Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
When NDA aint there at 1030, then what. I dont know very much about ground, but I know NDA and EAM, and you give alot of them away friendo.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how AA's "final" neg. went? requsted to be released? They were meeting in DC the same week we were. Did they also waste their time? I read that they were not going to continue to play grab ***** anymore with their company.

I hope things go better for us in the April's neg. If not May or June or July or Aug...ect... What is the game plan?


Long Time Member
The Union isn't strong anymore. It is a joke, and people laugh at your website. Go find another job or shut up and work as instructed.

Unions were powerful at one time but now they are just a bunch of crooks, that steal your money. They don't care about you. If you strike you will strike alone because your "brothers" will not follow. The bad part about all this is that you guys are too coward to stike so we will never see the outcome, but if you did have the balls to strike, I would be right in the long run. Go work at walmart and get paid what your actually worth......NOTHING!!!!!!!!

I had a job at Walmart...Dock Worker. No one seemed to want to do anything
I made $9.75 an hour. Most of the people around me seemed happy as they had a job


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how AA's "final" neg. went? requsted to be released? They were meeting in DC the same week we were. Did they also waste their time? I read that they were not going to continue to play grab ***** anymore with their company.

I hope things go better for us in the April's neg. If not May or June or July or Aug...ect... What is the game plan?

Flt attendents, Mechanics and ground workers asked to be released this week.



Well-Known Member
UPSSOCKS there is a History of Airline strikes. Most of us at have been through one or two in our past. Beleive me we do have the brass!!


Well-Known Member
Flt attendents, Mechanics and ground workers asked to be released this week.


Thank you Brother.
These guys & the TWU really worked with AA after 911 & through the bankruptcy. While management continued to receive their top pay & bonuses. Now this is what they get for their hard work & sacrifice. Who said we don't need unions anymore?
Have you seen the documentary "Day in the life Of AA" somthing like that? It's pretty interesting. It says alot about the mechs. & the lower management & how they worked together. Never could be at UPS, never! It takes 2 & UPS would never go for it.


Well-Known Member
When NDA aint there at 1030, then what. I dont know very much about ground, but I know NDA and EAM, and you give alot of them away friendo.

Once again you have shown your stupidity.... Do you think the planes drop the packages from the planes to the customers homes?? Every package is a ground package in the end. Let me tell you what I know about NDA and EAM. I know customers that pay for both, frequently. In fact I know a guy that receives atleast two EAM's daily... We have drinks throughout the week at a local watering hole. For every EAM that gets to him before 10AM, he buys me a drink, for everyone after 10AM, I owe him one... Guess who ends up buying the most drinks.. I didn't know this guys was getting all the late deliveries for free.... According to you the packages are being delivered for free right? Your wrong and you don't have a clue.

Strike already you are not needed.....


Well-Known Member
Great video clip, UPSSUCKS just thinks NDA is magic and maybe he will learn something from his little cubicle in the south east west bay hub in BFE. People like him have no idea how his money is generated. I was there the first day the N401UP rolled in, and we all have shared in the growth of the airline and should share in the financial success of NO crashes or mechanical failures resulting in hull loss. The only loss came from someone like UPSSUCKS sending incorrect hazmat, but a professional crew took control and landing the aircraft in an emergency situatuion that could have been devastating to the UPS brand. Like I said, if UPS ever needs financial help, I will be the first to give, but as long as they are profitable and WE are provided valuable service commitments, we need to be fairly compensated.

a/c tech

New Member
Well either way now it looks like UPS techs, and all employees will be paying through your teeth for health insurance, thanks to our government!


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. Not only does UPS want us to pay for health insurance now but also we will be paying the government for health insurance too. Once again they are trying to screw the little guy and they do it because they can.............
I dont even want UPS insurance if I have to pay for it..........let me just get it through the government.

a/c tech

New Member
As an aircraft mechanic, making 90k or so, the taxes are 9.6% of your income. Maybe you guys might get a few years more than others, but we all will be paying soon.


Well-Known Member
The UPS Way- Some interesting info on the 97 strike

Let's keep hanging on to the strike 13 years ago. Let's talk about it a little bit more. Let's think back to when the union used to have some respect and power. Let's talk about the few remaining members with balls that are close to retirement. Let's hang on to everything they did because we have evolved into a weak and pathetic organization.


I think you should all just work as instructed.


Long Time Member
I have to agree with UPSSOCKS.
Isn't working as instructed better than working on "somethig to look busy"?
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