Local 2727 UPDATE

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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Picketing in Atlanta:

UPS 1.jpg


UPS 1.jpg


Well-Known Member

Thanks for giving all the details of the AA layoffs. I don't know why all you guys get so defensive and attack people who don't always agree with your position. I think the stance UPS is taking is to avoid becoming AA. Their profit is down 50%, their volume is down significantly and yet most of you guys sound like you can't wait to strike.

It is most unfortunate that you still don't have a contract but you need to face reality of the times. UPS will not reach an agreement without you guys contributing for your health benefits. What everyone had in the past, just isn't possible today.

The management people are leading by example. They got no raise, they pay towards their benefits, they no longer are getting the 401k match. Just because you are union does not mean that things won't change in the future. I hope this thing gets resolved fairly for all. A strike would not be good for ANYBODY!! Think hard before you walk the streets.



Well-Known Member
Maybe this will move the company to an agreement if not let the chips fall when they may. I am not taking a pay cut. I am not paying for health care. This will be a "November to Remember".


Well-Known Member

Thanks for giving all the details of the AA layoffs. I don't know why all you guys get so defensive and attack people who don't always agree with your position. I think the stance UPS is taking is to avoid becoming AA. Their profit is down 50%, their volume is down significantly and yet most of you guys sound like you can't wait to strike.

It is most unfortunate that you still don't have a contract but you need to face reality of the times. UPS will not reach an agreement without you guys contributing for your health benefits. What everyone had in the past, just isn't possible today.

The management people are leading by example. They got no raise, they pay towards their benefits, they no longer are getting the 401k match. Just because you are union does not mean that things won't change in the future. I hope this thing gets resolved fairly for all. A strike would not be good for ANYBODY!! Think hard before you walk the streets.

Scott Davis is leading me by example, his pay raise and LTIP shows me that 920 people moving 16% of the packages (NDA, INT) can be rewarded for their contributions. NHGuy, you are not "up to speed" on airline issues, it might be more comfortable for you to post on other topics. Thanks for your help in this issue.


Well-Known Member
ACE, I don't know why all you guys get so defensive and attack people who don't always agree with your position.

I get defensive when someone makes a smug comment implying pleasure that people with the same skill-sets are being furloughed when the comparison is so far off. You were tripping over yourself to hurry up and post that little bit of knowledge.

I think the stance UPS is taking is to avoid becoming AA..

Yep I expect any day that UPS will announce they are going to stop hauling passengers.

Their profit is down 50%, their volume is down significantly and yet most of you guys sound like you can't wait to strike.

We have no choice.

The management people are leading by example. They got no raise, they pay towards their benefits, they no longer are getting the 401k match..

They are being led and made an example of? I don't know any of them that voluntarily chose to take cuts.

A strike would not be good for ANYBODY!!.

Fed Ex, I'm buying stock.


The Big Fish Always Eats The Little, Slow Witted Fish.
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
UPS is preparing to give us the 'Last and Final Offer" next week. They will not budge on our demands and are preparing for a strike or lockout. Every management person in the AGB with an A@P is being trained up and getting ramp passes in preperation for a job action. Management pilots are ready to operate next day air flights and scab outfits are ready to cross our picket lines. The final solution is upon us.

P.S- Dis-Organized Labor has been shut down by his bosses and is now waiting for his final solution. Ace, you should of taken the free drinks when you had the chance.

Lets hope Combine has not over played his hand.


New Member
This all amazes me. A company that prides itself on its business sence, is willing to risk its peak season after some lean times, now the economy is finally showing signs of recovery, which you can see. If you haven't noticed volume is started to increase. And now they are willing to let the chance of having a decent peak run down their leg. Oh well. (they will come to there sences right and realize this little drop in the bucket isn't worth it?????)


Well-Known Member
UPS is looking at the big picture. And the big picture is the 2013 National contract. Combine has allowed us to become pawns in UPS's game. A message will be sent to all Teamsters when they are finished with us. Look for us to be locked out and a final offer given if we are released. All Combine had to do is wait UPS out until the economy recovered, but his stupidity and lack of leadership will force all of us to take a concessionary contract or find other employment. Combine has been underestimating UPS from the beginning.


Brothers and sisters from 2727, there are a lot of us here pulling for you and will support you in what ever you decide! You walk and many of us will honor your lines in respect and walk with you, including myself and dam near my whole local!

Thanks Red. Hopefully we won't need it.[/QUOTE]
Folks just pull together and hold strong, i know that "November to Remember" is really pissing them off, the cards are just really getting them worked up, I know this first hand. You all are at a very delicate time right now. Good luck and stay strong.
p.s. I was fortunate to escape.....

Dis-organized Labor

UPS is preparing to give us the 'Last and Final Offer" next week. They will not budge on our demands and are preparing for a strike or lockout. Every management person in the AGB with an A@P is being trained up and getting ramp passes in preperation for a job action. Management pilots are ready to operate next day air flights and scab outfits are ready to cross our picket lines. The final solution is upon us.

P.S- Dis-Organized Labor has been shut down by his bosses and is now waiting for his final solution. Ace, you should of taken the free drinks when you had the chance.

Lets hope Combine has not over played his hand.

I'm still here, just brushing up on my 757 Main Door opening skills


Well-Known Member

I wish you would stop making quotes how the Aircraft Mechanics move 16% of the total volume. You don't touch a single package. In your simple mind you can't comprehend that the packages get picked up drivers, are processed at a center, are moved to a gateway by feeder,feeder aircraft or pakcage car, get sorted or bypassed by a gateway, go on an airplane or wait about 15% of the total volume never flies on an airplane during it's processing, goes to another air hub, gets unloaded, resorted, reloaded, moved again by air or ground, goes to another gateway, gets sorted again, moves to a center gets sorted again, gets loaded by a by a preloader and ultimately gets delivered to the customer by a driver.

Keep living in fantasy land. As you can see, you have a very, very , very small part in this service. It's too bad that you are the big mouth spewing all this nonsense when in fact the aircraft mechanics that I know are smart reasonable people, that know you can't live in OZ forever.

You and 705 Red can move in together when your both unemployed.


Well-Known Member

I wish you would stop making quotes how the Aircraft Mechanics move 16% of the total volume. You don't touch a single package. In your simple mind you can't comprehend that the packages get picked up drivers, are processed at a center, are moved to a gateway by feeder,feeder aircraft or pakcage car, get sorted or bypassed by a gateway, go on an airplane or wait about 15% of the total volume never flies on an airplane during it's processing, goes to another air hub, gets unloaded, resorted, reloaded, moved again by air or ground, goes to another gateway, gets sorted again, moves to a center gets sorted again, gets loaded by a by a preloader and ultimately gets delivered to the customer by a driver.

Keep living in fantasy land. As you can see, you have a very, very , very small part in this service. It's too bad that you are the big mouth spewing all this nonsense when in fact the aircraft mechanics that I know are smart reasonable people, that know you can't live in OZ forever.

You and 705 Red can move in together when your both unemployed.

"His brain is gone"


Well-Known Member
A november to remember. Its on starting tonight!!!!!

November to Remember has started. Broke aircraft all over the system. Over a hundred thousand sevice failures last night because of broken planes. Combine has lost his mind and we are at a point of no return! Start saving your pennies because we are shutting her down!


Active Member
UPS is looking at the big picture. And the big picture is the 2013 National contract. Combine has allowed us to become pawns in UPS's game. A message will be sent to all Teamsters when they are finished with us. Look for us to be locked out and a final offer given if we are released. All Combine had to do is wait UPS out until the economy recovered, but his stupidity and lack of leadership will force all of us to take a concessionary contract or find other employment. Combine has been underestimating UPS from the beginning.

I think you are exactly right, this is not about 2727 and whatever the small number of employees (compared to the corportation), this is about UPS trying to take control of its long term cost. This will be a stepping stone to 2013. Management, below grade 20 at least, has made concessions, you can't expect UPS to ask anything less from union. Our pay structure as a whole is getting out of hand compared to our competitors with no end in sight. The legislation being proposed to "level the playing field" probably won't pass, UPS (weather I like it or not, agree with it or not) must lower cost to stay competitive. You can't look at the profits right now, you have to look at it long term, once that 50% drop in profit goes to 75% or worse it is too late.


Well-Known Member
Teamster ground side just signed a new contract last year with a pay raise and no health care payment. iam, i think they're building maintenance and truck mechanics, just signed new contract in the summer with a raise and no healthcare payment.. Pilots got a 17 percent pay raise right off the bat so a lousy 100 bucks in health care payment to them is peanuts.. scott davis goes from 1.2 mil 2 years ago to a potential 12 million in 2010. im so friend#@%ing confused why this is still going on. november to remember starting to sound pretty good.
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