Local 2727 UPDATE

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Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I started the thread for our ground side brothers and sisters to understand why we need to strike UPS. In '97 it was their Central States Pension, in 2010 it will be our health care and pay and retro and subcontracting.

And that is why I didn't move it to the proper forum when it was first started. A majority of UPSers have no idea of what goes on with the Airline side. I think that the mechanics should have their contract settled. Trying to get part time people who start at $8.50 an hour to walk a picket line for someone making $43 an hour is a bit of a stretch though. My next door neighbor is a Delta Airlines mechanics supervisor, and he doesn't make as much as you guys.

Dis-organized Labor

And that is why I didn't move it to the proper forum when it was first started. A majority of UPSers have no idea of what goes on with the Airline side. I think that the mechanics should have their contract settled. Trying to get part time people who start at $8.50 an hour to walk a picket line for someone making $43 an hour is a bit of a stretch though. My next door neighbor is a Delta Airlines mechanics supervisor, and he doesn't make as much as you guys.


I got your back!


Staff member
Oh my God, thank goodness I've found this thread!!! I thought I'd never figure out how to click on "Labor Relations"! My God, the HUMANITY!!! What an awful amount of hard physical labor and brain cramps I have to go thru to read this thread now. This is outrageous. I may have to write to...... I don't know....President Obama. Maybe he can do something about this travesty. I can't be expected to come to "Labor Relations" every day. It's really out of my way. This is so unacceptable. I'm gonna go kick my dog now. Maybe slap the kids around.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Oh my God, thank goodness I've found this thread!!! I thought I'd never figure out how to click on "Labor Relations"! My God, the HUMANITY!!! What an awful amount of hard physical labor and brain cramps I have to go thru to read this thread now. This is outrageous. I may have to write to...... I don't know....President Obama. Maybe he can do something about this travesty. I can't be expected to come to "Labor Relations" every day. It's really out of my way. This is so unacceptable. I'm gonna go kick my dog now. Maybe slap the kids around.

:rofl: OMG!!!


Well-Known Member
How can a Deltoid/Northworst mechanic/sup even compare with an UPS mechanic. The DAL mechanics that have stumbled on UPS property are lucky to have made the 90 day probation. In '97 when was asked to strike I had an industry leading contract but walked out the door to support someone else that voted in the 8.50 per hour person. What about the pilots that walked out the door leaving their careers at risk for a person making 8.50 per hour? The IBT would not let us ask to be "released from mediation" and alot of people in DC are getting feedback on this failure of the RWLA or 1929. Dysfuntional manager, thats for the 401k match this year, I will be able to purchase serveral turkeys for the shelter in SDF since Scott Davis took them away. Just like OPL the mechanics are on the bottom of the pyramid scheme but at least I got the 401k match.
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Well-Known Member
And that is why I didn't move it to the proper forum when it was first started. A majority of UPSers have no idea of what goes on with the Airline side. I think that the mechanics should have their contract settled. Trying to get part time people who start at $8.50 an hour to walk a picket line for someone making $43 an hour is a bit of a stretch though. My next door neighbor is a Delta Airlines mechanics supervisor, and he doesn't make as much as you guys.
Dont worry when no planes show up with NDA and INT volume you can send them home with no pay, I bet that would make them happy. Tell your next door neighbor he should have a union over at that dump and he can make as much as Dysfunctional Manager.
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Dis-organized Labor

How can a Deltoid/Northworst mechanic/sup even compare with an UPS mechanic. The DAL mechanics that have stumbled on UPS property are lucky to have made the 90 day probation. In '97 when was asked to strike I had an industry leading contract but walked out the door to support someone else that voted in the 8.50 per hour person. What about the pilots that walked out the door leaving their careers at risk for a person making 8.50 per hour? The IBT would not let us ask to be "released from mediation" and alot of people in DC are getting feedback on this failure of the RWLA or 1929. Dysfuntional manager, thats for the 401k match this year, I will be able to purchase serveral turkeys for the shelter in SDF since Scott Davis took them away. Just like OPL the mechanics are on the bottom of the pyramid scheme but at least I got the 401k match.

I have nothing to do with your demise on BC.
You have shown your true colors and I don't think anyone has any trust and/or sympathy for you and your "cause".
I will not get in to your pay rate nor how you hold the airplanes hostage during Peak.
Read some of the Threads from the Drivers and see how you measure up!!


Well-Known Member
I have nothing to do with your demise on BC.
You have shown your true colors and I don't think anyone has any trust and/or sympathy for you and your "cause".
I will not get in to your pay rate nor how you hold the airplanes hostage during Peak.
Read some of the Threads from the Drivers and see how you measure up!!

Why are you so bitter? You know only a small percent of the mechanics play games with aircraft ,and that goes for any workgroup. I admit 43$ an hrs is very good money, but we negotiated that wage and should not be chastised for getting what was negotiated. I'm sure your worth the 150k UPS pays you, so why beat us down at every opportunity?

Maybe you should get out of the AGB and go talk to some of the mechanics that make things happen everyday for UPS.
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Well-Known Member
Uh, how do you figure that? You think UPSSOCKS can rip ANYBODY off? Man, that's a hoot! Good luck on Dysfuntional Juntion Boy!

a old butch looking women who likes drag racing. Sounds like the ugly girl that tried to be a guy cause the little girlys wouldn't hang out with her.
She follows every one of my post, rewrites them and thinks its funny. People like her keep me posting because I know someone takes the time to read my stuff.

Thanks Butch


Well-Known Member
Cookdaddy, it's serious matters now that management could be getting cut? There are 150 mechanics out on the street, where is your concern for them and their serious matter? Double standard!

On the street where they belong. Layoffs are wonderful. As long as we keep a couple people working I still have something to manage.
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