Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Amazing the company will survive another 100 years with your input. I just have one question. Who ever said that the company had problems? Because you said "the real problem is blah blah blah..." Why do all of the union workers think UPS has problems. To me everything is fine. You know stock is down but stocks have been going up and down for years. We didn't get raises last year, but neither did alot of companies. I don't think UPS has any problems. So why are the teamsters always coming up with solutions to UPS's problems if they don't really have any....
When UPS allows people like you to become managers, they have a problem. You are suppose to be a leader and motivator of people. The only thing your good at is intimidation and revenge.
What the hell are they teaching you guys when you come up through the ranks? Whatever it is, it will surely destroy any company given enough time.


Ranji Batsman
As for dysfunctional manager and UPSUCKS, how did these people become managers? There the real problem at UPS and if they are not weeded out this company will surely destroy itself.

Keep five meters from a carriage, ten meters from a horse and a hundred meters from a elephant; but the distance one should keep from wicked men cannot be measured. Just sit on the bank of a river. Your enemy's corpse will soon float by.


Well-Known Member
Keep five meters from a carriage, ten meters from a horse and a hundred meters from a elephant; but the distance one should keep from wicked men cannot be measured. Just sit on the bank of a river. Your enemy's corpse will soon float by.
I thought keep your friends close and your enemies closer is a better phylosophy.
Wicked people usually end up destroying themselves one way or the other. The other being lead poisoning.


Well-Known Member
When UPS allows people like you to become managers, they have a problem. You are suppose to be a leader and motivator of people. The only thing your good at is intimidation and revenge.
What the hell are they teaching you guys when you come up through the ranks? Whatever it is, it will surely destroy any company given enough time.

You keep moving parcels and I will keep telling you how to. You can't motivate everyone, so I got something special for the unmotivatable. The good employees get a free pass from me, they always have. That's how I motivate. Be a good employee or I'll terrorize you.


Well-Known Member
You keep moving parcels and I will keep telling you how to. You can't motivate everyone, so I got something special for the unmotivatable. The good employees get a free pass from me, they always have. That's how I motivate. Be a good employee or I'll terrorize you.
I think there is more to your style than just work or else. That rule applies to McDonalds management too.


Well-Known Member
Quit, oh that's right you can't.. Always remember you need UPS more than UPS needs you. That door where you walk in everyday swings both ways. If your so unhappy do something about it.

Sorry Mr. Casey. I only express this in hope of change. Why would anyone want to work in such an environment. There was a time when management & the mechanics drank beer together, played golf & grilled out at lunch..not much of a love affair but the working conditions for both were alot better. Both parties are at fault for this situation. No one can possibly think this work enviroment is productive. How do our the pilots feel about mechanics being fired for over inspecting thier aircraft? Your right, I do need UPS more than they need me. I want to do something about it.... change it, not quit. Is that the solution...quit?


Well-Known Member
That kind of inbreed in fighting with quotes from Hitler does not help you to get your point across!

Yeah, an inept E-board has nothing to do with the "Inbreed" fighting. Negotiating a contract for 3 years over pretty T-shirts and idle threats of a strike to disrupt peak.

remember customers also read this site and without them none of us will have a job,

Well said 705. The exact reason I stopped posting on this thread. Some of the folks on here are an embarrassment to our profession.

What exactly is well said there? I don't think you agree with anything ole Red said. You're a hug supporter of our E-board and it's Billboards, Informational picketing and all the idle threats of a strike to disrupt peak? Poor old Adolf is long gone and has very little power to wield. Combine however is the "monkey in love with this football" and with the support of our E-board they have thrown 150 members into the "ovens of unemployment."

Under the MOU that the E-board signed, UPS is continuing to fill many more full time openings in SDF with part time mechanics. I suppose Hitler is also to blame for this somehow.

I gave up reading this thread because of many of these posts.

So now you're just posting without reading?

I really hope none of you are on the negotiating committee.

Just one wannabe who finds us to be an embarrassment to our profession. But that's ok, I know how he feels after watching the youtube picketing videos and how impressed I was with the interview with Combine, JP and Rob Hayseed. Oh and of course best supporting goon with a sign has to go to the guy behind JP. I'm voting for him for president, sorry
767 Mech!


Browncafe Steward
You keep moving parcels and I will keep telling you how to. You can't motivate everyone, so I got something special for the unmotivatable. The good employees get a free pass from me, they always have. That's how I motivate. Be a good employee or I'll terrorize you.
Youwould not make it more than a week working where I work at! We would eat you alive!!!!!

The fact is you probably are not even in operations and it behind desk at some regional office.

If upssucks is allowed to continue to respect the Teamster shield, all bets will be off and I will unleash some real nice pictures bashing management!


Ranji Batsman
You keep moving parcels and I will keep telling you how to. You can't motivate everyone, so I got something special for the unmotivatable. The good employees get a free pass from me, they always have. That's how I motivate. Be a good employee or I'll terrorize you.
Dictators ride to and fro upon Tigers from which they dare not dismount. There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self.

Dis-organized Labor

Why does my Screen Name keep coming up?

I was advised by a close friend to stay out of this thread for a while and I did.

Hey, The 10th is coming up and i want to know if we're still meeting at Stooges. Skyking and I will arm wrestle for the bill. This was a great thread for a while; let's not get too serious...The BC will not get your contract signed and many posters have told me that they miss the videos. Contract or no contract, let's keep it light.
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Well-Known Member
Youwould not make it more than a week working where I work at! We would eat you alive!!!!!

The fact is you probably are not even in operations and it behind desk at some regional office.

If upssucks is allowed to continue to respect the Teamster shield, all bets will be off and I will unleash some real nice pictures bashing management!

I've spent plenty of time in man-ops. I know the operations as well as any of you. I am not disrespecting the shield at all. My old avatar of a man pissing on it was disrespectful but this one is showing a teamster shining my shoes...


Browncafe Steward
I've spent plenty of time in man-ops. I know the operations as well as any of you. I am not disrespecting the shield at all. My old avatar of a man pissing on it was disrespectful but this one is showing a teamster shining my shoes...
How ddo you like my new avatar?


Ranji Batsman
Why does my Screen Name keep coming up?

I was advised by a close friend to stay out of this thread for a while and I did.

Hey, The 10th is coming up and i want to know if we're still meeting at Stooges. Skyking and I will arm wrestle for the bill. This was a great thread for a while; let's not get too serious...The BC will not get your contract signed and many posters have told me that they miss the videos. Contract or no contract, let's keep it light.
Is it not time for you to came into the light Dis-organized? Do you not destroy your enemy's when you make friends of them? In the end you will not remember the words of your enemy's, but the silence of your friends.


Browncafe Steward
Wait a second that avatar has been marked bad according to cheryl. You are a moderator if you can use that one then I should be able to use my old one....
I am not a moderator! And ou are now on my radar, game on you little zit faced weasel!

You want to do battle with the Teamsters, you now have that battle! Go stock up on some Kleenex!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Wait a second that avatar has been marked bad according to cheryl. You are a moderator if you can use that one then I should be able to use my old one....

The reason your avatar was removed is that there were many complaints by people asking us to remove it...

Red is a long time member but is not a moderator and does not represent the opinion of this website.
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