Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member

As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice....
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Is there any real news out there? I heard someone from tech services was recalled. Going to OS weekends. What's the deal with the MOU? (Or what ever it was called) People are being recalled for P/T work. (2) days a week. I thought this thing died on the vine back in May. Looks like the company is getting the help they need for peak. Then what? Lay these guys back off after peak? It would be nice if we could get some info from somewhere. It's too bad we don't have a union to repersent us.
Laid off & pissed off. "November to remember" What, how our local was played by the company, again. So, have we or have we not filed for release to strike?? If we did, when does the 30 day cooling off clock start. You don't say your going to strike & then don't. All I've heard is that we have another meeting with the company in Jan. Maybe I should call Nancy & see what she knows. Things must be going really bad. That's why she's doing the hot line mess.
EWR, what's going on there? SDF, what's going here?

Dis-organized Labor

Is there any real news out there? I heard someone from tech services was recalled. Going to OS weekends. What's the deal with the MOU? (Or what ever it was called) People are being recalled for P/T work. (2) days a week. I thought this thing died on the vine back in May. Looks like the company is getting the help they need for peak. Then what? Lay these guys back off after peak? It would be nice if we could get some info from somewhere. It's too bad we don't have a union to repersent us.
Laid off & pissed off. "November to remember" What, how our local was played by the company, again. So, have we or have we not filed for release to strike?? If we did, when does the 30 day cooling off clock start. You don't say your going to strike & then don't. All I've heard is that we have another meeting with the company in Jan. Maybe I should call Nancy & see what she knows. Things must be going really bad. That's why she's doing the hot line mess.
EWR, what's going on there? SDF, what's going here?

Airbusfkr: Lets see what responses you get from your "new screen name".
BC is smarter than you. We know when you post under a different screen name!!!

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Well-Known Member
Listen to this . . . The Compensation Committee has a three year plan to increase the bonuses for the CEO from 250% of the annual salary to 675%; the COO from 225% to 575% and the CFO from 225% to 300%

"While it expects to continue to monitor the effect of global economic conditions on the Company, the Compensation Committee is committed to the implementation of its plan to increase the total compensation of these three executive officer positions through increasing LTIP target award values, with the increase in compensation earned by these executives, subject to meeting the performance targets over the three-year performance period."

This was found on page 27 of the proxy statement (SEC 14)



Sorry about that. I sincerely hope you get your job back.
Good luck.:peaceful:
DOL w*friend? Your breaking balls while this is going on? Please give me a logical explanation. Don't tell me Airbusfxr had it right all along.

This really bums me out. I may have to cancel the new contract party on Janurary 10th, 2010 at Stooges.. I may never be able to write, produce or direct another movie after this.

Dis-organized Labor

DOL w*friend? Your breaking balls while this is going on? Please give me a logical explanation. Don't tell me Airbusfxr had it right all along.

This really bums me out. I may have to cancel the new contract party on Janurary 10th, 2010 at Stooges.. I may never be able to write, produce or direct another movie after this.

I wasn't breaking balls, I really meant it.
I have never said that I wanted to see people lose their jobs.
I want to see more people working and cooperating and overlooking the minor stuff they insist on making such an issue out of. I want to see people stop lying, taking things out of context and just do their job!
I've been there, I've supervised and managed some of the biggest jerks I've ever met. (and yes, they were the minority, but the most work).

As for the layoffs, I personally got out of turning wrenches many years ago because I didn't want to work nights, holidays, weekends and be subject to downsizing which was everywhere in the 70's and 80's.

Picketing our Customers certainly isn't bringing volume back.
I have some UAW buddies and when we discuss what's going on with the Teamsters, their perspective is there is still an adversarial relationship and mentality that exists whereas, the UAW changed their methodology many years ago.
These are not my opinions, but theirs. They are not the experts and don't know all the issues, but they also have their own powers of observation.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't breaking balls, I really meant it.
I have never said that I wanted to see people lose their jobs.
I want to see more people working and cooperating and overlooking the minor stuff they insist on making such an issue out of. I want to see people stop lying, taking things out of context and just do their job!
I've been there, I've supervised and managed some of the biggest jerks I've ever met. (and yes, they were the minority, but the most work).

As for the layoffs, I personally got out of turning wrenches many years ago because I didn't want to work nights, holidays, weekends and be subject to downsizing which was everywhere in the 70's and 80's.

Picketing our Customers certainly isn't bringing volume back.
I have some UAW buddies and when we discuss what's going on with the Teamsters, their perspective is there is still an adversarial relationship and mentality that exists whereas, the UAW changed their methodology many years ago.
These are not my opinions, but theirs. They are not the experts and don't know all the issues, but they also have their own powers of observation.

Dol the bottom line is UPS is a farce. Everything that made this a great company is gone. While they poor mouth everyone in the company, upper management continues to belly up to the bar.

You must realize by now that all these layoffs are nothing more than negotiation tactics....the worse kind of tactic! Its no wonder Combine thinks picketing customers is justifiable.

You should also be aware that middle management at UPS is the worse job in this company. You guys are treated with more distain than anyone in the Union, and can't do anything about it. Its just a matter of time before these grade"20's" get around to gutting management. All those loyal years of service will mean nothing when the axman comes calling.

Dis-organized Labor

Dol the bottom line is UPS is a farce. Everything that made this a great company is gone. While they poor mouth everyone in the company, upper management continues to belly up to the bar.

You must realize by now that all these layoffs are nothing more than negotiation tactics....the worse kind of tactic! Its no wonder Combine thinks picketing customers is justifiable.

I actually think it's a ratio of airplanes to AMT's. I really have no idea.

You should also be aware that middle management at UPS is the worse job in this company.

Tell me about it! I'm there!

You guys are treated with more distain than anyone in the Union,

I wouldn't say "disdain"; I'd say more like getting kicked by both sides--Labor & Mgt>.

and can't do anything about it. (Whine!!)

Its just a matter of time before these grade"20's" get around to gutting management. (I hope you're wrong.)

All those loyal years of service will mean nothing when the axman comes calling.

Thanks for the calm dialog; it's a refreshing change on this thread.



Well-Known Member

It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth!
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

I am not Ragar.

On behalf of everyone on BC (except Airbusjxr)....Thanks for the video!!!

"You're the key"


Well-Known Member
I am not Ragar.

Never thought for a second you were.

You certainly don't believe you have a monopoly on trying to pick up mechanics at stooges with the mere proffer of free libations? Do you?

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders.
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Never thought for a second you were.

You certainly don't believe you have a monopoly on trying to pick up mechanics at stooges with the mere proffer of free libations? Do you?

In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders.
-Adolf Hitler

It was merely an effort to connect with some BC guys. That's all.


Well-Known Member
Our brilliant E-board is pushing the MOU again for 2010. Seems the MOU is being used to backfill understaffed gateways during peak. Instead of recalling laidoff mechanics, Combine has created on call maintenance. Once again this E-board has handed UPS the ultimate tool.

Now they can cut and lay off mechanics at will, knowing the MOU will provide "on call maintenance " when needed. No need to recall mechanics or do overtime, as long as the company has MOU mechanics in their back pocket.

Combine will put up more billboards and cutomer picketing to pressure UPS, yet provide UPS with the tools to replace full time positions with part time MOU mechanics.......just brilliant strategy!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the calm dialog; it's a refreshing change on this thread.


DOL answer the question. If these layoffs are because of Airplane to AMT ratio's, then why has there not been any other layoffs in the airline?

The current toxic enviroment you have created in the airline is bad for buisness. Bird dogging mechanics about repairing aircraft will only lead to a unsafe product. The FAA is already looking into the adverse affects this campaign is having on the saftey of our aircraft.

The bottom line is its your duty to provide a safe aircraft, regardless of what marching orders you get from the Warden.
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