Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
Im calling troll. no way some pos comes on a ups wesite talking about scabing. dude we like the managment people we work with. go away..


Well-Known Member
It's me or you and at the end of the day it's going to be ME!
Call me a scab and I can call you another name, but I am better than that!

What is it the kids say these days?... "Oh no he denant"!... He did not just come on here say what think he said.
We all respect a man who provides for his family, but not at the cost of another. This is something that will follow you forever. Union or no-union. Scab is just a name. It's what it stands for that counts.
I know Delta mechanics in ATL that had no respect for the Swissport mech. that crossed during the NWA strike.
This kind of action carrys over to all union jobs, aviation or not.
I think my brother said it best..work with us, not against us. Don't be a hovering vulture.
People look at what we have now & can't understand why we want a fair compensation for a job well done, by a company that has profited greatly from that job.
It's profitable companys like UPS that take advange of a troubled economy & use it to thier advantage.
I maybe laid-off, but I'm not out & will never cross that line.
I made the mistake of getting into aviation 22yrs ago & cant go back & change it now. I maybe alot of things...just ask my friends, but I'll never, ever, be a "Scab".


Well-Known Member
It's me or you and at the end of the day it's going to be ME!
Call me a scab and I can call you another name, but I am better than that!

If you come in to cross the line, atleast you'll meet the "Ice Cream Man".
Scabing & ice cream. Hand in hand.

This scab thing sound like a mangement plant. ... I like it. gets the blood flowing.

I may have moved on to another airline, but I still love this the best.
Thanks BC, for allowing me to vent.


Well-Known Member
Management going Union! After opening link, click on the Dan Katz Letter link upper left and the Dorsey Case link below it for more info.


Well-Known Member
Talks broke down in D.C. Looks like we are headed for a strike!

It is obvious that the company will have to be forced into giving us a decent contract. I hope “Bob”, that you asked for us to be released? Why wait until April to get the same answer from the company that has been given for over 3 years now?

The phone polls said it all, we want to be RELEASED!!!


Well-Known Member
Brothers and Sisters, the hotline is what I want to hear. Shut this place down or get a contract. The drivers make 30 bucks with benefits, the pilots make 300k with benefits, sups make 130k with benefits but aircraft mechanics make 89k with NO NOTHING for 4 years. Obama's PEB knows that FDX and USPS can handle the volume so we will be able to move forward with the strike after the 30day COP. This thing is finally going to end and if we have to strike then we have 90% and like in '97 should be 99% shutdown. Thanks for all the support and we will need all to get the info out to drivers, pilots, sorters and loaders that their IBT reps will get their marching orders from Washington DC, just as we did in '97. Maybe UPSSUCKS can fly an airbus with his new online degree.
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Well-Known Member
As long as we have the pilots there will be no NDA and Int. Oh those 2 products are the money making things that UPS make money on. UPSSUCKS just get your online pillet certificate and get to pilleting.


Well-Known Member
Now that Management Pilots are joining the IPA there will be nobody to fly if we strike. The fact that a UPS Management group would join a Union for protection is unbelievable!!! UPSSOCKS you should look into joining the Teamsters before its to late.


Long Time Member
As long as we have the pilots there will be no NDA and Int. Oh those 2 products are the money making things that UPS make money on. UPSSUCKS just get your online pillet certificate and get to pilleting.

You DO NOT speak for the IPA nor are Management Airmen part of the IPA!

Play with these people, but DO NOT bring Flight into your petty (internet) arguments!


Well-Known Member
You know very little about UPSCO. If you think "my petty" internet agrument is small, you got another thing coming. Local2727 is a very strong union, ask the Warden about his November numbers.
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Well-Known Member
The Union isn't strong anymore. It is a joke, and people laugh at your website. Go find another job or shut up and work as instructed.

Unions were powerful at one time but now they are just a bunch of crooks, that steal your money. They don't care about you. If you strike you will strike alone because your "brothers" will not follow. The bad part about all this is that you guys are too coward to stike so we will never see the outcome, but if you did have the balls to strike, I would be right in the long run. Go work at walmart and get paid what your actually worth......NOTHING!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Your an idiot. UPS delivered so much free NDA and Int in November due to MD11 service failures, that they could have paid each boss a big bonus. If you were able to access the M&E website you could see the Balanced Scorecard and see the MD performance data. Your a package guy from the south east side of the north west bay and no idea what goes on in Mecca. Look east to SDF, where the money generates, and you will understand the part of your empire. Your an idiot, I sorry but you a newer low level package sup that has idea what goes on in your company. You can stir up drivers but since you never have seen a UPS pilot or mechanic you have NO idea what goes on in the airline. In closing, people like you, IDIOTS buy MD11s to fly long range volume, but, free Int packages causes a small group to bring them domestic. Now you have free packages all over the US due to these airliners breaking and staying broke due to old age and part problems. UPS bought wore out airliners stored in the freakin desert and thought they got a good deal, well they did, for customers needing free packages. UPSSUCKS, this is the type of decision you will make in your short time here.


Well-Known Member
Your an idiot. UPS delivered so much free NDA and Int in November due to MD11 service failures, that they could have paid each boss a big bonus. If you were able to access the M&E website you could see the Balanced Scorecard and see the MD performance data. Your a package guy from the south east side of the north west bay and no idea what goes on in Mecca. Look east to SDF, where the money generates, and you will understand the part of your empire. Your an idiot, I sorry but you a newer low level package sup that has idea what goes on in your company. You can stir up drivers but since you never have seen a UPS pilot or mechanic you have NO idea what goes on in the airline. In closing, people like you, IDIOTS buy MD11s to fly long range volume, but, free Int packages causes a small group to bring them domestic. Now you have free packages all over the US due to these airliners breaking and staying broke due to old age and part problems. UPS bought wore out airliners stored in the freakin desert and thought they got a good deal, well they did, for customers needing free packages. UPSSUCKS, this is the type of decision you will make in your short time here.

First off, nothing is free.. Regardless of what you hear. UPS has been around 100 years. Companies that make mistakes don't last 100 years. You claim that SDF generates all the revenue, but then you counter your statement by saying the packages are being delivered for free. So which is it? Get you story straight, because that's all it is..... a story.. You have no idea what goes on between the sacred walls of your bosses offices... You're a whiner... You whine about everything, yet you are uneducated on the buisness that goes on around you.. I pretty sure I nailed you the first time when I called you a JOKE....


United Parcel Service and logistics firm Expeditors International have indicated that strong air freight growth last fall continued through at least January.

The International Air Transportation Association recently revised its outlook, saying cargo volumes should increase by 12 per cent in 2010. That’s up from seven per cent in earlier forecasts
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