Local 2727 UPDATE

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Airbusfxr? What's up?

Nobody had their account banned. Nothing happened except that I moved this thread into the Labor forum, where it should have been started in the beginning.
As a beef Ive brought up with the MODs before if a thread spends 5 months and 500 posts in a forum.....thats where it should stay, whether or not its where it ideally belongs, I for one NEVER look at the unread posts I parooz (sp?) a forum keep track of the ones Im interested in, look into new ones and to have one thats spent that long, generated that much interest moved is a bit ridiculous.


.....news flash......ten people investigated for making a ***** flick ........
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Issac Newton was said to be Arian because of he believed in a controversial Christian doctrine that denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

The Aryan was associated with Adolph Hitler's ideology. That is the colloquial English useage of the word and it refers to Nazi racism.

Arian / Aryan also have other meanings... but these 2 are all that I needed to debunk your accusation.


Sucks to argue with a smart woman,don`t it Ace?
Issac Newton whom you quote was an Arian, as was Adolf Hitler.

Issac Newton was said to be Arian because of he believed in a controversial Christian doctrine that denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

The Aryan was associated with Adolph Hitler's ideology. That is the colloquial English useage of the word and it refers to Nazi racism.

Arian / Aryan also have other meanings... but these 2 are all that I needed to debunk your accusation.


Sucks to argue with a smart woman,doesn`t it Ace?
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This thread is getting worse! Now we have wiki people trying to outdue each other....hey look what i dug up on the net...Hitler considered 'the Jews' as evil. Moreover he liked to imagine Nazis as 'Arians'. Without any reason referring to the ancient "Aryan" land (ancient Persia + Afghanistan in times of the wise King Darius the Great)....
so as far as i am concerned you are both full of bs...
Another thing, who the hell said they moved the thread to make it easier to find?? last i checked this thing had over 60,000 sets of eyeballs found it before it was uprooted.


Well-Known Member
Sucks to argue with a smart woman,don`t it Ace?

Yeah it do!

I actually didn't reply to her post so I wasn't really arguing with her. She just picked it up and ran with it. It was a brash risky bluff but I was in a hurry and was trying to make a point. Cheryl caught it and kudos to her. I'd love to meet her and buy her a drink at Stooges on 1-10-10.

It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity.
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Yeah it do!

I actually didn't reply to her post so I wasn't really arguing with her. She just picked it up and ran with it. It was a brash risky bluff but I was in a hurry and was trying to make a point. Cheryl caught it and kudos to her. I'd love to meet her and buy her a drink at Stooges on 1-10-10.

It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity.
-Adolf Hitler

Can't happen now. The Master of Ceremonies took his Avatar and went home. Maybe the third personality, AIRBUSFXR can fill in..


Well-Known Member
This thread is getting worse!

Well there claw hammer, how bout we put you in charge of fact checking from now on.


A few days ago I was in Eisenach and stood on top of the Wartburg, where a great German once translated the Bible.
-Adolf Hitler
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Well-Known Member
I have only one id. I started the thread for our ground side brothers and sisters to understand why we need to strike UPS. In '97 it was their Central States Pension, in 2010 it will be our health care and pay and retro and subcontracting.
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Well-Known Member
Re: What is the Greatest Thread in BC History?
Originally Posted by Dis-organized Labor

Heard Any Good Ones: Part 2?

Good Quotes Part Duex?

Photo Charades?


One of these days we will no longer be oppressed.
One of these days our thread will be returned to the main board.
One of these days we will not be forced to travel the Information Dirt Road.
We will be allowed to ride in the front of the bus.
Along the Information Super Highway.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men, white men and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Dis-organized Labor

I have only one id. I started the thread for our ground side brothers and sisters to understand why we need to strike UPS. In '97 it was their Central States Pension, in 2010 it will be our health care and pay and retro and subcontracting.

You have no Intergrity!!!
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