Local 2727 UPDATE

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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I feel violated by this whole mess. I feel I know exact what Elin Nordegren Woods is going through.

And from this love and from this faith there emerges for us the idea of hope. When others doubt and hesitate for the future of Germany - we have no doubts.
-Adolf Hitler

Anyone who has an infatuation with Hitler doesn't really know the meaning of being violated....Please..:biting:
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Well-Known Member
Anyone who has an infatuation with Hitler doesn't really know the meaning of being violated....Please..:biting:

Issac Newton whom you quote was an Arian, as was Adolf Hitler. That's what is nice. Being able to pick and choose different nuances that we tend to agree with. Leaving alone and ignoring those that we don't. Just as you found a sweet little quote that fits in very well with your "California Dreaming" way of life where no one gets their feelings hurt. You are able to disregard the dark side of Issac who threatened to burn the house down with his parents in it.

People ask: is there someone fit to be our leader? Our task is not to search for that person. Either God will give him to us or he will not come. Our task is to shape the sword that he will need when he comes. Our task it to provide the leader with a nation which is ready for him when he comes! My fellow Germans, awaken! The new day is dawning!
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Yes, No Lie. I can read the pm's that you sent me.

Now you may not remember them, due to your irrational frame of mind. Cookdaddy may have multiple log-ins but some have multiple personalities.

We have faith that one day Heaven will bring the Germans back into a Reich over which there shall be no Soviet star, no Jewish star of David, but above that Reich there shall be the symbol of German labor - the Swastika. And that will mean that the first of May has truly come.
-Adolf Hitler

Sorry, ACE...when you said "reviewing" them and linked it to SKY's" charade, I thought that you meant the currnet PM's between him and I, unless you are him and I???????
The PM's you cite must be long ago when I just came on.
Whatever, I don't give a crap. I think we need some videos to ease us back into where we were, regardless of where the thread resides.
Do one about SKY confessing to the 2727 president that he tried to flush the Warden out but got snared by Cheryl because he got stupid and made a mistake. He needs to go back to loadinmg the copiers for a while!!


Nope, and Cheryl could clear it up! All she has to do is finish what she started.

I feel violated by this whole mess. I feel I know exact what Elin Nordegren Woods is going through.

And from this love and from this faith there emerges for us the idea of hope. When others doubt and hesitate for the future of Germany - we have no doubts.
-Adolf Hitler
I think you protest to much. If it isn't you then why not just sit back and enjoy the show?

PS If I were Cheryl your Hitler remarks would be gone.


New Member
There lies your failure. You haven't spent much time reading the greatest thread of Brown Cafe History. Had you read it, you would realize that it actually had little to do with anything. A thread about nothing.

Finally a subject I can relate to. Nothing. What we'll be celebrating on Jan 10th. Nothing.

Dis-organized Labor

There lies your failure. You haven't spent much time reading the greatest thread of Brown Cafe History. Had you read it, you would realize that it actually had little to do with anything. A thread about nothing.

Finally a subject I can relate to. Nothing. What we'll be celebrating on Jan 10th. Nothing.

Ya' see now I think you're Sky coming back?

Who are you????

I wouldn't go so far to say that this is the greatest thread in BC History. (Thread and Poll idea just struck!!!)
See ya'; good luck with whatever..


Well-Known Member
I think you protest to much. If it isn't you then why not just sit back and enjoy the show?

Because I wanted Cheryl to finish what she started by erasing any and all suspicion of who Cookdaddy, Skyking and the unknown are?

PS If I were Cheryl your Hitler remarks would be gone.

What about people that have issues with your avatar and the glorification of Guns and Ammo? That is the problem with censorship? Its only ok as long as it doesn't sensor you.

It matters not whether these weapons of ours are humane: if they gain us our freedom, they are justified before our conscience and before our God.
-Adolf Hitler


I started this.
Staff member
Issac Newton whom you quote was an Arian, as was Adolf Hitler.
Issac Newton was said to be Arian because of he believed in a controversial Christian doctrine that denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race was associated with Adolph Hitler's ideology. That is the colloquial English useage of the word and it refers to Nazi racism.

Arian / Aryan also have other meanings... but these 2 are all that I needed to debunk your accusation.



Well-Known Member
Well it seems that the small group of 900 that moves 16% of the packages that generate the largest value per piece has been violated again. No matter what I will get full retro, fair raises, free health care, 401k match, and less subcontracting. Our group has been pushed to the back, by everyone, and we are used to it. In '97 the Pilots and mechanics were asked to shut down the airline to help out the ground side and we did. In 2013, when the majority will be asked to pay for health care there will be another strike and they will again ask us to shut down the airline to help their cause. The moderators can keep us here or maybe just revoke our membership.
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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Issac Newton whom you quote was an Arian, as was Adolf Hitler. That's what is nice. Being able to pick and choose different nuances that we tend to agree with. Leaving alone and ignoring those that we don't. Just as you found a sweet little quote that fits in very well with your "California Dreaming" way of life where no one gets their feelings hurt. You are able to disregard the dark side of Issac who threatened to burn the house down with his parents in it.

Hitler had 6 million Jews killed and wanted to take over the world. This is hardly comparable with the irrational rage of a teenage boy acting out because his Mom got remarried.

Tact is the knack of knowing when someone says "California Dreaming" they're just jealous...:happy-very:



I started this.
Staff member
Airbusfxr? What's up?

Nobody had their account banned. Nothing happened except that I moved this thread into the Labor forum, where it should have been started in the beginning.

Cookdaddy, Skyking and his other alias are still open accounts. I suggested to the person that uses all 3 accounts that he go back to his original one but I haven't seen him post here since last night.

I think he might be embarassed or maybe ticked off that he was outed.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone who has an infatuation with Hitler doesn't really know the meaning of being violated....Please..:biting:

Tact is a drive-by shooting at initial introduction.

Is this better?

" I'd probably try to stop the rain forests from being cut down".


Well-Known Member
Airbusfxr? What's up?

Nobody had their account banned. Nothing happened except that I moved this thread into the Labor forum, where it should have been started in the beginning.

Cookdaddy, Skyking and his other alias are still open accounts. I suggested to the person that uses all 3 accounts that he go back to his original one but I haven't seen him post here since last night.

I think he might be embarassed or maybe ticked off that he was outed. Yes, he should be. Why would you out him when others along with a couple of mediators bully people? He is an UPS employee that is reporting on what is going on in the airline. What thread is more interesting, maybe why does Cintas have brown shirts only? Its your board so treat everyone the same, not as we are treated by mgt at work. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has an infatuation with Hitler doesn't really know the meaning of being violated....Please..:biting:

And Al Gore gets all the credit for being the Great Environmentalist? Poor Charlie has nowhere near the carbon footprint Al Gore produces.


Charles Manson

" I'd probably try to stop the rain forests from being cut down".


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you can only count on yourself to get something done.

Family Guy Presents Blue Harvest: 'R2-D2 Buffering' Clip


Airbusfxr? What's up?

Nobody had their account banned. Nothing happened except that I moved this thread into the Labor forum, where it should have been started in the beginning.

Cookdaddy, Skyking and his other alias are still open accounts. I suggested to the person that uses all 3 accounts that he go back to his original one but I haven't seen him post here since last night.

I think he might be embarassed or maybe ticked off that he was outed.
Well, this is a big load of Brown, I have multiple personalities and I have had a few of them deactivated ...Looks like the IP cop on the Brown Cafe has taught me never to use a public, or common, computer because if I do I may be outed and or grouped with the the previous poster...So dont post on the BC from the Library!
Man...this place is just like aviation, just when it starts to get fun someone come in and friend's it all up for everybody...
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