Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The reason your avatar was removed is that there were many complaints by people asking us to remove it...

Red is a long time member but is not a moderator and does not represent the opinion of this website.

Fair is fair... So I won't complain or report your avatar as long as mine is ok...


Well-Known Member
I am not a moderator! And ou are now on my radar, game on you little zit faced weasel!

You want to do battle with the Teamsters, you now have that battle! Go stock up on some Kleenex!

I crap on teamsters everyday young man (like my new avatar).. But I accept your challenge...


Well-Known Member
I crap on teamsters everyday young man (like my new avatar).. But I accept your challenge...
I use to work at a place and somebody actually did crap on the sups desk. we called him the mad bomber. It was pretty funny but man what balls to actually leave a steamer on the bosses desk. You would probrably take dna samples wouldn't you monkey boy.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
We are done here...No war..No battles...!!

If you want to continue... go make a website where you can crap all over each other but not here!!


Well-Known Member
The good thing about UPSUCKS is that he will be cut in the Jan layoffs. Deadwood will soon be cut and burned and then we can pay RETRO. The elections are a few months away and I can tell the tide is turning toward the west.


Well-Known Member
The good thing about UPSUCKS is that he will be cut in the Jan layoffs. Deadwood will soon be cut and burned and then we can pay RETRO. The elections are a few months away and I can tell the tide is turning toward the west.

Rumor has it I might get the axe. I will get a buyout option though. That's more than any of you will get..


Well-Known Member
I am not a moderator! And you are now on my radar, game on you little zit faced weasel!

You want to do battle with the Teamsters, you now have that battle! Go stock up on some Kleenex!

You need to practice what you preach or maybe you are just an anti-German Racist!

I gave up reading this thread because of many of these posts.

but they way you have represented yourselves on this site is an embarrassment!

start acting like grown men and women!

all this bickering back and forth has hurt you!

do it respectfully,


Browncafe Steward
You need to practice what you preach or maybe you are just an anti-German Racist!
Your a dips hit ACE! I have not come here to post to gain support for a cause, as you in your contract!

Your in a thread asking for support from people and alot of you have portrayed yourselves as uneducated adolescents.

And yes I am anti Hitler Nazi Germans, what you got a problem with that?

Look me up anytime you want!


Well-Known Member
Heard the cuts in the ground side wont bother our bosses. I cant understand why airline/AGB people are protected. Anyone heard from the contract talks? I got a feeling the mediator will be long gone and we will be left empty handed.


Well-Known Member
Heard the cuts in the ground side wont bother our bosses. I cant understand why airline/AGB people are protected. Anyone heard from the contract talks? I got a feeling the mediator will be long gone and we will be left empty handed.
Heard rumors of a tentative but no way to substantiate that. We can only hope for the best.
Talked to a management pilot and he said that about 14 pilots out of 300 took early buy out. He also said that they had 100 million for the pilots 2010 MOU.


Well-Known Member
Your a dips hit ACE! I have not come here to post to gain support for a cause, as you in your contract!

Your in a thread asking for support from people and alot of you have portrayed yourselves as uneducated adolescents.

And yes I am anti Hitler Nazi Germans, what you got a problem with that?

Look me up anytime you want!

There's idiots all over the place, but we are all Teamsters and I expect you to honor our fight as we honored yours in 97. I'm sure if you were without a contract for 4 years you would be acting like an adolesent as well. Your fight is with mismanagement not your fellow Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
Heard the cuts in the ground side wont bother our bosses. I cant understand why airline/AGB people are protected. Anyone heard from the contract talks? I got a feeling the mediator will be long gone and we will be left empty handed.

At the rate people are bailing out of the Airline cuts may not be necessary. You have to hand it to our bosses, they cut our E-board off at the knees and saved millions doing it. The old UPS is dead! The partnership, policy book and all of its traditions that made UPS great is gone! We are now just a company guided by the whims of whoever is in charge.

Instead of the Airline becoming more like UPS, UPS will now become more like the Airline! The slow decline of this once great company has begun. Hold on for your lives!


Well-Known Member
Heard rumors of a tentative but no way to substantiate that. We can only hope for the best.
Talked to a management pilot and he said that about 14 pilots out of 300 took early buy out. He also said that they had 100 million for the pilots 2010 MOU.

No progress again! Get ready to strike!


Well-Known Member
The hotline states that the company is not willing to pay mechanics for service commitments. Why does UPS want us to pay for their mistakes? It is sad that the company will not move toward paying us fair wages for a fair days work. Now with a reduction in the work force GWC and Planning are dumping more work on everyone just to get caught up for the uppers miscue on the layoffs. 90% strike vote is still our voice and if the company cannot come to an agreement than let them deal with Darmento in Oct, he wont be as nice as this group has been. This group has had 6 years to hammer this out but their motto as a "nicer gentler union" hasnt panned out. I can just see Leikites and Johnson show up in Oct to see Joe sitting across the table, it wont be nice for those guys, they will have wished they took the buyout. I will support Combine as long as he is President, but if he cant get it done he must not accept anything from UPS. October is right around the corner and with Scott's move to get rid of the ground side deadwood UPS will become more profitable and the mechanics will not be asked to pay for all the waste.
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Well-Known Member
Dysfuntional Manger, why are you harrasing me? We all make our career choices and if UPSSOCKS couldnt make it as a driver and now is a marginal manager let the door hit him in the #%& when he cleans out his cubicle. Scott Davis is an airline guy and he is tired of deadwood dragging us all down, we are drowning and the weak must be let go to save the majority of us. This has been the best thing ever to save UPS from imploding, leaving us like DHL/ABX. DM you are obsessed with our contract and in reality it has NOTHING to do with you. Do not worry what we are paid, what our benefits are, it is above your pay grade.
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Well-Known Member
The hotline states that the company is not willing to pay mechanics for service commitments. Why does UPS want us to pay for their mistakes? It is sad that the company will not move toward paying us fair wages for a fair days work. Now with a reduction in the work force GWC and Planning are dumping more work on everyone just to get caught up for the uppers miscue on the layoffs. 90% strike vote is still our voice and if the company cannot come to an agreement than let them deal with Darmento in Oct, he wont be as nice as this group has been. This group has had 6 years to hammer this out but their motto as a "nicer gentler union" hasnt panned out. I can just see Leikites and Johnson show up in Oct to see Joe sitting across the table, it wont be nice for those guys, they will have wished they took the buyout. I will support Combine as long as he is President, but if he cant get it done he must not accept anything from UPS. October is right around the corner and with Scott's move to get rid of the ground side deadwood UPS will become more profitable and the mechanics will not be asked to pay for all the waste.

The current E-board is no longer effective and UPS is using it to their advantage. We must wait it out and start over in October! Everyone needs to be careful as we are now unprotected as this E-board goes thru the motions.
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