Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member

Too many posts to go through to see if I am correct, but I think today was the day when you were going to asked to be released from mediation if things weren't progressing. If my memory is correct , are things going well or did / are you asking to be released?


Well-Known Member
Never! as a UPS Manager, I gave my word that I was a changed man. No more nasty direct attacks on those guys. Besides, we have a Policy of Promoting a Sense of Teamwork!

I hear they are empting the AGB and putting them on the line in SDF to watch over the operation. Hows that going? A supervisor for every mechanic must be nice. Lets hope UPS does not dig their heal in and call Combines bluff! Destroying lives and UPS in the process dos'nt make any sence. When negotiations become personal battles between fools nobody wins.


Well-Known Member
Not true. Your just repeating pig farmer talk. We have bigger fish to fry that pig farming.

What are you hearing Airbusfxr? This November to Remember is only getting guys letters and hearing. Do you really think UPS will buckle under this pressure? Or will it only lead to more layoffs?


Well-Known Member
Word on the street is that the negotiations started out really good, but then rapidly deteriorated when Combine Stated "This will be a November to remember" and the companies reply was "this will be a December to dismember".
December to Dismember!! Thats not nice. I don'nt want to die! D.o.l tell your boys to play nice.


Well-Known Member
What are you hearing Airbusfxr? This November to Remember is only getting guys letters and hearing. Do you really think UPS will buckle under this pressure? Or will it only lead to more layoffs?
At first I thought all you clowns that joined the BC in Aug just had a Darmento agenda but after reading your posts for a while its obvious your all just scared of going on strike. You guys are worse than management or even scabs because you do more damage to are cause. Every one of your posts has been anti Union and it is pretty obvious your nothing more than a company man to the bone that will stab your fellow brothers in the back to get the job done. It doesnt matter because there are way more of us then you and "we" are getting the job done while you try your best to help the company out.

Dis-organized Labor

I hear they are empting the AGB and putting them on the line in SDF to watch over the operation. Hows that going? A supervisor for every mechanic must be nice. Lets hope UPS does not dig their heal in and call Combines bluff! Destroying lives and UPS in the process dos'nt make any sence. When negotiations become personal battles between fools nobody wins.

We've all been through this before. Hopefully lives and our business won't be too badly damaged.

Dis-organized Labor

December to Dismember!! Thats not nice. I don'nt want to die! D.o.l tell your boys to play nice.

Remeber the last scene of "Braveheart"?
It looks like it onlt hurts for a short time.
I'll see what I can do.
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Nice showing at Zappos, in KY ...UPS HQS in ATL...next bus ride. Seymore In Walmart dist.......Wallstreet, NY..... in work. Need guys in ORD,ONT and DFW to picket large customers in your area if things go south in negotiations
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Nice showing at Zappos, in KY ...UPS HQS in ATL...next bus ride. Seymore In Walmart dist.......Wallstreet, NY..... in work. Need guys in ORD,ONT and DFW to picket large customers in your area if things go south in negotiations

Wallstreet would be awesome!!! I will burn some option days for that one. :devil3:


Well-Known Member
Union man you joined in Feb, how many warning letters do you have in your file? I bet none by your give back attitude. Today the Central Div had several "fishing talks" by conference calls, there was an E-Board member on the call and stated that talks were moving. We have another day of talks in MSP and when the day ends we shall know if we have a contract or no contract, then the E-Board will let the members and the rest of our IBT Brothers and Sisters know the fate of UPS during December. There will a couple of choices, we can vote yes and except the last best final etc etc offer, or as in 2001 vote no and get the other last best final etc etc a week later, with an additional 3 buck raise at the end (my suggestion). OR we can be released from mediation and strike after the 30 day cooling off period.

Dis-organized Labor

Union man you joined in Feb, how many warning letters do you have in your file? I bet none by your give back attitude. Today the Central Div had several "fishing talks" by conference calls, there was an E-Board member on the call and stated that talks were moving. We have another day of talks in MSP and when the day ends we shall know if we have a contract or no contract, then the E-Board will let the members and the rest of our IBT Brothers and Sisters know the fate of UPS during December. There will a couple of choices, we can vote yes and except the last best final etc etc offer, or as in 2001 vote no and get the other last best final etc etc a week later, with an additional 3 buck raise at the end (my suggestion). OR we can be released from mediation and strike after the 30 day cooling off period.

AIRBUSFXR - Welcome back. What is a "Fishing Talk"? If it's a telecon, I can't believe it was "fishing" for Management intel. I don't want you to reveal 2727 strategy, just asking for knowledge.
Is tomorrow really the last day at MSP? Why tom
I only remeber kicking and catching apls in 1997, what happened in 2001?
How much is $3.00 per 2727 member per year; plus benefits? Any idea what the Company will have to put forth?

Have the Front Line Guys/Girls realized a simialr pay increase? I know $3.00 in relation to $43.00 an hour is small, but the percentage may be significant compared to the average UPSer as well as the Mean Income level for a similar industry State by State.

Don't be suspicious.

I could never get an honest perspective face-to-face, but this seems somewhat effective.



Well-Known Member
At first I thought all you clowns that joined the BC in Aug just had a Darmento agenda but after reading your posts for a while its obvious your all just scared of going on strike. You guys are worse than management or even scabs because you do more damage to are cause. Every one of your posts has been anti Union and it is pretty obvious your nothing more than a company man to the bone that will stab your fellow brothers in the back to get the job done. It doesnt matter because there are way more of us then you and "we" are getting the job done while you try your best to help the company out.

I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has. Our contract needs many improvements that the top dollar doesnt address.

You dishonor all real Union men. You were bending over for UPS from the beginning in order to save your a**. We've been fighing for 20 yrs for the contracr we have, and I will not accept a pay cut or any concessions. Quit hiding behind "Unionman." Real Unionmen don't quit before the fight has even started.

PS- Darmento's agenda got us the best contract in the industry! And UPS's greatest fear is his return.


Well-Known Member
I retired years ago. Now i just sit here in the Hodgkins CACH hub and answer the phone.
There's this one guy that keeps coming around though, asking me what I'm doing.
I always respond with: "Nothing; just sitting here pretending to not know how to type, taking a smoke every 20 minutes and collecting $25.00 an hour. What do you do"?
He always says the same thing: "I am also a Hodgskins CACH Admin guy making $25.00 an hour and I'm concerned they may get rid of one of us and I'm hoping to establish that it needs to be you versus me based on BC posts".
I usually blink a few times and then ask: "Are you OK? Your face is all red, you're emitting gas and your mouth is foaming". He goes away at this point and then comes back the next day in the same clothing.

It's kinda' weird.

Remeber the last scene of "Braveheart"?
It looks like it onlt hurts for a short time.
I'll see what I can do.

Who are you?? Just when I was beginning to fall in love. After all we have gone through! We need a real Maintenance Supervisor to pick on. DOL!!!! Why!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
At first I thought all you clowns that joined the BC in Aug just had a Darmento agenda but after reading your posts for a while its obvious your all just scared of going on strike. You guys are worse than management or even scabs because you do more damage to are cause. Every one of your posts has been anti Union and it is pretty obvious your nothing more than a company man to the bone that will stab your fellow brothers in the back to get the job done. It doesnt matter because there are way more of us then you and "we" are getting the job done while you try your best to help the company out.

I may of join in August, but on Aug 5th you showed you true colors. Please UPS I will not ask for a raise and even take a pay cut!!! Sure sounds like hard core Union rhetoric to me.

See if Wall-mart will give you some time off so you can watch REAL Brothers and Sisters march against UPS.


Well-Known Member
Nevermind the comment.
I like the new image. I need one, but just can't find one I'm happy with.
I'm looking for a guy in a suit whipping aircraft mechanics...

Who are you?? Just when I was beginning to fall in love. After all we have gone through! We need a real Maintenance Supervisor to pick on. DOL!!!! Why!!!!!!!!!
Your killing me DOL!!! First I find out your a imposter, and now you want to whip us?


Well-Known Member
Union man you joined in Feb, how many warning letters do you have in your file? I bet none by your give back attitude. Today the Central Div had several "fishing talks" by conference calls, there was an E-Board member on the call and stated that talks were moving. We have another day of talks in MSP and when the day ends we shall know if we have a contract or no contract, then the E-Board will let the members and the rest of our IBT Brothers and Sisters know the fate of UPS during December. There will a couple of choices, we can vote yes and except the last best final etc etc offer, or as in 2001 vote no and get the other last best final etc etc a week later, with an additional 3 buck raise at the end (my suggestion). OR we can be released from mediation and strike after the 30 day cooling off period.
Airbusfxr, don't jump on the Darmento wagon. Those clowns took that part of what I wrote and ran with it, the other part of what I said is if they gave us a Defined Pension. So please don't put me in the same classification as these clowns. And by the way I have two letters.


Well-Known Member
You dishonor all real Union men. You were bending over for UPS from the beginning in order to save your a**. We've been fighing for 20 yrs for the contracr we have, and I will not accept a pay cut or any concessions. Quit hiding behind "Unionman." Real Unionmen don't quit before the fight has even started.

PS- Darmento's agenda got us the best contract in the industry! And UPS's greatest fear is his return.
I would still do it to get the pension.


Well-Known Member
Airbusfxr, don't jump on the Darmento wagon. Those clowns took that part of what I wrote and ran with it, the other part of what I said is if they gave us a Defined Pension. So please don't put me in the same classification as these clowns. And by the way I have two letters.
WOW!! Two warning letters! You and your family must be very proud. How many warning letters has Wall-mart given you?
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