Local 2727 UPDATE

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Dis-organized Labor

Nice to see the old Dis-organized labor back!! I knew you could'nt keep it up! You are what you are, Don't try to be something your not.

HEY! Not fair. I didn't bash or come off like an a**, did I? No. I just gave an opinion.

Dis-organized Labor

UPS is not a responsible employer. The layoffs, harsh discpline and general harrasment of the members of 2727 are nothing more than negotiating tactics. UPS has shown they to do not care about their customers any more than Combine does by taken this stance.

As you know no other function in the Airline has been affected by the "slow economy" except for AMT's in 2727. Please give me an honest answer why in an economic down turn we are the only ones being affected.

Combine is not equipped to deal with such underhanded policies, and utter disregard for the lives of good hard working people.

I completely disagree with Combines childish tactics, but UPS has shown its true colors. A despicable coorperation without values or a soul. UPS's disregard for its great tradition has set it on a path of extinction. When this oversized machine finally grinds itself into the ground it will not be missed.

I believe the Package Car and Feeder drivers are also affected.
I have read on other threads that some drivers were laid off then asked to come back as jumpers.

Dis-organized Labor

Get to know Dis-organized labor and he'll buy you drinks at Stooges. I wouldn't mention that part that you are married. I think he likes em single and willing to experiment.

You know, I'm come to accept that you guys are frustrated, but that's really no excuse for these kinds of posts against me.
This is the kind of stuff that pisses people off. Not me though, because I realize that it is all in good fun.
Your issue is not funny, but I think some of your responses are.
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Active Member
I just watched the combine interview video. He seemed so professional.

Professional? maybe. Smart? absolutely not. Should we wait until we're at or near bankrupcy before taking action? I can see from the video that there were some real heavy hitters at the rally. There were a few that can hold thier own but most of those present were the turds who need the unions protection just to keep a job. Once again.... PATHETIC


Well-Known Member
I aint taking no pay cut for Scott Davis and the Warden. I aint paying for health care, no drivers are paying, why should I? UPS NDA and Int vol up, I work for this dept and I contribute to its success. I will vote no till I get my own LTIP.


Well-Known Member
I aint taking no pay cut for Scott Davis and the Warden. I aint paying for health care, no drivers are paying, why should I? UPS NDA and Int vol up, I work for this dept and I contribute to its success. I will vote no till I get my own LTIP.

what is LTIP


Well-Known Member
Davis and Grade 20s have a secret deal that lets them rake in 675%, or 674% for Hoax, of their money for 3 years. I want my retro, pay raise (like LUV), my health care, my subcontracting limit and that will be our LTIP. The LTIP was a gift to the top that every little sup and manager gave them for their vast knowledge. Ask disfunctional manager, he can tell you about him giving so Warden and certain Div Mgrs along will all grade 20s make sure they are taken care of. There are several subjects about LTIP and why it was a success for the top.


Well-Known Member
Google UPS LTIP the SEC article date March 07 shows what Dysfunctional Manager and tie guy and hoax make sure they have the top paid bosses.
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Well-Known Member
I aint taking no pay cut for Scott Davis and the Warden. I aint paying for health care, no drivers are paying, why should I? UPS NDA and Int vol up, I work for this dept and I contribute to its success. I will vote no till I get my own LTIP.

Don't worry Airbusfxr, according to the National talks are progressing nicely. Expect completion and a tentative agreement in Janurary.



Well-Known Member
Don't worry Airbusfxr, according to the National talks are progressing nicely. Expect completion and a tentative agreement in Janurary.


Nice to know Combine and IBT Airline Director David Bourne are on the same page. They were both in the same room and came out of negotiations with completly opposite views.

Combine and his boys have gone off the reservation! Combines personal crusade has done nothing but bring pain and misery to the membership. Now Bourne is distancing himself from this E-board and its membership.

How is it possible that Bourne feels an agreement is within sight and Combine is asking us to call and harass customers?

If this dos'nt wake you up nothing will! This is our contract not Combines personal vendeta against UPS. Take off the training wheels! We need professional representation, before Combine takes us all off the reservation.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry Airbusfxr, according to the National talks are progressing nicely. Expect completion and a tentative agreement in Janurary.

On September 25, this statement was announced by the Teamsters:

Negotiations with the company for a new contract have been ongoing since October 2006. It is past time for UPS to recognize these skilled mechanics are an invaluable asset to the company, an asset that should not be marginalized.

On November the 6, this statement was announced by the Teamsters:


If the parties are unable to reach an agreement that week, the NMB will schedule additional mediation sessions, depending on the parties’ schedules for the 2010 calendar year.

I find it very interesting that 42 days later the Teamsters issue another statement that makes it quit clear that they are very content with negotiations. In fact they are so content that if an agreement isn't reached the first week of January then it will be no problem to continue talks for the remaining "2010 calendar year." For some reason we're not in "past time" anymore, we're in "additional time."

Looks like Combine has lost support from the IBT, David Bourne and the Airline Division.

I think it is very ironic that the definition of "Combine" is -
–verb 1. to bring into or join in a close union or whole; unite:

He is actually the antithesis of this and has managed to fracture all groups involved. Our president, by his actions have put us in grave danger. We must take action, sign the petition that is going around and write the International and voice your distrust for the direction that we are heading.

Now, people of Germany, give us four years and then pass judgment upon us. In accordance with Field Marshal von Hindenburg's command we shall begin now. May God Almighty give our work His blessing, strengthen our purpose, and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people, for we are fighting not for ourselves but for Germany.
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Nice to know Combine and IBT Airline Director David Bourne are on the same page. They were both in the same room and came out of negotiations with completly opposite views.

Combine and his boys have gone off the reservation! Combines personal crusade has done nothing but bring pain and misery to the membership. Now Bourne is distancing himself from this E-board and its membership.

How is it possible that Bourne feels an agreement is within sight and Combine is asking us to call and harass customers?

If this dos'nt wake you up nothing will! This is our contract not Combines personal vendeta against UPS. Take off the training wheels! We need professional representation, before Combine takes us all off the reservation.
Come on MRV. We are close, very close. So close I can taste it! Who you going to believe? Combine or Bourne? I can't wait till Janurary when we can put this behind us, and we shut down this miserable thread!

The first thing I'm going to do when we get our new contract is hug Unionboy.... when he gets recalled, and have a drink with my pal D.O.L. at Stooges. Ace you can come too, but don't tell Airbusfxr.

Dis-organized Labor

Come on MRV. We are close, very close. So close I can taste it! Who you going to believe? Combine or Bourne? I can't wait till Janurary when we can put this behind us, and we shut down this miserable thread!

The first thing I'm going to do when we get our new contract is hug Unionboy.... when he gets recalled, and have a drink with my pal D.O.L. at Stooges. Ace you can come too, but don't tell Airbusfxr.

I'll get 90% of the posters to vote NO to shutting down this thread!!!


Well-Known Member
What makes you think the contract will pass? Joe's contract was voted down and then he made UPS add 3 bucks an hour to the last raise and I still voted NO. I have several Pilots friends, that I have known since '81, these guys are telling me that they left so much money on the table it is no reason we dont get their leftovers. The only reason they pay for HC is that they make 300k and 300 bucks a month, it is like Scott paying for parking at the Falcons game. We will make 100k and pay the same 300 bucks a month, it aint happening Dysfunctional Management. I aint taking a pay cut and I aint paying for health care. I do support Bob, never voted for him, but the SDFers who hated Joe got us in this position and it will be up to Bob to save his job because Oct will be Joe's return to office.
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Dis-organized Labor

What makes you think the contract will pass? Joe's contract was voted down and then he made UPS add 3 bucks an hour to the last raise and I still voted NO. I have several Pilots friends, that I have known since '81, these guys are telling me that they left so much money on the table it is no reason we dont get their leftovers. The only reason they pay for HC is that they make 300k and 300 bucks a month, it is like Scott paying for parking at the Falcons game. We will make 100k and pay the same 300 bucks a month, it aint happening Dysfunctional Management. I aint taking a pay cut and I aint paying for health care. I do support Bob, never voted for him, but the SDFers who hated Joe got us in this position and it will be up to Bob to save his job because Oct will be Joe's return to office.

I think it will!
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