Local 2727 UPDATE

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I have nothing to do with your demise on BC.
You have shown your true colors and I don't think anyone has any trust and/or sympathy for you and your "cause".
I will not get in to your pay rate nor how you hold the airplanes hostage during Peak.
Read some of the Threads from the Drivers and see how you measure up!!
DOL, I am not cookdaddy, syking, or airbus. I am just a new member trying to fill a void. A deep hollow void that none of us will soon get over. When Cookdaddy and the king went down, I , like You was hurt. We all know this thread will never be what it once was. But, we still have our memories. Try not to forget how You felt when Cookdaddy and the King posted their video's for You, yes You DOL.

Dis-organized Labor

Why are you so bitter? You know only a small percent of the mechanics play games with aircraft ,and that goes for any workgroup. I admit 43$ an hrs is very good money, but we negotiated that wage and should not be chastised for getting what was negotiated. I'm sure your worth the 150k UPS pays you, so why beat us down at every opportunity?

Maybe you should get out of the AGB and go talk to some of the mechanics that make things happen everyday for UPS.

You're right MRV.
My frustration is directed at Airbusbkr, not all the guys and gals that just want to do a good job. My apologies to you.

Dis-organized Labor

DOL, I am not cookdaddy, syking, or airbus. I am just a new member trying to fill a void. A deep hollow void that none of us will soon get over. When Cookdaddy and the king went down, I , like You was hurt. We all know this thread will never be what it once was. But, we still have our memories. Try not to forget how You felt when Cookdaddy and the King posted their video's for You, yes You DOL.

Believe me, I appreciated them and really looked forward to seeing more.

Oh well:sad-very:
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Well-Known Member
I'm just here to stir things up, deep down I love all of you. Now come shine my shoes....
I will ask the mechanic on another crew to do it, he brought home a 10k check for last week. Not bad for 1 week of pay, his 401k week total was 1500 bucks, maybe he could buy you a new pair.
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Well-Known Member
I will ask the mechanic on another crew to do it, he brought home a 10k check for last week. Not bad for 1 week of pay, his 401k week total was 1500 bucks, maybe he could buy you a new pair.

Don't you understand work as instructed. I said shine the ones I have on. If I wanted a new pair I would buy them. Oh and your lying.


Well-Known Member
If I wanted a new pair I would buy them.

You won't buy a new pair because you know Mgt. is getting ready to be pulverized. Davis has egg on his face because of the languishing stock, while Fed Ex is breaking new highs on a daily basis. Wall Street knows exactly what everybody at this company knows. Management is TOO FAT!

We must learn to make our own this blind faith in the rights of our people, in the necessity of devoting ourselves to the service of these rights; we must make our own the faith that gradually victory must be granted us if only we are fanatical enough.
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member

Re: your comment of...

"Wall Street knows exactly what everybody at this company knows. Management is TOO FAT!"

Oh! THAT is was "everybody (including "Wall Street") knows", is it?! I mean their judgment on what the appropriate price level of the stock isn't even SLIGHTLY tinged by the fact that UPS is predominately union, while FedEx isn't?

Tell me...how's your head feel down their [figuratively, at least] buried in the sand, as it were? [smile]


Well-Known Member

Oh! THAT is was "everybody (including "Wall Street") knows", is it?! I mean their judgment on what the appropriate price level of the stock isn't even SLIGHTLY tinged by the fact that UPS is predominately union, while FedEx isn't?

Tell me...how's your head feel down their [figuratively, at least] buried in the sand, as it were? [smile]

RE: Your comment of?
Oh! THAT is was and has been or will be "everybody knows", is it? Was it? I mean, you know KINDA this or that while this, that or the other?
{Get TO use: seldom pressed keys on the keyboard} (FOR no other reason) <Grammatically INCORRECT> ; DOESN"T matter [WILL get pass] ^peboCARLOS^

Feels nice in the sand. The pain comes when I pull it out and look around and see where this country is going? Comprende?

People ask: is there someone fit to be our leader? Our task is not to search for that person. Either God will give him to us or he will not come. Our task is to shape the sword that he will need when he comes. Our task it to provide the leader with a nation which is ready for him when he comes! My fellow Germans, awaken! The new day is dawning!
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
a old butch looking women who likes drag racing. Sounds like the ugly girl that tried to be a guy cause the little girlys wouldn't hang out with her.
She follows every one of my post, rewrites them and thinks its funny. People like her keep me posting because I know someone takes the time to read my stuff.

Thanks Butch

"I know you are but what am I?" :puppet:


Well-Known Member

Re: your comment of...

"Wall Street knows exactly what everybody at this company knows. Management is TOO FAT!"

Oh! THAT is was "everybody (including "Wall Street") knows", is it?! I mean their judgment on what the appropriate price level of the stock isn't even SLIGHTLY tinged by the fact that UPS is predominately union, while FedEx isn't?

Tell me...how's your head feel down their [figuratively, at least] buried in the sand, as it were? [smile]
This has got to be Dysfuntional Managers other ID. If not he is close to his logic.


Well-Known Member
Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

It really shouldn't come to anyone's astonishment that as an aircraft mechanic with this company that we would be treated as lepers. Whether it is on this public forum or personal contact from our daily duties at work.

There was one thread on this forum that had anything to do with the thoughts and information and the ability to reach out to others in our profession and work group. That thread was allowed to exist under the "UPS Discussions" group beginning July of this year. From that time the thread garnered over 1,400 posts and 66,000 views. Another thread that just started under the UPS Discussions was just closed. As a poster to the "Local 2727 Update" thread I created some stupid cartoons that allowed me to voice my concerns and frustrations with our E-board and their actions. I only mention this because those cartoons through You Tube, came with some pretty interesting statistics that gave me some insight into who was watching the video. With over 1,500 views, of which included people from over 25 states and Asia. I was able to get a good idea who was watching, and I am fairly certain that since I was able to pull single digit numbers in many states (other than Mecca), these video's were getting viewed by fellow UPS Aircraft Mechanics and Local 2727 members.

Since this thread was moved, it seems that an orchestrated movement is afoot to squelch any and all voice from the 2727. Numerous posters members and moderators have posted that have never posted on the thread previously. I would also be willing to bet that none of them have ever read more than 5 posts from the thread the whole 5 months that it was so prevalent on the front page of the "UPS Discussions" forum. I firmly believe this because I do not believe that they posses the decorum to read and leave without posting a snide comment as they have been doing the past few days. This thread did not pertain to them and they had no reason to read it. As most of the threads do not pertain to me and I do not read nor have I posted on only one other thread that I can remember.

As an admitted conspiracy theorist, It seems that there may be some outside influence or it is simply a "Dog" marking their territory. As I said before, we see it everyday. There is very little love in this company from any one work group to another, but there is pure hatred for from many toward the Aircraft Mechanics. It is all by design and it has worked very well for 100 years. It will continue to work as long as the company can make butt loads of money. If times get tough, I mean really tough. I mean tough like we don't make any money for the quarter. Like other companies that lose money in a quarter, all hell will break loose.

I hope I am around to see it.

"People have killed only when they could not achieve their aim in other ways ... there is a broadened strategy, with intellectual weapons ... why should I demoralize the enemy by military means if I can do so better and more cheaply in other ways?"
- Adolf Hitler


Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

I have never read one word of the 2727 thread. If this post is any indication of it's content, my time was well spent.


Active Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

It really shouldn't come to anyone's astonishment that as an aircraft mechanic with this company that we would be treated as lepers. Whether it is on this public forum or personal contact from our daily duties at work.

As an admitted conspiracy theorist, It seems that there may be some outside influence or it is simply a "Dog" marking their territory. As I said before, we see it everyday. There is very little love in this company from any one work group to another, but there is pure hatred for from many toward the Aircraft Mechanics. It is all by design and it has worked very well for 100 years. It will continue to work as long as the company can make butt loads of money.

Stop the whining and crying and move beyond the victim mentality. It's hilarious how offended people get when the light of truth is shined on them. If people are treating you so poorly why stay?


Well-Known Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

Stop the whining and crying and move beyond the victim mentality. It's hilarious how offended people get when the light of truth is shined on them. If people are treating you so poorly why stay?

Because they have no choice, it's the best job they can get. They need UPS more than UPS needs them, I can guarantee that much.


Well-Known Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

Because they have no choice, it's the best job they can get. They need UPS more than UPS needs them, I can guarantee that much.
You want to bet? There are pletty of jobs that require experienced AMT's. As for you, where the hell are you gonna go? Nobody wants a manager that has ABSOLUTLY no people skills and is , in my opinion, suicidal. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

You want to bet? There are pletty of jobs that require experienced AMT's. As for you, where the hell are you gonna go? Nobody wants a manager that has ABSOLUTLY no people skills and is , in my opinion, suicidal. Good luck with that.

UPS wants me, they proven it time and time again... I must be doing something right..
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