Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The bluff has been called, and the heels are dug in. Remember the overtime ban? They'll figure out how to get it done with a few Sup's and a few temps and you can keep the "struggle" going for as long as you want. As for picketing customers...do you think that's going to bring the "brothers and sisters" back sooner? Or will it result in more people hitting the street? PATHETIC

Combine has negotiated himself into a corner with no way out. UPS is his great white whale, and he must destroy it.....even if he dies trying. His tactics has left him with no wiggle room to negotiate. Sabatoge of the Airline and its customers will only harden UPS's stance. At this point UPS may bite the bullet and bust this Union, if we cannot provide a reliable service then it will be easier for UPS to lock us out.

Combine's tactics will only bring on more scrutiny from the FAA and Management. Look for UPS to take legal action against the E-board and any individules who disrupt the operation. Look for UPS to terminate trouble makers on trumped up charges. Look for the E-board to disappear as mechanics are walked out the door. Look for an additional 100 lay offs before the next round of negotiations.

Combines inept attempts to negotiate a contract before the next Union elections has failed. He is not capable of coming to an agreement with UPS before his time is up. Be patient and wait UPS and the E-board out. Then vote them out. Regain control of your Union!

Competent Union representation now! Take the training wheels off!

p.s- Does anyone beleive this E-board will do anything to protect you or your job at this point? If you get in trouble, does this E-board have anything left to protect you?
This is may first post. I normally just read and laugh. I have been with the airline as a AMT from day 1, and this is the worst morale we have ever had! This is a airline management issue.
Most of the aircraft mechanics (AMT's) work hard everyday, have a tremendous amount of pressure to move the aircraft in a safe manner by inspections which must be done as quick as possible. If we screw up we can be fined or have our A&P license revoked or pulled by the FAA. This does happen, somethings by self reporting by UPS.
We deal with crew write-ups, fueling, moving of aircraft, year round weather, and the hazards of the job. I would say 80% of the AMT's have had stitches from cuts and 100% shed blood many times. The job is rated as one of the most hazardous by most insurance companies (airport ramp employees).
I would have to say, I would put UPS aircraft mechanics as the best in the field. The reasons are: 1. Most airlines specialize, have mechanics who do just one segment of the aircraft, engines, airframe, electrical etc. etc. on one type aircraft. 2. No one operates as many different types of aircraft as UPS. 3. No other airline fly at 98% on time departures with a safety record which is unmatched in the field.
The above reasons are why we are the highest paid in the industry, or we use to be Northwest AMT's are at $44.00 per hour with one fleet type!
At UPS every aircraft mechanic works all fleet types nose to tail including sheet metal
work. UPS doesn't ask their pilots to one day fly a 757 and the next a MD11, they fly one aircraft type. Some pilots don't even know our AMT's handle all the different fleet types. Then add 757's, MD11's have different engine types. Until you work all the different aircraft types with their different systems your have no idea how hard it is.
Now that non-aircraft people know what we deal with, I'll tell you how little we want out of the contract. If UPS would match the cost of living raise for 2006, 2007, 2008 given by the consumer price index which was around 3% a year, pay full back pay leave our medical the same and get off our backs we would have a contract. So really
we are not looking for a pay raise just keep*us where we were in 2005.
I for one will not vote for anything less. With my 36 years of AMT training I will
inspect each aircraft with out allowing for safety of flight as a determining factor in my write-ups. In other words no leeway.
As far as all the 2727 board bashers, don't air our differences, we stand together with the board or we fail! UPS loves to pit us against each other.
Thanks for reading hope some of the non-airline people got a understanding of what we deal with and how little we want.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This is may first post. I normally just read and laugh. I have been with the airline as a AMT from day 1, and this is the worst morale we have ever had! This is a airline management issue.
Most of the aircraft mechanics (AMT's) work hard everyday, have a tremendous amount of pressure to move the aircraft in a safe manner by inspections which must be done as quick as possible. If we screw up we can be fined or have our A&P license revoked or pulled by the FAA. This does happen, somethings by self reporting by UPS.
We deal with crew write-ups, fueling, moving of aircraft, year round weather, and the hazards of the job. I would say 80% of the AMT's have had stitches from cuts and 100% shed blood many times. The job is rated as one of the most hazardous by most insurance companies (airport ramp employees).
I would have to say, I would put UPS aircraft mechanics as the best in the field. The reasons are: 1. Most airlines specialize, have mechanics who do just one segment of the aircraft, engines, airframe, electrical etc. etc. on one type aircraft. 2. No one operates as many different types of aircraft as UPS. 3. No other airline fly at 98% on time departures with a safety record which is unmatched in the field.
The above reasons are why we are the highest paid in the industry, or we use to be Northwest AMT's are at $44.00 per hour with one fleet type!
At UPS every aircraft mechanic works all fleet types nose to tail including sheet metal
work. UPS doesn't ask their pilots to one day fly a 757 and the next a MD11, they fly one aircraft type. Some pilots don't even know our AMT's handle all the different fleet types. Then add 757's, MD11's have different engine types. Until you work all the different aircraft types with their different systems your have no idea how hard it is.
Now that non-aircraft people know what we deal with, I'll tell you how little we want out of the contract. If UPS would match the cost of living raise for 2006, 2007, 2008 given by the consumer price index which was around 3% a year, pay full back pay leave our medical the same and get off our backs we would have a contract. So really
we are not looking for a pay raise just keep*us where we were in 2005.
I for one will not vote for anything less. With my 36 years of AMT training I will
inspect each aircraft with out allowing for safety of flight as a determining factor in my write-ups. In other words no leeway.
As far as all the 2727 board bashers, don't air our differences, we stand together with the board or we fail! UPS loves to pit us against each other.
Thanks for reading hope some of the non-airline people got a understanding of what we deal with and how little we want.

Amen brother!!!:thumbup:

Dis-organized Labor

Sabatoge of the Airline and its customers will only harden UPS's stance. At this point UPS may bite the bullet and bust this Union, if we cannot provide a reliable service then it will be easier for UPS to lock us out.

Truer word were never spoken.
The stupid picketing of our Customers "airs our dirty laundry" and that is one of the worst "strategies" that can ever be undertaken.
If that was Bob C's, idea then he's gotta' go!
These are my opinions and I have expressed several strategies on this thread already.
I have more to add on my next reply.

Dis-organized Labor

This is may first post. I normally just read and laugh. I have been with the airline as a AMT from day 1, and this is the worst morale we have ever had! This is a airline management issue.
Most of the aircraft mechanics (AMT's) work hard everyday, have a tremendous amount of pressure to move the aircraft in a safe manner by inspections which must be done as quick as possible. If we screw up we can be fined or have our A&P license revoked or pulled by the FAA. This does happen, somethings by self reporting by UPS.
We deal with crew write-ups, fueling, moving of aircraft, year round weather, and the hazards of the job. I would say 80% of the AMT's have had stitches from cuts and 100% shed blood many times. The job is rated as one of the most hazardous by most insurance companies (airport ramp employees).
I would have to say, I would put UPS aircraft mechanics as the best in the field. The reasons are: 1. Most airlines specialize, have mechanics who do just one segment of the aircraft, engines, airframe, electrical etc. etc. on one type aircraft. 2. No one operates as many different types of aircraft as UPS. 3. No other airline fly at 98% on time departures with a safety record which is unmatched in the field.
The above reasons are why we are the highest paid in the industry, or we use to be Northwest AMT's are at $44.00 per hour with one fleet type!
At UPS every aircraft mechanic works all fleet types nose to tail including sheet metal
work. UPS doesn't ask their pilots to one day fly a 757 and the next a MD11, they fly one aircraft type. Some pilots don't even know our AMT's handle all the different fleet types. Then add 757's, MD11's have different engine types. Until you work all the different aircraft types with their different systems your have no idea how hard it is.
Now that non-aircraft people know what we deal with, I'll tell you how little we want out of the contract. If UPS would match the cost of living raise for 2006, 2007, 2008 given by the consumer price index which was around 3% a year, pay full back pay leave our medical the same and get off our backs we would have a contract. So really
we are not looking for a pay raise just keep*us where we were in 2005.
I for one will not vote for anything less. With my 36 years of AMT training I will
inspect each aircraft with out allowing for safety of flight as a determining factor in my write-ups. In other words no leeway.
As far as all the 2727 board bashers, don't air our differences, we stand together with the board or we fail! UPS loves to pit us against each other.
Thanks for reading hope some of the non-airline people got a understanding of what we deal with and how little we want.

Not possible. The participation in your medical is a "must have" for the Corporation.
Be smart and let this one go and work on getting something to mitigate your costs.
I'm a Manager and I'm getting hammered as well (I guess) more than 50% of all working Americans


Well-Known Member
As far as all the 2727 board bashers, don't air our differences, we stand together with the board or we fail!

Standing together works both ways! There have been too many instances that our E-board has not policed the layoff procedures and have allowed the company to bully members into short-cutting the process. They would not stand up to labor! I believe it is because they welcome the layoffs, allowing them to use it as their tool to put fear into the membership to rally support. Thus the thin support that they have garnered is merely fear driven with no substance, which is why it is deteriorating rapidly. Rallying the troops to be stupid, is merely a ploy to risk your job in the support of poor negotiating tactics that have not worked. For instance the mechanic that was walked out in SDF for driving against the flow of traffic.

The company announced that our union signed a letter of agreement? In the last negotiations. If anyone knows what this is about please reply. Our President mentioned nothing about this. May be nothing.

HOW Germany has to work to wrest a few square kilometers from the ocean and from the swamps while others are swimming in a superfluity of land!
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Standing together works both ways! There have been too many instances that our E-board has not policed the layoff procedures and have allowed the company to bully members into short-cutting the process. They would not stand up to labor! I believe it is because they welcome the layoffs, allowing them to use it as their tool to put fear into the membership to rally support. Thus the thin support that they have garnered is merely fear driven with no substance, which is why it is deteriorating rapidly. Rallying the troops to be stupid, is merely a ploy to risk your job in the support of poor negotiating tactics that have not worked. For instance the mechanic that was walked out in SDF for driving against the flow of traffic.

The company announced that our union signed a letter of agreement? In the last negotiations. If anyone knows what this is about please reply. Our President mentioned nothing about this. May be nothing.

HOW Germany has to work to wrest a few square kilometers from the ocean and from the swamps while others are swimming in a superfluity of land!
-Adolf Hitler

Driving against the flow of traffic is really no big deal.
Kinda' like going South in the North-bound lane on I-64, except much slower and there are people walking around looking in one direction for oncoming traffic and multi-million dollar acft, fuel trucks, etc.

If some dumb-ass decides to drive the wrong way in this current atmosphere at SDF, he/she gets what they deserve. I believe a young lady was killed a couple of years ago when she stepped into traffic between two dollies. The vehicles were all going the right direction.
ACE....c'mon; that's just stupid.

and yes, the company and the union have reached an agreement.

You have to pay management's medical co-pays in exchange for no medical bennies contributions.

I'll probably get a colonoscopy every 3 months!!!


Well-Known Member
Standing together works both ways! There have been too many instances that our E-board has not policed the layoff procedures and have allowed the company to bully members into short-cutting the process. They would not stand up to labor! I believe it is because they welcome the layoffs, allowing them to use it as their tool to put fear into the membership to rally support. Thus the thin support that they have garnered is merely fear driven with no substance, which is why it is deteriorating rapidly. Rallying the troops to be stupid, is merely a ploy to risk your job in the support of poor negotiating tactics that have not worked. For instance the mechanic that was walked out in SDF for driving against the flow of traffic.

The company announced that our union signed a letter of agreement? In the last negotiations. If anyone knows what this is about please reply. Our President mentioned nothing about this. May be nothing.

HOW Germany has to work to wrest a few square kilometers from the ocean and from the swamps while others are swimming in a superfluity of land!
-Adolf Hitler

Nobody knows whats going on! Its to Combines advantage to keep the membership in the dark. Its time Combine comes clean and let the membership decide. Year after year of promises and lies dos'nt cut it anymore. Time to let the membership know whats on the table. Combines incompetance has put us all at risk. Before we hit the street we need to know exactly what we are fighting for. Blind faith in an E-board that has not delivered on anything is foolish and ignorent!

UPS will continue to walk people off property for minor violations and continue to lay off people in response to Combines juvenile tactics. UPS will step up their terror campain against our membership and continue to violate our rights and contract, because Combine has no will or ability to protect this membership.

Dis-organized Labor

Nobody knows whats going on! Its to Combines advantage to keep the membership in the dark. Its time Combine comes clean and let the membership decide. Year after year of promises and lies dos'nt cut it anymore. Time to let the membership know whats on the table. Combines incompetance has put us all at risk. Before we hit the street we need to know exactly what we are fighting for. Blind faith in an E-board that has not delivered on anything is foolish and ignorent!

UPS will continue to walk people off property for minor violations and continue to lay off people in response to Combines juvenile tactics. UPS will step up their terror campain against our membership and continue to violate our rights and contract, because Combine has no will or ability to protect this membership.

Not "Minor Violations", but for "Just Cause"
Not "Terror Campaign", but just "Control of an apparently rogue workforce determined to damage our service commitments"
Not "Violation of Right and Contract" but "STRICT adherence to the Contract and Interpretation"
Not "No Will or Ability", but "a guy doing the best he can-he's not a Lawyer, Politician, Manager at UPS, Brain Surgeon....He's a Sheet Metal mechanic that Y'all voted in...give him a break!!!


Well-Known Member
Not "Minor Violations", but for "Just Cause"
Not "Terror Campaign", but just "Control of an apparently rogue workforce determined to damage our service commitments"
Not "Violation of Right and Contract" but "STRICT adherence to the Contract and Interpretation"
Not "No Will or Ability", but "a guy doing the best he can-he's not a Lawyer, Politician, Manager at UPS, Brain Surgeon....He's a Sheet Metal mechanic that Y'all voted in...give him a break!!!
Nice to see the old Dis-organized labor back!! I knew you could'nt keep it up! You are what you are, Don't try to be something your not.


Well-Known Member
Driving against the flow of traffic is really no big deal. ACE....c'mon; that's just stupid.

I didnt' say it was no big deal. My point was that people will make mistakes and will be held to a higher standard because of Combine's tactics.

and yes, the company and the union have reached an agreement.

Well what is it?

I'll probably get a colonoscopy every 3 months!!!

Not getting lucky at Stooges with the free beer offers huh?

determined to damage our service commitments"

IE and Labor didn't seem too concerned with laying off over 150 mechanics prior to peak. Don't really know why we should be concerned with cutting corners and risking our certificates for the company to self disclose. Like the guy on the engine change in ATL.

Y'all voted in...give him a break!!!
Y'all? You got a pet gerbil in your pocket? I didn't vote for him!

Daffy is right, You're back to your old self again. You must be off your meds.

Nothing can make me change my own belief. I am convinced that the unworthiest among us is he who cannot master his ill fortune.
-Adolf Hitler


Active Member
This is may first post. I normally just read and laugh. I have been with the airline as a AMT from day 1, and this is the worst morale we have ever had! This is a airline management issue.
Most of the aircraft mechanics (AMT's) work hard everyday, have a tremendous amount of pressure to move the aircraft in a safe manner by inspections which must be done as quick as possible. If we screw up we can be fined or have our A&P license revoked or pulled by the FAA. This does happen, somethings by self reporting by UPS.
We deal with crew write-ups, fueling, moving of aircraft, year round weather, and the hazards of the job. I would say 80% of the AMT's have had stitches from cuts and 100% shed blood many times. The job is rated as one of the most hazardous by most insurance companies (airport ramp employees).
I would have to say, I would put UPS aircraft mechanics as the best in the field. The reasons are: 1. Most airlines specialize, have mechanics who do just one segment of the aircraft, engines, airframe, electrical etc. etc. on one type aircraft. 2. No one operates as many different types of aircraft as UPS. 3. No other airline fly at 98% on time departures with a safety record which is unmatched in the field.
The above reasons are why we are the highest paid in the industry, or we use to be Northwest AMT's are at $44.00 per hour with one fleet type!
At UPS every aircraft mechanic works all fleet types nose to tail including sheet metal
work. UPS doesn't ask their pilots to one day fly a 757 and the next a MD11, they fly one aircraft type. Some pilots don't even know our AMT's handle all the different fleet types. Then add 757's, MD11's have different engine types. Until you work all the different aircraft types with their different systems your have no idea how hard it is.
Now that non-aircraft people know what we deal with, I'll tell you how little we want out of the contract. If UPS would match the cost of living raise for 2006, 2007, 2008 given by the consumer price index which was around 3% a year, pay full back pay leave our medical the same and get off our backs we would have a contract. So really
we are not looking for a pay raise just keep*us where we were in 2005.
I for one will not vote for anything less. With my 36 years of AMT training I will
inspect each aircraft with out allowing for safety of flight as a determining factor in my write-ups. In other words no leeway.
As far as all the 2727 board bashers, don't air our differences, we stand together with the board or we fail! UPS loves to pit us against each other.
Thanks for reading hope some of the non-airline people got a understanding of what we deal with and how little we want.

You obviously haven't worked at many airlines because line mechanics do not specialize. With all of your training maybe you should start your own maintenance company and then you could work on UPS aircraft after the lockout. In case you haven't figured it out by now...you are no longer worth what you are paid. Your competition is with China and Brazil and Mexico. It doesn't matter if Combine is running it or Darmento is running it, times have changed and so must we. This isn't the 1930's the union isn't fighting for human rights they are a business and are in it for the money.


Well-Known Member
Not "Minor Violations", but for "Just Cause"
Not "Terror Campaign", but just "Control of an apparently rogue workforce determined to damage our service commitments"
Not "Violation of Right and Contract" but "STRICT adherence to the Contract and Interpretation"
Not "No Will or Ability", but "a guy doing the best he can-he's not a Lawyer, Politician, Manager at UPS, Brain Surgeon....He's a Sheet Metal mechanic that Y'all voted in...give him a break!!!

UPS is not a responsible employer. The layoffs, harsh discpline and general harrasment of the members of 2727 are nothing more than negotiating tactics. UPS has shown they to do not care about their customers any more than Combine does by taken this stance.

As you know no other function in the Airline has been affected by the "slow economy" except for AMT's in 2727. Please give me an honest answer why in an economic down turn we are the only ones being affected.

Combine is not equipped to deal with such underhanded policies, and utter disregard for the lives of good hard working people.

I completely disagree with Combines childish tactics, but UPS has shown its true colors. A despicable coorperation without values or a soul. UPS's disregard for its great tradition has set it on a path of extinction. When this oversized machine finally grinds itself into the ground it will not be missed.


Active Member
Nice showing at Zappos, in KY ...UPS HQS in ATL...next bus ride. Seymore In Walmart dist.......Wallstreet, NY..... in work. Need guys in ORD,ONT and DFW to picket large customers in your area if things go south in negotiations

The You Tube videos look like a parade of victims. UPS gave that guys wife cancer? I'm sure all of his "brothers and sisters" are helping him out, and the protests at customers are sure to speed his return to work.


Well-Known Member
The You Tube videos look like a parade of victims. UPS gave that guys wife cancer? I'm sure all of his "brothers and sisters" are helping him out, and the protests at customers are sure to speed his return to work.
Oh great! DOL's evil twin.


Well-Known Member
You obviously haven't worked at many airlines because line mechanics do not specialize.

Wrong again there vowel sandwich! Almost all airlines have specialized avionics technicians. Not everyone is expected to be CAT qualified or ETOPS qualified. Especially on five different aircraft types and three different manufacturers.

In case you haven't figured it out by now...you are no longer worth what you are paid.

Well vowel sandwich, lets level the playing ground here and you tell us your position and how much you make per year?

Your competition is with China

How many of those ornamentals they got running around over there are allowed to sign the logbook? How many you think can read English? How many can perform maintenance without dumping 8000 pounds of jet A on the ramp?

I figure you're one of those paper pushers in the Air Group Building. Worst on the job injury is a paper cut. You have a little menial job in a cube with carpeted walls and the minimal picture of your family, all smiles. You've had to leave your little comfy environment and go baby-sit a mechanic or two recently and I suppose one of us called you a name or was rude to you. You, now with hurt feelings have decided to get on this thread and get back at us and attack and disparage our trade. Thank you!

Get to know Dis-organized labor and he'll buy you drinks at Stooges. I wouldn't mention that part that you are married. I think he likes em single and willing to experiment.

From the very first day the watchword was: UNLIMITED STRUGGLE AGAINST BERLIN....
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
The You Tube videos look like a parade of victims. UPS gave that guys wife cancer? I'm sure all of his "brothers and sisters" are helping him out, and the protests at customers are sure to speed his return to work.



Well-Known Member
The You Tube videos look like a parade of victims. UPS gave that guys wife cancer? I'm sure all of his "brothers and sisters" are helping him out, and the protests at customers are sure to speed his return to work.

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