Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
I admit, I was highly offended (on my new best friends' on this thread's behalf), but now you are being polite and apologetic. Is it just me, or does this thread just provide a calm, soothing effect? Almost euphoric!!

The only reason that the company would like to get this contract behind them. They want to get down to serious bid'nes. That's right! Laying off all of those useless sups. Now we're talking real savings. Not non of this $22.00 dollar an hour mechanics that actually do something to help make the company money.

I know you're a big fan of the ornamental mechanics in Asia doing our work. Do you have any idea how much they have to pay those guys with the dollar at it's weakest level in history. It costs them money! The only benefit is that some upgrade pig farmer won't hold the plane hostage for some imaginary wage on a stick, always being toyed with and always just out of reach.

War on string may be unwinnable, says cat general.
Heinrich Himmler

Dis-organized Labor

The only reason that the company would like to get this contract behind them. They want to get down to serious bid'nes. That's right! Laying off all of those useless sups. Now we're talking real savings. Not non of this $22.00 dollar and hour mechanics that actually do something to help make the company money.

I know you're a big fan of the ornamental mechanics in Asia doing our work. Do you have any idea how much they have to pay those guys with the dollar at it's weakest level in history. It costs them money! The only benefit is that some upgrade pig farmer won't hold the plane hostage for some imaginary wage on a stick, always being toyed with and always just out of reach.

War on string may be unwinnable, says cat general.
Heinrich Himmler

The Sup's aren't useless. Some have A&P's and others can work at AMDC and the WBS among other functions.
Who makes $22./hour? Please educate me.
Although the Dollar is down against the Euro, doesn't give you the right to insult my pigs or me. We RANCH them, not FARM them.....
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Well-Known Member
The Sup's aren't useless.

Highly subjective!

Some have A&P's and others can work at AMDC and the WBS among other functions.


Who makes $22./hour? Please educate me.

I'm beginning to wonder if you even work for UPS or just hang out trying to lure men for drinks at Stooges. What do you think the average wage is of the 150 mechanics that they have just layed off? Don't guess you have to be smarter than a pig to farm em.

Oink Oink, Oink oink oink oink!
Adolf Hitler!
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Dis-organized Labor

The only reason that the company would like to get this contract behind them. They want to get down to serious bid'nes. That's right! Laying off all of those useless sups. Now we're talking real savings. Not non of this $22.00 dollar an hour mechanics that actually do something to help make the company money.

War on string may be unwinnable, says cat general.
Heinrich Himmler

I'm giving you some positive rep; why you gotta' be like this?
Do you want my GEMS ID? 055XXXX

Of course I work for UPS; as I'm sure you do too.

I see now that it could be interpreted that you were targeting the lower-seniority AMT's that got laid off, so I'll give you that.

Why don't you guys take a voluntary, temporary pay cut to bring your brothers and sisters back? a couple of bucks from you and everyone else goes a long way. Are you really united?

Isn't this economic crisis short-term?


Well-Known Member
I politely ask that if UPS does indeed present a contract Nov. 2nd that the members take the time to throroughly read the document, keeping in mind our current economic climate and the impact that a work stoppage would have not only on yourselves but on all of the other Teamster UPS employees, and that if the proposals within the contract are considered to be acceptable to please quickly ratify the contract so that our operations will not be affected. I am in no way asking you to accept terms and conditions which are not acceptable simply to get this resolved but do ask that you remain objective and, if the proposal is acceptable, quickly ratify so that we can move on. Thank you and I apologoize for my earlier statements. Dave.
Dave, the company is the one that is dragging this out. Our contract ended Aug of 2006, we had no contract, no raise, no nothing since Nov 2005, do you think we are stalling? The RLA has us with our hands tied and UPS has used this 1929 era law to slowroll us. UPS has made money, shareholders have made money, Scott (never touched a package) Davis has made money and every other union member has received contractual enhancements. We are small in numbers but provide 16% of the package movement with top heavy profits, ie NDA and Int. You do not have to make apologizes because our struggle is very complicated and people outside of the Airline find it hard to understand. Remember the Reuters article? If not it stated that UPS could double our pay and never miss one penny, but Airline managers would rather risk ground and air customers just to prove a point with us, it is not us running JCP to FDX ground. This will be my 23rd peak at UPS, this is my primary source of income, and my contributions to the operation make UPSCO successful, shouldn't I be fairly compensated? In 2013 you will be asked to give back, pay for health care and pay Davis, we will be here to support you.
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Dis-organized Labor

My quotes ride above...........

Two sides to every story... I thought you hated your E-board?

Our contract ended Aug of 2006, we had no contract, no raise, no nothing since Nov 2005, do you think we are stalling? The RLA has us with our hands tied and UPS has used this 1929 era law to slowroll us.

This is 2009 my friend; don't hide.

UPS has made money, shareholders have made money, Scott (never touched a package) Davis has made money and every other union member has received contractual enhancements.

Wrong!! Except Divs

We are small in numbers but provide 16% of the package movement with top heavy profits, ie NDA and Int.

Wrong again:

You do not have to make apologizes because our struggle is very complicated and people outside of the Airline find it hard to understand.

Your "Struggle" is not accepted by the majority of the UPSer's that post here. That's my observation. $43.00 plus OT??? Zero Health Participation???
You Gotta' be kiddie me???

Remember the Reuters article?

One out of many
If not it stated that UPS could double our pay and never miss one penny,

Wrong X 3
but Airline managers would rather risk ground and air customers just to prove a point with us,

You do not have this power
is not us running JCP to FDX ground. This will be my 23rd peak at UPS, this is my primary source of income, and my contributions to the operation make UPSCO successful,

Wake up:...you ARE!!!!
shouldn't I be fairly compensated?


Well-Known Member
Dis-organized Labor;623282 ACE< I'm giving you some positive rep; why you gotta' be like this? Do you want my GEMS ID? 055XXXX Of course I work for UPS; as I'm sure you do too. I see now that it could be interpreted that you were targeting the lower-seniority AMT's that got laid off said:
Just answer this simple question. Why are only 2727 mechanics being targeted with layoffs? Reduced flight schedules, fleet retirements, less work. and only 2727 mechanics hitting the street. That is why its a struggle for us, do you think its funny playing with peoples lives in order to gain a upper hand in negotiations? Eventually this will all be over, and we will sign another contract, but these under handed tactics will never be forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Dysfunctional Manager does only what his center manager tells him. Here is another bad call from his buddies at IE, next year many mid size gateways are on 5 8s and on sunday a md or a300 will sit without any attention from Sat nite till monday afternoon. The aircraft will sit without any work assigned and then it will be issued on tue, wed, thur, making the new weekend work on a weekday. This will lead to OOS on tues nite outbounds because the workload is shifted to the flight sch heart instead of off sch. The company is nice to let guys off on Sunday but with NO scheleduled T/Cs, EOs, and mods we are looking at many hot spare launches to mid size hubs for air recovery. AMC also has "holes" in the shifts were only a couple of guys are running the whole fleets and it will cause more turn over problems. Now this will cause delays, missed service commitments, and extended OOS problems due to weekend work on the weekday. The company will cry foul to the FAA and mediator and public but IE will be laughing behind their backs because their scheledules and work shift has caused this. Go ahead Dysfunctional Management and disect this.

Dis-organized Labor

Dysfunctional Manager does only what his center manager tells him. Here is another bad call from his buddies at IE, next year many mid size gateways are on 5 8s and on sunday a md or a300 will sit without any attention from Sat nite till monday afternoon. The aircraft will sit without any work assigned and then it will be issued on tue, wed, thur, making the new weekend work on a weekday. This will lead to OOS on tues nite outbounds because the workload is shifted to the flight sch heart instead of off sch. The company is nice to let guys off on Sunday but with NO scheleduled T/Cs, EOs, and mods we are looking at many hot spare launches to mid size hubs for air recovery. AMC also has "holes" in the shifts were only a couple of guys are running the whole fleets and it will cause more turn over problems. Now this will cause delays, missed service commitments, and extended OOS problems due to weekend work on the weekday. The company will cry foul to the FAA and mediator and public but IE will be laughing behind their backs because their scheledules and work shift has caused this. Go ahead Dysfunctional Management and disect this.

Maybe next time


Well-Known Member
If you knew what I do, and what I've contributed since the start of the airline, I believe you would not say that my job is made up.
I agreee that there are some, but that is because of the inconsistencies within the M&E organization.
I can't speak to the early retirement thing.
I'd probably take it though.

The Sup's aren't useless. Some have A&P's and others can work at AMDC and the WBS among other functions.
Who makes $22./hour? Please educate me.
Although the Dollar is down against the Euro, doesn't give you the right to insult my pigs or me. We RANCH them, not FARM them.....

Maybe next time

Shatner at His Finest!
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looks like everybody on here is just waiting for nov.2 to see what the pig farmers have next in store for us? with the economy the way it is, why is our e-board pressing for a contract so hard? just wait it out. we make good wages,no health care cost and security. if we sign a new contract now we WILL get screwed with more costs and concessions.. just relax and go feed the pigs and chickens. and it is farming not ranching. ranching includes horses,cows and real cowboys. whats up ACE? cat got your tougne? do you even still work for UPS? or out on the street?


Well-Known Member
looks like everybody on here is just waiting for nov.2 to see what the pig farmers have next in store for us? .. just relax and go feed the pigs and chickens. and it is farming not ranching. ranching includes horses,cows and real cowboys. whats up ACE? cat got your tougne?

Well I believe that you are 100% correct. The thread went dead with lack of news. Seems we got us an honest to God Mexican standoff going on with labor and E-board. My money's on Labor. We got mechanics dropping like flies, retiring, openings all over the system and running tons of overtime to cover flights. IE royally screwed the pooch in a lot of gateways to cover the layoffs. The company would love to get down to bidness the first of the year and start laying off sups and whacking jobs in the Air Group Building. Instead they forced with the mundane task of arguing with our country bumpkin board of pig farmers of america.

As I read what I just wrote, seems I shouldn't be expecting labor to come out ahead in next weeks session. Guess that just goes to show how little credit I give our pig farmin upgrade E-board. I still have faith that Santa will bring us a new Warden. I believe he will be gonzo after the contract is settled.

Combine has to deliver a better contract than Joe and the Warden has to Bust it. Yes sir, an honest to God Mexican standoff.

Nine g's is good, if the pilot can stand it. We couldn't stand it. Not in the airplanes of World War II.
Adolf Galland



There are a lot of things that have been said that are clearly rumors,like W. Johnson being fired.A lot of people speak about things that they have no clue about , like the AMt in MSY.God does not like ugly.UPS will get just what they deserve.A lot of peoples lives have been affected by the games that UPS has choosen to play.My god bless us all,whatever is going to happen is out of our control and we will know the answer when the hotline message comes out Nov. 6, unless there is a special hotline message.Strenght in numbers,local 2727 members stand together our day will come. For those that are against the position that we have taken ,remember your fight with UPS will come and I know you will want the support of local 2727.


Well-Known Member
Heard on the news today that American Airlines was planning layoffs of 750 people of which most are Aircraft mechanics. This doesn't help any of your arquments.



Well-Known Member
Heard on the news today that American Airlines was planning layoffs of 750 people of which most are Aircraft mechanics. This doesn't help any of your arquments.

Well there NHGUY. I assume that you are from the great state of New Hampshire. New Hampshire has some very prominent people from that state. Poet Robert Frost and author Dan Brown. It's also known for the New Hampshire Motor Speedway and also (this is where you come in) is also known as the Granite State. I believe it is called the Granite State because of all the hard headed people that live there.

Had you paid attention to the whole story about AMR laying off 700 mechanics, you may have gained just a tad bit of information that would have made you think before you posted your previous comment.

American Airlines is laying off 700 jobs or about 5% of its maintenance staff of 12,700. Also noted cuts affect both management and union jobs. UPS has layed off approximately 160 mechanics or about 15% of its maintenance staff all of which are mechanics with 0% management.

I may add that American Airlines reported it's third quarter net loss of $359 million dollars.

A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.
- Adolf Hitler


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Heard on the news today that American Airlines was planning layoffs of 750 people of which most are Aircraft mechanics. This doesn't help any of your arquments.


Ok, put down your crack pipe and back away. AA lost a boatload of money in their quarter...now how much did UPS make this quarter??? When UPS starts losing money and they start Sh**canning supes and our great CEO takes a 16% paycut instead of an increase then maybe i can see laying off mechanics. Untill then, go approve my time card.:wink2:
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