Local 2727 UPDATE

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Almost all airlines have specialized avionics technicians. Not everyone is expected to be CAT qualified or ETOPS qualified. Especially on five different aircraft types and three different manufacturers.

At real airlines you ARE expected to be CAT and or ETOPS qualified and are expected to keep up with your recurrent training like an adult should. The most you can have here is three quals. The level of responsibility at the airlines is higher as is the level of professionalism and competence.

How many of those ornamentals they got running around over there are allowed to sign the logbook? How many you think can read English? How many can perform maintenance without dumping 8000 pounds of jet A on the ramp?

The question that you need to ask yourself is, why would the company want to send the work over there? Do you think it's because THEY aren't getting it done or is it because YOU aren't getting it done?

You, now with hurt feelings have decided to get on this thread and get back at us and attack and disparage our trade. Thank you!

Thanks for your concern for my feelings. I would rather you have concern for the You Tube guy whose wife has cancer and is layed off. How much money has been collected for that guy? What are you, as a group doing to get him back to work? How about a picket line at some more customers? That should help.

Get to know Dis-organized labor and he'll buy you drinks at Stooges. I wouldn't mention that part that you are married. I think he likes em single and willing to experiment.

Thanks also for the suggestion, but you two have your little thing going and I wouldn't want to interfere.


Well-Known Member
Piouy, I have read all 6 of your posts and you should be on some other thread, maybe managers counting MIP or spending LTIP. All of your posts shows you are not an UPS airline mechanic or if you are, you are in the dark on our struggle. I suggest you take time in reading some of the post instead of bashing our fight against you and your big company.


Active Member
Piouy, I have read all 6 of your posts and you should be on some other thread, maybe managers counting MIP or spending LTIP. All of your posts shows you are not an UPS airline mechanic or if you are, you are in the dark on our struggle. I suggest you take time in reading some of the post instead of bashing our fight against you and your big company.

Whats wrong brother, can't handle a little truth? Tell me, what's the "struggle" all about? Educate me, all I see on this thread are people who are paid very well, have benifits that are the envy of most and who are doing thier best to destroy it. Why can't you handle diversity of thought?Here's another clue it's not MY company, it's OUR company and until you get that and start acting like adults this will remain a miserable place to be.
I don't know how old you are, but in case you haven't figured it out yet, in real life you don't get a trophy just for showing up. In real life you have to bring something to the table. What are you bringing to the table?


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong brother, can't handle a little truth? Tell me, what's the "struggle" all about? Educate me, all I see on this thread are people who are paid very well, have benifits that are the envy of most and who are doing thier best to destroy it. Why can't you handle diversity of thought?Here's another clue it's not MY company, it's OUR company and until you get that and start acting like adults this will remain a miserable place to be.
I don't know how old you are, but in case you haven't figured it out yet, in real life you don't get a trophy just for showing up. In real life you have to bring something to the table. What are you bringing to the table?

poiuy, your uptight today. Like most mechanics it took me about 18 mos. after being hired before I realized that there is no "our" company. Save your b.s. for someone else. If you really think that you are part of this thing ,try to institute a change in something. Try to change anything and see if your suggestion works. I am not talking about how to wear a vest or backup a truck. I mean an operational change that will make things run smoother. Unless you think things are perfect now , then maybe this is your company................ remember any operational change other than AMT regulation.


Active Member
poiuy, your uptight today. Like most mechanics it took me about 18 mos. after being hired before I realized that there is no "our" company. Save your b.s. for someone else. If you really think that you are part of this thing ,try to institute a change in something. Try to change anything and see if your suggestion works. I am not talking about how to wear a vest or backup a truck. I mean an operational change that will make things run smoother. Unless you think things are perfect now , then maybe this is your company................ remember any operational change other than AMT regulation.

You are absolutely right about trying to change things. It is very difficult to find people in a support capacity at UPS that are willing or able to make a change and as a result you see frustrated mechanics and a high turnover rate for Line Sups. I do not, and have not said that things are perfect. There are far too many people making decisions they are not qualified or capable of making, but if this ship sinks we'll ALL be swimming.

The problem is that we spend too much time with our "struggles" and not enough time focused on the competition and OUR customers. (They pay your paycheck too, and don't think for a minute that things can't go bad here. Past performance does not guarantee future results.) Picketing the people who pay our checks is stupid.

We can't let frustration with inept management to be turned outward towards the customers because they couldn't care less about the "struggle." It makes me very uptight when I see mechanics who use "the struggle" as an excuse to be lazy. Thankfully it's not everybody there is a silent majority who are reasonable and clear headed.

Dis-organized Labor

You are absolutely right about trying to change things. It is very difficult to find people in a support capacity at UPS that are willing or able to make a change and as a result you see frustrated mechanics and a high turnover rate for Line Sups. I do not, and have not said that things are perfect. There are far too many people making decisions they are not qualified or capable of making, but if this ship sinks we'll ALL be swimming.

The problem is that we spend too much time with our "struggles" and not enough time focused on the competition and OUR customers. (They pay your paycheck too, and don't think for a minute that things can't go bad here. Past performance does not guarantee future results.) Picketing the people who pay our checks is stupid.

We can't let frustration with inept management to be turned outward towards the customers because they couldn't care less about the "struggle." It makes me very uptight when I see mechanics who use "the struggle" as an excuse to be lazy. Thankfully it's not everybody there is a silent majority who are reasonable and clear headed.

One comment on the "inept" management you mentioned. It should be noted that some people believe Scott Davis, Bush, Obama, Klein, the list goes on and on are "inept" or clueless, or stupid. To me, it reveals much about their character, because A) They would not say it if they were face to face and B) there is never an offer to take over, assist, recommend. Just criticize.


Well-Known Member
It appears that IBT Airline Division Director David Bourne doesn’t want to make waves for UPS, because too much is at stake, not for the UPS mechanics, but for the number of new members the Teamsters could acquire from FedEx. It is in the Teamsters best interest to play it cool with UPS as they both wait for a ruling on whether FedEx will fall under the N.L.R.A. or R.L.A.

Warren Johnson stated, “The NMB sets the pace and timing of negotiations, not participants”, with that said, how is it that the Launch had the next negotiations date of January 5th,2010 set in print before last weeks negotiations on Nov 6th were completed? It’s a repeat of the 2008 peek negotiations all over again. Even with the NMB being under an Obama administration, things haven’t changed.

The Teamsters did not ask to be released when the company walked out of negotiations over a month ago. With the conclusion of last weeks negotiations, the NMB said that progress was made in the form of tentative agreements on a number of open issues, so will a release be granted at peek? Not likely. It looks like the Teamsters were duked again.


Well-Known Member
Paeiouy, this struggle is from Nov 2006, it is Nov 2009 and we have let years of massive profits get away from us and into the pockets of Grade 20s. Now with NDA and INT still making money the company wants us to pay for their mistakes in "running the business". What more can we do to help them? There are not alot of people like you willing to take a pay cut and pay for health care.


Well-Known Member
Paeiouy, this struggle is from Nov 2006, it is Nov 2009 and we have let years of massive profits get away from us and into the pockets of Grade 20s. Now with NDA and INT still making money the company wants us to pay for their mistakes in "running the business". What more can we do to help them? There are not alot of people like you willing to take a pay cut and pay for health care.

airbusslg would be a bettername. Go back to sleep in your truck and dream about how you have been cheated and what is owed to you. Just fix the plane and shut up. Drivers drive the busines and are the face of UPS. The day you realize this, is the day your IQ may get into positive numbers. No matter what you were offered you would probably still be spouting the no vote.


Man of Great Wisdom
One comment on the "inept" management you mentioned. It should be noted that some people believe Scott Davis, Bush, Obama, Klein, the list goes on and on are "inept" or clueless, or stupid. To me, it reveals much about their character, because A) They would not say it if they were face to face and B) there is never an offer to take over, assist, recommend. Just criticize.

That made me chuckle:peaceful:


Active Member
Paeiouy, this struggle is from Nov 2006, it is Nov 2009 and we have let years of massive profits get away from us and into the pockets of Grade 20s. Now with NDA and INT still making money the company wants us to pay for their mistakes in "running the business". What more can we do to help them? There are not alot of people like you willing to take a pay cut and pay for health care.

So you didn't collect a paycheck from Nov 06 thru Nov 09 and you let the grade 20's take all the money? Why didn't you stop them? We need smart guys like you to be Grade 20 so this will never happen again. Throw your hat into the grade 20 ring! Please, Oh Please, save us! Continue the struggle against the evil Grade 20's. You are either joking or you're totally delusional.
Lets ask the guy whose wife has cancer (that was used for propaganda on the You Tube video) how he would vote.


Active Member
One comment on the "inept" management you mentioned. It should be noted that some people believe Scott Davis, Bush, Obama, Klein, the list goes on and on are "inept" or clueless, or stupid. To me, it reveals much about their character, because A) They would not say it if they were face to face and B) there is never an offer to take over, assist, recommend. Just criticize.

I don't personally know Scott Davis, Bush, Obama or Klein so I won't comment on their competence. I have experienced first hand some of the inept management of which I have written, and to the extent that I am able, have taken over, assisted and recommended. But at UPS we have created a culture of fear (both in the union and management ranks) where criticism is met with discipline and we don’t harness the full power of our people’s ideas.

Dis-organized Labor

I don't personally know Scott Davis, Bush, Obama or Klein so I won't comment on their competence. I have experienced first hand some of the inept management of which I have written, and to the extent that I am able, have taken over, assisted and recommended. But at UPS we have created a culture of fear (both in the union and management ranks) where criticism is met with discipline and we don’t harness the full power of our people’s ideas.

My biggest fear is getting on an Airbus knowing AIRBUSFKR may have touched it:laughing:


Well-Known Member
Paeiouy, this struggle is from Nov 2006, it is Nov 2009 and we have let years of massive profits get away from us and into the pockets of Grade 20s. Now with NDA and INT still making money the company wants us to pay for their mistakes in "running the business". What more can we do to help them? There are not alot of people like you willing to take a pay cut and pay for health care.

Airbusfxr you need to relax. Wer're getting a contract in Janurary! According to IBT Airline director David Bourne, its just a formality! We are getting PAID dude! If you don't beleieve me listen to Haysley on the November to Remember video part three, they actually got us the right to wear different colored T-shirts! This is huge! They spent a lot of time at the table fighting for our right to wear pretty colored T-shirts!

The way I see it pretty T-shirts is just an indication of great things to come! So relax Airbusfxr!



Well-Known Member
I don't personally know Scott Davis, Bush, Obama or Klein so I won't comment on their competence. I have experienced first hand some of the inept management of which I have written, and to the extent that I am able, have taken over, assisted and recommended. But at UPS we have created a culture of fear (both in the union and management ranks) where criticism is met with discipline and we don’t harness the full power of our people’s ideas.

Hey Dude! Leave us alone! We only like DOL! DOL you need to step it up, this guy's making me mad and making you look stupid!


Well-Known Member
airbusslg would be a bettername. Go back to sleep in your truck and dream about how you have been cheated and what is owed to you. Just fix the plane and shut up. Drivers drive the busines and are the face of UPS. The day you realize this, is the day your IQ may get into positive numbers. No matter what you were offered you would probably still be spouting the no vote.

You need to shut-up brownturd. Airbusfxrs best work is done while sleeping! If you want to pick on someone try Unionboy!

Dis-organized Labor

Airbusfxr you need to relax. Wer're getting a contract in Janurary! According to IBT Airline director David Bourne, its just a formality! We are getting PAID dude! If you don't beleieve me listen to Haysley on the November to Remember video part three, they actually got us the right to wear different colored T-shirts! This is huge! They spent a lot of time at the table fighting for our right to wear pretty colored T-shirts!

The way I see it pretty T-shirts is just an indication of great things to come! So relax Airbusfxr!


Wow, the interview with the kid with the toothpick in his mouth was AWESOME!!! This is one Novemebr I'll forever remember.
Haysley doesn't care about T-shirts?!?! He should be run out with Combine and J.D.! Cronies!!!

Dis-organized Labor

Hey Dude! Leave us alone! We only like DOL! DOL you need to step it up, this guy's making me mad and making you look stupid!

Hey, leave these guys alone! Can't you see the struggle is taking it's toll on them???
I don't need your help. I have these guys right where I want them.
Next contract we're going to fight for making them wash those T-shirts!!

Skyking, how long do I have to keep following you around at SDF?
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