Local 2727 UPDATE

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Active Member
It took a while but word has come in about the 4 guys from EWR. Word is UPS will have egg on its face! OK so the 4 tech's were walked out,no ability to get there jobs back until Jan??? Company too busy to meet with the local. The guys were ready and able to work but they had NO Supervision and NO plan as to who is to do what. So UPS feel's the tech's must take on the sup's job as well as their jobs. Oh and if you make the wrong call or work on the wrong item....off with your head. The truth will come out as to the question who was not working or more importantly who was actually at work and working in the interest of the company! UPS can't go after a sup...so lets push blame on the guys. So now I hope these guy's are at home for the holidays and when the record is set straight they will get full back pay and return very disgruntled I am sure. Nice going, way to run an air operation. Cut lots of guys from a gateway but don't cut any management and yet still can't have someone show up to Supervise!!! Think what would happen at SDF if the techs were at work and no sup's were in to give assignments? Dammed if you do (52 warning letters handed out just a few weeks ago) and here we see dammed if you don't....:wink2:

On the one hand you want more supervision because in EWR people can't wipe thier own rear end if someone is not there to tell them how, but in SDF all the extra supervision results in warning letters being handed out and you don't like that either.

Maybe we should just do our job and all the extra B.S. will take care of itself.

Dis-organized Labor

On the one hand you want more supervision because in EWR people can't wipe thier own rear end if someone is not there to tell them how, but in SDF all the extra supervision results in warning letters being handed out and you don't like that either.

Maybe we should just do our job and all the extra B.S. will take care of itself.

Well put. :happy2:
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Well-Known Member
On the one hand you want more supervision because in EWR people can't wipe thier own rear end if someone is not there to tell them how, but in SDF all the extra supervision results in warning letters being handed out and you don't like that either.

Maybe we should just do our job and all the extra B.S. will take care of itself.

MX. management came out with a letter early this year & read it to all the weekend OS crews. They asked us to make the simple calls & not to bother our sups. with every little problem, to be professional.
When we C/W this letter, we found our selves in hearings. Mr.Biscut knows what he's talking about. No we're not asking for more sups, just fair sups/managers. The games have to stop somewhere.


Active Member
MX. management came out with a letter early this year & read it to all the weekend OS crews. They asked us to make the simple calls & not to bother our sups. with every little problem, to be professional.
When we C/W this letter, we found our selves in hearings. Mr.Biscut knows what he's talking about. No we're not asking for more sups, just fair sups/managers. The games have to stop somewhere.

No question if too much is found there is a hearing and if things aren't found there is a hearing. Bad management isn't exclusive to UPS and just like bad teachers or parents mature people learn how to deal with it. In previous posts a point was made that the boys in EWR will get thier jobs back with pay... If that's true then the firings and the warning letters are meaningless. Who cares about a warning letter?

If you want fair Sups and Managers then work with the fair ones and to hell with the jerks. There are extremists on both sides. Too often we buy into the B.S. and let emotions get the better of us when we should ignore it. Idiots don't last and end up doing themselves in. (both management and hourly)

There are too many people who say they're "fighting the good fight" and supporting the "struggle" only because it makes them feel justified being a lazy slug.

On the management side there are those who are incompetent or incapable of real leadership and the fear of exposure makes them feel justified for being a total pr%&k.

We need to do our jobs and take care of the people who take care of us.

Dis-organized Labor

Thanks for keeping the thread going NHDRVR! Soon this will be the greatest thread in Brown Cafe's history!!

Dol where did you go?

Back to work!
There's no new videos, so I am kinda' losing interest.

Hey; thanks for the time and effort with the me and UnionMAN videos. They should be put on a CD and used at the NLRA Training Academy for training purposes!!


Well-Known Member

As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people....
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should read your contract and the GMM. All of those things are required of you to be employed here. If you violate the contract or the maintenance manual you will get a warning letter. It has nothing to do with SDF.

This guy running for presedent of local 2727? I did'nt think it could get any worse. There's only one group that knows how to handle UPS and protect the membership.....TAKE THE TRAINING WHEELS OFF!!!!


Well-Known Member
Paeiou you seem to label alot of guys as lazy slugs, but give sups and mgrs a fair shake. Who will you vote in Oct?
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New Member
where's Stone the real master mind, we need someone who started the airline fueling trucks, tugs, trains and automobiles. he would be a great leader rising up from the rank of lead utility to vice president of the airline teamsters division to sec-treasurer. Ups equal of bean counter.


Active Member
Paeiou you seem to label alot of guys as lazy slugs, but give sups and mgrs a fair shake. Who will you vote in Oct?

Lazy guys? Am I describing somone you know?

In case you haven't figued it out yet we work for the same company. AMT's, Sup's & Managers all riding on the same ship and we all have to make sure we don't end up swimming.

Who gives a crap if Joe D. is running the union or if Combine is running the union?


Well-Known Member
Who gives a crap if Joe D. is running the union or if Combine is running the union?

Well there Vowel Sandwich,
If you are unable to discern the difference between an industry leading labor contract to arguing for four years with only pretty t-shirts to show for it. Do me a favor, if you are a mechanic, don’t vote the next election. It’s obvious that the neurons in your brain transmit at or below the 4 Hz level.

And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Well there Vowel Sandwich,
If you are unable to discern the difference between an industry leading labor contract to arguing for four years with only pretty t-shirts to show for it. Do me a favor, if you are a mechanic, don’t vote the next election. It’s obvious that the neurons in your brain transmit at or below the 4 Hz level.

And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.
-Adolf Hitler

Couldn't you have said that through a video?


Well-Known Member
Combine can't enforce the contract or protect its members, thats why he wants everyone to call the FAA. Maybe the FEDS will bail him out. This E-boad has quite a record. No contract, 150 laid off members, increased supervision and now FAA survellance.

They are lost and now grasping for straws. FAA is'nt going to save your a**! Start protecting this membership or step aside! Take the training wheels off!

Do the honorable thing and resign. Your time is past. Time for real Union men to get this right!


Well-Known Member
2727 Hotline 12.04.09

For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Well, my response was even worse.
I do not recall ever saying that the Pilot's and Mechanic's union was the cause of our stock being lower than FDX's.
I don't have the answer, but I can assure you that I and my work group contribute a lot to our operation.
If you knew what my exact position was, you'd understand why.
Take a look at the FDX and UPS Yahoo Financial boards and you'll see that no one can really understand it. There are some that think they do, but then there are 1000 opinions.

I'm exactly who I've always said I was. I'm a manager in the Airline.
In fact, you probably know me:wink2:
Dol what do you do? I know your not on the line....so you must be a Tech pubs guy or maybe a Wan boy. Heavy maintenance.....working with "superior"Asian mechanics? Which is it?

Dis-organized Labor

Dol what do you do? I know your not on the line....so you must be a Tech pubs guy or maybe a Wan boy. Heavy maintenance.....working with "superior"Asian mechanics? Which is it?

Hey, where ya' been? I've missed you!
Definitely not a Tech Pubs guy or Wan boy.
I am in the AGB. 2 unit manager. Worked in the sdf operation on and off over the years.
Maybe someday I'll tell you.
So, are you still optimistic about the contract?
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