concessionary contract in order to save jobs.

I will have to give our E-board credit for not caring about those that have been layed off thus far. Another round will hit all topped out AMT's and the pressure will mount. I believe they will be able to get a concessionary contract based on the incompetence alone. I've seen a lot of talk but very little sincerity when in comes to those that have been layed off.

For instance there is currently a mechanic still on the sonority list and working in MSY that should have been bumped. Labor made a mistake and he has been over looked. Our E-board hasn't monitored the process at all. I know a hand full of mechanics that didn't have the opportunity to bump and could have bumped that guy. Every time labor has put pressure on the mechanics to turn in choices, the E-board has rolled over.

That's the way it should be, If the company wants to lay off 500 mechanics. Our E-board should only be concerned with getting a contract for the mechanics that UPS wants to keep on payroll.

I'd like to see UPS keep 500 AMT's and we'll sign a contract for $100.00 per hour.

This enraged the other Nazi so much that the next morning he came to our house and he shot my father.
Bruno Schulz
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