Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The talks in MSP have been extended another day. UPS came in with another offer, and the E-Board is reviewing it tonight. We may be getting close to a tenitive agreement. November to Remember must of got UPS's attention.


Well-Known Member
Airbusfxr, don't jump on the Darmento wagon. Those clowns took that part of what I wrote and ran with it, the other part of what I said is if they gave us a Defined Pension. So please don't put me in the same classification as these clowns. And by the way I have two letters.

Warning letters for incompetance and sleeping does not advance the fight for Unionism. Maybe you should try and Unionize Wall-mart, you may be there for a while waiting for a recall.

Contract talks have gone into overtime. Hopefully we will all get a chance to see whats on the table soon. And Combine better not bring us a concessionary contract!



Well-Known Member
Warning letters for incompetance and sleeping does not advance the fight for Unionism. Maybe you should try and Unionize Wall-mart, you may be there for a while waiting for a recall.

Contract talks have gone into overtime. Hopefully we will all get a chance to see whats on the table soon. And Combine better not bring us a concessionary contract!

They don't give out letters to suck butts like you . Im sure your cell phone is full of your sups minutes.
You cross the line with your wise cracks about being laid off. I have to admit it really pissed me off at first and you really showed what a punk you were when I called you out. You have not a care for the people struggling to make ends meat, do you? all you care about is your own well being. For every guy out there struggling wanting to punch you in face I say kiss my as& MRV.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
They don't give out letters to suck butts like you . Im sure your cell phone is full of your sups minutes.
You cross the line with your wise cracks about being laid off. I have to admit it really pissed me off at first and you really showed what a punk you were when I called you out. You have not a care for the people struggling to make ends meat, do you? all you care about is your own well being. For every guy out there struggling wanting to punch you in face I say kiss my as& MRV.



Well-Known Member
The talks in MSP have been extended another day. UPS came in with another offer, and the E-Board is reviewing it tonight. We may be getting close to a tenitive agreement. November to Remember must of got UPS's attention.
What, now your on the Eboards side. all the crap that has come out of your mouth and now your optimistic. Your a real piece of work. I liked you better when you were just lying and starting rumors.

Dis-organized Labor

They don't give out letters to suck butts like you . Im sure your cell phone is full of your sups minutes.
You cross the line with your wise cracks about being laid off. I have to admit it really pissed me off at first and you really showed what a punk you were when I called you out. You have not a care for the people struggling to make ends meat, do you? all you care about is your own well being. For every guy out there struggling wanting to punch you in face I say kiss my as& MRV.

Now, now, now.....

Take a deep breathe and thinks of tiny little seahorses....


Well-Known Member
They don't give out letters to suck butts like you . Im sure your cell phone is full of your sups minutes.
You cross the line with your wise cracks about being laid off. I have to admit it really pissed me off at first and you really showed what a punk you were when I called you out. You have not a care for the people struggling to make ends meat, do you? all you care about is your own well being. For every guy out there struggling wanting to punch you in face I say kiss my as& MRV.

Warning letters are given to Idiots that don't know how to follow the contract, or to stupid to out smart their supervisors. I'm sick of slugs like you who don't know what their doing, who rely on real mechanic to correct their friend*ups. I'm tired of carrying you dead a** as you hide behind the Union to coverup you incompetance.

If your only contibution to our profession, and the struggle for fair conpensation is getting warning letters, then good riddence. Slugs like you have drug down real mechanics and our profession for to long. See you at Wall-mart loser!


Well-Known Member
What, now your on the Eboards side. all the crap that has come out of your mouth and now your optimistic. Your a real piece of work. I liked you better when you were just lying and starting rumors.
Take it easy Unionboy! This contract will eventually be settled and some day you'll be back wrenching for UPS, and collecting warning letters. In the meantime maybe American will take you back.Good luck, and thanks for the positive rep!!


Well-Known Member
Warning letters are given to Idiots that don't know how to follow the contract, or to stupid to out smart their supervisors. I'm sick of slugs like you who don't know what their doing, who rely on real mechanic to correct their friend*ups. I'm tired of carrying you dead a** as you hide behind the Union to coverup you incompetance.

If your only contibution to our profession, and the struggle for fair conpensation is getting warning letters, then good riddence. Slugs like you have drug down real mechanics and our profession for to long. See you at Wall-mart loser!
So your the only mechanic that knows what he's doing. A guy who just fell into this job back when the airline started, and only had to pass the fog on a mirror test. What could you posibbly know at this so called airline that does nothing but A checks . Oh I know you must be the best guy out there saying clear on two. Give me a break Hero you don't know any more about aircraft then your trainer, but as far as actually doing the job, you couldn't possibly have done that much maintenance at this airline because we don't do any. THEY FARM THE SH)^ OUT.


Well-Known Member
They don't give out letters to suck butts like you . Im sure your cell phone is full of your sups minutes.
You cross the line with your wise cracks about being laid off. I have to admit it really pissed me off at first and you really showed what a punk you were when I called you out. You have not a care for the people struggling to make ends meat, do you? all you care about is your own well being. For every guy out there struggling wanting to punch you in face I say kiss my as& MRV.
Captain Kirk goes Berserk - Star Trek TOS Tantrum


Well-Known Member
Talks to resume Jan 5, 2010. Progress made and several articals finished. Looks like your dream of a strike or lockout will have to wait Unionboy. Hang in there! Hopefully all those suits on the ramp will go back to the AGB and Dis-organized can get a day off.

Dis-organized Labor

Talks to resume Jan 5, 2010. Progress made and several articals finished. Looks like your dream of a strike or lockout will have to wait Unionboy. Hang in there! Hopefully all those suits on the ramp will go back to the AGB and Dis-organized can get a day off.

I hope so too. I still have vacation to burn....


Well-Known Member
Talks to resume Jan 5, 2010. Progress made and several articals finished. Looks like your dream of a strike or lockout will have to wait Unionboy. Hang in there! Hopefully all those suits on the ramp will go back to the AGB and Dis-organized can get a day off.
Like your word means anything.


Well-Known Member
Everybody in UPS mngmt with an A&P is in the process of getting ramp badged. ...

fine, but who is taking the a/c they worked on up? i am guessing ipa won't cross (in louisville at least). if it comes to a strike... stick a fork in worldport. in addition to the pilots not crossing:

all building maintenence is long tenured full timers, (if you've seen the videos of worldports' inner workings, you realize how much these guys are needed) they are sympathetic and won't cross.

a lot of amdc employees are long tenured, friend/t, sympathetic and won't cross.

the vast, vast majority of de-ice cert'd employees are friend/t, sympathetic, and won't cross.

i'm guessing feeder and sleeper teams are friend/t, sympathetic and won't cross.

contract drivers are probably not going to cross.

this leaves the short tenured p/t union (the college kids) and any other non unions to rally and do all the skilled jobs that mgmt. says are not getting done fast enough as it is

call me a pessimist but, that is my assessment....


Well-Known Member
Another wasted week in negotiations. Combine visionary strategy has UPS digging in for the long haul. At every turn Combine is beat down.Every promise and threat goes unfulfilled. His attempt to destroy the customer base will only lead to more lay offs and hardship for the membership. Time to wake up folks. Combine is a failure. His amature tactics have accomplished nothing but empty out pockets and put us all on the brink of disaster. Time for a change, time for a new E-board. Take the training wheels off before its to late.
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