Local 2727 UPDATE

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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Another wasted week in negotiations. Combine visionary strategy has UPS digging in for the long haul. At every turn Combine is beat down.Every promise and threat goes unfulfilled. His attempt to destroy the customer base will only lead to more lay offs and hardship for the membership. Time to wake up folks. Combine is a failure. His amature tactics have accomplished nothing but empty out pockets and put us all on the brink of disaster. Time for a change, time for a new E-board. Take the training wheels off before its to late.

Blah, blah, blah, blah...:blahblah:


Well-Known Member
You should take this seriously. No fun sitting on the bubble while Combine drives customers away and telgraphs his every move to UPS.
Hey, now you can put that MRV cape on and fix all of UPS's airplanes. Don't worry, I'll put in a good word for you at the gas station. Not!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You should take this seriously. No fun sitting on the bubble while Combine drives customers away and telgraphs his every move to UPS.

Ive been ready to walk and do what it takes to get the contract we deserve. What have you been doing...oh thats right...bashing your union brothers and sisters. I dont agree with all of Combines ideas and i did not agree with Darmetos but i did not stand around and complain. You sound like UPS management.


Well-Known Member
Ive been ready to walk and do what it takes to get the contract we deserve. What have you been doing...oh thats right...bashing your union brothers and sisters. I dont agree with all of Combines ideas and i did not agree with Darmetos but i did not stand around and complain. You sound like UPS management.

You're right! Its time to take action. These guys have been at it for 3 years! Your blind faith in them is not warrented. What have they done to to improve our station? Darmento would of had this figured out years ago! You sound like a Tech Pubs guy.

Dis-organized Labor

You should take this seriously. No fun sitting on the bubble while Combine drives customers away and telgraphs his every move to UPS.

We should all take this seriously!!
We've lost our Premium Services (1DA).

This 2727 issue WILL get settled.

Losing more Customers will only result in less (UPS) people and more work per person.

I have to pay a lot of bucks for me, my wife and 4 kids for Health Insurance. It seems like everyone has to!!!

C'Mon Guys!!!!

Dis-organized Labor


Here's a (couple of) distraction(s) from another thread!!
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I just dont know what to say anymore. I had tired to say neutral in the at work but I've got to tell you thing are getting out of hand in a hurry. Look it is simply I know the union has issues (some valid) but I've got to tell you your strategy is all wrong. BillBoards on 65 and info pickets. Come on guys I mean who are you attempting to convince (the public)? The public doesn't care. By what I have seen your message is falling flat. Most of the public isn't union and don't even get paid half what you make or even half the benefits. I'm not trying to be critical just honest. I know the mechanics (sorry) AMT's are specialized and deserve good pay and benefits but look at what your up against. The company has given you good contracts in the past (maybe not everything you wanted but good none the less). Yes the company is making money but you know no one has a blank check in the world. I mean I see people all the time at work (union members) getting surgerys costing tens of thousands of dollars and pay practically nothing for them. I had the pay for my familys healthcare cost this year that is straining my budget but I'm not complaining because healthcare is just expensive anymore. UPS has been good to me (but I'm no means a company man just someone who really needed a job when I joined UPS). I spent years talking to our customers and let me tell you something - all that most care about is the cost to ship and get it there on time. I have seen alot and been disappointed by people but look around. I mean you just cannot expect to get free healthcare anymore. I've been paying since 1994 (yes for 15 years already). Look you need to focus on been practical and reasonable. UPS does like bad PR. Your not helping yourself doing it that way. You should be focusing on what you can bring to the table (showing the company why your worth it) not running around to our customers crying foul. Thing need to settle down fast. All this talk of strike and bad mouthing the company isn't a strategy it is suicide. Now some mechanics are upset because the company responding to this. What did you expect to happen. I just wish you could see how good you had it. So the company want you to pay for some healthcare cost. I'm am sorry your getting hit with it but look around at just how much it cost. I'm not trying to take sides (some will say I am) but you all are in such a hurry to get a new contract. You would be better off to just keep what you have for now. I would like to remind everyone that our customers need there packages (medications, supplies, equipment). Familys, employers, and others depend on you to do your part to get them there packages. Please just dont forget that.


New Member
In a hurry to get a contract????? We've been without one for three years!!!!!! Looking forward to a Christmas with my family instead of a broke d!ck airbus! I guess some suit can fix it (I hope the skydrol doesn't hurt his sensative office fingers). Hope he's familiar with the GMM, AMM, blah, blah, blah, blah. And up to date CAT, ETOPS, ERT, AMB's, etc. Well they will figure it all out. The Feds probably will work with them (they will understand that UPS is trying to save a buck). Oh yeah and maybe they could file flight plans over non-populated areas just in case. Yep, I think this will work.
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Well-Known Member
3 years = 10 billion for UPS and the street for 15% of the mechanics. Oh yeah, we have it so good. Its on!


Active Member
3 years = 10 billion for UPS and the street for 15% of the mechanics. Oh yeah, we have it so good. Its on!

The best way to prevent tantrums is to know what triggers them. Lots of kids get irritable when they're hungry or tired, but those aren't the only situations that will spark meltdowns. Psychologist Jed Baker, the author of No More Meltdowns, offers a guided tour of the six most-common triggers, with tips on avoiding each tearjerker:

1. Biological issues
Some kids become especially irritable when they're hungry or tired. That's why it’s always a good idea to take favorite snacks along on outings; you can even pull them out when waiting for meals at restaurants. To keep children from becoming too tired, build some rest time into your plans and don’t overschedule their days. Last, consider what kind of stimulation your kids can tolerate — some like loud amusement parks, while others need quieter activities to keep them happy.
2. Lack of structure
Having nothing to do for too long a period of time is a recipe for trouble. Kids will create their own structure if you don’t, and this sometimes means arguing with each other or otherwise acting out. Create a "Things To Do" box with puzzles, games, art projects, books, videos and other calming activities for the downtime between scheduled activities. Take smaller versions along on long car rides or for destinations with long waiting lines.
3. Demands
Many kids find it stressful to be told to do homework or chores, or to try a new activity. So when it's time for them to do their chores or homework, make a game of it, with rewards for completing each part of the task. If kids are afraid to try something new, don’t force them — instead help them gradually overcome reluctance by letting them watch the activity first, then asking them to participate for a very short period of time.
4. Waiting
Some kids melt down when they don't get what they want, or have to stop doing something fun. It is easier for kids to wait for what they want if they know exactly when they'll get it, so keep a timer or clock on hand. If you know you are going someplace where they will want something they cannot have, tell them ahead of time; suggest that if they get through the outing without complaint, they can get something else. When kids resist stopping a fun activity, try to make the transition easier. For example, as a reward for leaving the playground and going home without incident, stop for a small ice-cream treat.
5. Threats to self-esteem
Some kids are perfectionists and cannot stand making a mistake on their homework or losing a board game. Remind such kids before an activity that you are more interested in their efforts or their sportsmanship than whether they do things perfectly. Promise rewards if they don't get upset when they lose a game.
6. Unmet wishes for attention
Some children fall apart when adults ignore them to attend to siblings or other adults. Children can wait for your attention more successfully when they know exactly when they will get it — again, a timer or clock can be helpful. If you are occupied with something important, ask them to stay near you while they wait; often, that closeness is enough to satisfy them for a while. Also, teach kids the correct ways to ask for attention, and to sit patiently rather than getting mad or acting out. If the kids ask nicely to play, then give them the attention they crave. After all, this is the most valuable gift you can offer them.


Well-Known Member
Combine is a failure. His amature tactics have accomplished nothing but empty out pockets and put us all on the brink of disaster. Time for a change, time for a new E-board. Take the training wheels off before its to late.

Lets look at everything our President has asked us to do! We have had 2 overtime bans, voted to strike and now are asked to call and harass customers with scare tactics for a strike, that if it happens the earliest would be February? How many mechanics are currently out of work because of his overtime bans that taught the company to manage its workload? How many customers have all of the pickets and billboards really affected? If any of these had any impact, there would be winds of change in negotiations.

This is the November To Remember To Go Rogue! Petitions are going around for Combine to step down. A grassroots movement is underway to cease any further contract talks until we vote in a new E-board. If the company wants to continue to drag this out we will oblige. It is merely in the company's interest to settle this and move on to cutting the real waste within the AGB and all the unnecessary sups that don't contribute but merely provide baby sitting service. The twenty dollar an hour mechanics that have been laid off are of no fiscal cost savings. Everyone knows that this company eats its own and when the overtime and double time is analyzed the blame will fall on labor and IE.

There are several Rogue stewards and more are joining. It's time to begin anew. It's time to Go Rogue!

The German Revolution is a revolution, and therefore successful high treason; it is well known that such treason is never punished....
-Adolf Hitler


Active Member
I hear they are empting the AGB and putting them on the line in SDF to watch over the operation. Hows that going? A supervisor for every mechanic must be nice. Lets hope UPS does not dig their heal in and call Combines bluff! Destroying lives and UPS in the process dos'nt make any sence. When negotiations become personal battles between fools nobody wins.

The bluff has been called, and the heels are dug in. Remember the overtime ban? They'll figure out how to get it done with a few Sup's and a few temps and you can keep the "struggle" going for as long as you want. As for picketing customers...do you think that's going to bring the "brothers and sisters" back sooner? Or will it result in more people hitting the street? PATHETIC


The holdup for this contract is INSURANCE,the outsourceing of work issue will be setteled with the answer to the abritration that is pending.UPS is dead set on making us pay for a portion of our health care. This is the single most important issue ,not only for UPS but on a national level. The pilots and management all pay for a portion of there healthcare. I would rather pay for a portion of my healthcare with a 2% of 3% raise than to not have a job and have to pay for 100% of COBRA.The argument that members of local 2727 are making in this current economic environment is not very smart.At the pace that these negeations are going we will be negeoationing another contract befofe the ink dries on this one.Lets face it boys we will have to pay for a portion of our healthcare.Be Smart,not impulsive and think of your families. I know many 43$ an hour mechanics that are broke, we could 143$ an hour and they would still be broke,I say that to say this the hourly wage should not be an issue, if it is then shame on you!Combine has done the best that he could. Anyone other than Jesus would not have done any better! UPS is deadset on up paying Insurance.

Dis-organized Labor

Lets look at everything our President has asked us to do! We have had 2 overtime bans, voted to strike and now are asked to call and harass customers with scare tactics for a strike, that if it happens the earliest would be February? How many mechanics are currently out of work because of his overtime bans that taught the company to manage its workload? How many customers have all of the pickets and billboards really affected? If any of these had any impact, there would be winds of change in negotiations.

This is the November To Remember To Go Rogue! Petitions are going around for Combine to step down. A grassroots movement is underway to cease any further contract talks until we vote in a new E-board. If the company wants to continue to drag this out we will oblige. It is merely in the company's interest to settle this and move on to cutting the real waste within the AGB and all the unnecessary sups that don't contribute but merely provide baby sitting service. The twenty dollar an hour mechanics that have been laid off are of no fiscal cost savings. Everyone knows that this company eats its own and when the overtime and double time is analyzed the blame will fall on labor and IE.

There are several Rogue stewards and more are joining. It's time to begin anew. It's time to Go Rogue!

The German Revolution is a revolution, and therefore successful high treason; it is well known that such treason is never punished....
-Adolf Hitler

Who would take over? Rob Haysley?
What can a steward do that would be effective???

Dis-organized Labor

In a hurry to get a contract????? We've been without one for three years!!!!!! Looking forward to a Christmas with my family instead of a broke d!ck airbus! I guess some suit can fix it (I hope the skydrol doesn't hurt his sensative office fingers). Hope he's familiar with the GMM, AMM, blah, blah, blah, blah. And up to date CAT, ETOPS, ERT, AMB's, etc. Well they will figure it all out. The Feds probably will work with them (they will understand that UPS is trying to save a buck). Oh yeah and maybe they could file flight plans over non-populated areas just in case. Yep, I think this will work.

Do you recall Nortwest's "strike" a few years ago???
Hmmmmm. That was an interesting surprise.........


sell your UPS stock boys. its going to plumit:sad-very::sad-very: November to remember!:devil3::devil3::devil3:
HAHAHAHAHAHA i am just laughing every time i run into one if my friends that i worked with at United Parcel Slavery, we high five and i am just smiling now to be rid of the snake bite. I wish you all luck and now the company got what they want you all cannot turn it off. You must hold strong.

Dis-organized Labor

A 5yr old boy named Noah Biorkman is in the last stages of a 2 1/2yr battle with Neuroblastoma Cancer. The family is celebrating Christmas next week and Noahs request is to get lots of Christmas cards. Simple right? So lets get him some!!!! Please send cards to: Noah Biorkman , 1141 Fountian View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178. Lets see How many cards we can get to this little guy! Thank You! PLEASE REPOST!!-.

Come on BC, lets see what we can do for Noah!

Any of you 2727 guys want to send a card?


Well-Known Member
Who would take over? Rob Haysley?
What can a steward do that would be effective???

We will have a new E-board. The majority of our membership has no faith in our current E-board. We don't pay for health benefits and we make top pay in class. We are getting butt loads of double time with the extra segments and all the broke planes. The company wants to drag this out, lets do it!

The company can't lock us out at the same time giving millions to congress pushing for more unionization for Fed Ex. In the end we will all shake hands and move on. Not until we have a new E-board that knows how to get it done.

There is no telling what changes have been made to the current contract excluding pay and benefits. I'd bet there would be a "No" vote on all the current articles that have been closed thus far!

We wanted additional work for our unemployed and the use of the volume of their increased production to increase every man's share in consumption. Wages are not based on production; production itself is the wage.
-Adolf Hitler
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