Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

Your salary is peanuts in the grand scheme of things.... Just think how much more your manager makes, to do nothing..
Just think how much more my manager makes than you. Just think how much more my div mgr makes than your div mgr. Everyone in the airline makes more than ground side but most airline people have some type of training. I bet ole dirty sock was a driver that could not make it driving. Then he put on a tie and like Dysfuntional Manager says TADAAAAAA! Do as I say not as I do or have done.
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Well-Known Member
Airline Guys; Please consider sending Lisa a note and praying for her Children and her Husband. He was one of US.

UPSers; Let's put aside our issues and let Mrs. Ronan that we care about each other.

Read Below. This was the PC Driver that was killed in Maine

RIP Shannon...You are in our Hearts and our Prayers..

And..... Jeff "Flip" McDanold


Well-Known Member
Re: Everyone Except 2727 Welcome

Its pretty telling when UPS has to go to the street to hire management. There has not been a UPS mechanic come up thru the ranks in 10 years.... that speaks volumes.

So true MRV...... So true! Any of the good ones retired or went to South West!! (or are going) Any that have, .... have regreted it. They are treated the same as we are, (or as I was) just at a diff. level. The ones that stay & play the company's game..... they are the ones you have to watch out for. They will do anything they are told. Right or wrong!

Out side the fence looking in.


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell us how much MIP the bosses raked in. I figured Dysfuntional Manager has a new sled in the driveway, new membership to the golf club, and new boat on the way.


Well-Known Member

A company in China is looking to add free internet and put up a Basketball Hoop to get enough workers for it's factory. What's up with that? We have union representation and all we get is pretty T Shirts.

I'd rather have a basketball hoop than the ability to wear pretty T shirts. Maybe that will be next year?

I did get a gift card from our el presidenta (SP?) today. Stated that " Fur-low" has not been fogotten.


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell us how much MIP the bosses raked in. I figured Dysfuntional Manager has a new sled in the driveway, new membership to the golf club, and new boat on the way.

1.2x there salary, plus half month bonus. They deserve it for shutting down the OT with help from our great E-board and laying off 150 mechs....then again I would rather wrench than put up with all the BS the line sups have to deal with. Everyone needs to sit tight and wait till the next E-board elections and start over.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Our E-boards conscience is eating at them, so they sent you a gift card for.........?

$100.00 ..... I'll trade it for my job back!!!!!..... I think. I know how bad its out there. (Someone once said ... "Be careful for what you wise for")
Maybe Oct. is closer then we think. Conscience????..... PLEASE!!!!!


New Member
We have circulated a card and this story of Craig Ogan in SDF

Craig Ogan was an Engine Condition Monitor who was laid off in July 2009. Prior to being laid off, Craig had worked for UPS about 9 years. In 2006, he, along with ECM’s Matt McNew and Mark Sterling, petitioned the National Mediation Board to become members of Local 2727. The NMB ruled in August of 2006 that not only should these guys be in our union, these positions should have been Local 2727 positions from the start.

Craig’s wife has terminal cancer. She is currently under the care of Hospice. Craig has filed bankruptcy. He has had two cars repossessed and his home is in foreclosure.

The ECMs were licensed mechanics doing engine trend analysis on our fleet.
Although Craig worked for UPS 9 years, ECM positions have been eliminated by the company. He now falls on the bottom of our seniority list (first to be laid off, last to be called back)

Craig's wife Cathy died Wednesday 12/23 at about 9:30pm. Obit will be in Louisville Courrier Journal Sunday. We have raised just over $6000 for Craig in SDF. Craig has been unable to seek work because he has been nursing his wife for months.



Well-Known Member
This makes all of our stories small beans compared to his. We should keep his familiy in our prayers at this time of year. We have numerous mechanics recalled and the bidding menu has been active the past couple of weeks. Hopefully everyone that has been held hostage will be released in the near future. The hotline states that talks will begin Jan 5 and with peak money rolling out of Scott Davis' and Bob Leikites vaults maybe we will get another industry leading contract. IF NOT, Oct is right around the corner and I know who I will be voting for. I will not take a pay cut, give back retro, pay for health care or give more work away. Dysfuntional Manager and UPS dirty ole sock can pay aircraft mechanics for our contributions to "the company".

Dis-organized Labor

We have circulated a card and this story of Craig Ogan in SDF

Craig Ogan was an Engine Condition Monitor who was laid off in July 2009. Prior to being laid off, Craig had worked for UPS about 9 years. In 2006, he, along with ECM’s Matt McNew and Mark Sterling, petitioned the National Mediation Board to become members of Local 2727. The NMB ruled in August of 2006 that not only should these guys be in our union, these positions should have been Local 2727 positions from the start.

Craig’s wife has terminal cancer. She is currently under the care of Hospice. Craig has filed bankruptcy. He has had two cars repossessed and his home is in foreclosure.

The ECMs were licensed mechanics doing engine trend analysis on our fleet.
Although Craig worked for UPS 9 years, ECM positions have been eliminated by the company. He now falls on the bottom of our seniority list (first to be laid off, last to be called back)

Craig's wife Cathy died Wednesday 12/23 at about 9:30pm. Obit will be in Louisville Courrier Journal Sunday. We have raised just over $6000 for Craig in SDF. Craig has been unable to seek work because he has been nursing his wife for months.


Very sad about Craig's wife. I know she is in a better place without pain.


Ranji Batsman
UPS will be reducing the fleet by 17 757 and 4 MD11 next year. They have also delayed delivery on the new 767 to 2014.


Well-Known Member
UPS will be reducing the fleet by 17 757 and 4 MD11 next year. They have also delayed delivery on the new 767 to 2014.
Where did you hear that? FEDX would be interested in those 757s, they are buying 90 of them right now and putting cargo doors in them down at MAE.


Ranji Batsman
Where did you hear that? FEDX would be interested in those 757s, they are buying 90 of them right now and putting cargo doors in them down at MAE.
They will not be pulled off the certificate for now. They will be "idled" and the 767 deliveries will be pushed into 2014. UPS is not interested in flying cargo, no profit. Look for more consolidation and reduced flight activity. Don't expect any new fleet types, the 777 is not profitable on Asia to US routes. The 2 747 in the desert will be leased back to Cargolux and if we ever buy anymore aircraft they will come out of the desert.


Well-Known Member
The 777 is not profitable on Asia to us routes? Then why is FEDX flying Memphis Shangai direct routes with two Engines and saving lots of money on fuel.


Ranji Batsman
The 777 is not profitable on Asia to us routes? Then why is FEDX flying Memphis Shangai direct routes with two Engines and saving lots of money on fuel.
Not true. Fedex 777 are stopping in Anc as they transit thru Asia. They are capable of flying direct to Memphis but at a greatly reduced payload that makes the route unprofitable. UPS 747-400 have the same capability with the polar route but as with the 777 the payload is reduced to the point of unprofitability. Two hr stop in Anc for fuel and max payload is much more profitable that the 2 hrs saved when flying direct.


Well-Known Member
They will not be pulled off the certificate for now. They will be "idled" and the 767 deliveries will be pushed into 2014. UPS is not interested in flying cargo, no profit. Look for more consolidation and reduced flight activity. Don't expect any new fleet types, the 777 is not profitable on Asia to US routes. The 2 747 in the desert will be leased back to Cargolux and if we ever buy anymore aircraft they will come out of the desert.

Not true. Fedex 777 are stopping in Anc as they transit thru Asia. They are capable of flying direct to Memphis but at a greatly reduced payload that makes the route unprofitable. UPS 747-400 have the same capability with the polar route but as with the 777 the payload is reduced to the point of unprofitability. Two hr stop in Anc for fuel and max payload is much more profitable that the 2 hrs saved when flying direct.
I hope you don't have any say in decisions with aircraft at UPS........:wink2:
Ducker says the 777F will allow FedEx to cut shipping times between the US and Asia by one to three hours. Currently FedEx transpacific services between the continental US and Asia require a fuel stop in Anchorage. The 777 has the range to operate these services non-stop without payload restrictions. Ducker says eventually 777Fs will also be used on direct flights between Europe and Asia.


Well-Known Member
FedEx Will Add 777 Freighters to Hong Kong

JOC Staff | Dec 23, 2009 3:31PM GMT
The Journal of Commerce Online - News Story

Flights to Memphis will provide non-stop link between world’s busiest cargo airports

FedEx will use the first two of its new 777 freighters on routes between Hong Kong and Memphis starting next month, company officials said, adding service at an Asia gateway hit hard by capacity shortages during the peak season.
The operations will link the world’s two largest air cargo airports with non-stop freighter service. FedEx, which has an intra-Asia hub in nearby Guangzho, China, has been operating between Hong Kong International Airport and its main express hub in Memphis through the carrier’s transshipment center in Anchorage, Alaska.
“Obviously that’s a very powerful lane for us,” FedEx Chairman, President and CEO Frederick W. Smith told investment analysts this month, “so much so that our first group of 777s are going” there.
FedEx this fall took its first two of 30 of the Boeing twin-engine widebody aircraft the company has ordered.
Smith said the aircraft’s longer range will allow the company to provide later pickup times on U.S.-Asia traffic because an interim fuel stop will be eliminated and the large capacity — the freighter has a revenue payload of about 104 metric tons — will lead to route changes on trans-Pacific and Asia-Europe operations.
The Hong Kong and Memphis airports have been the world’s top two cargo airports for several years. Hong Kong, long the world’s busiest international freight airport, reported lengthy delays in October and November after a sudden recovery in Asia exports.

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