Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
How much money is UPS losing now that it has declared war on both the pilots and the mehanics?

Looks like the stock is finally moving in the right direction, must not be losing that much. I would say they are fighting the battles that need fought.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the stock is finally moving in the right direction, must not be losing that much. I would say they are fighting the battles that need fought.

How would you know? Your in some broom closet eating jelly beans. Atlas is going to fly Apple's ipods from china because we don't have the lift and rumor has it that we are turning down military revenue for the same reason, just so UPS can show that they are the boss.


Well-Known Member
How would you know? Your in some broom closet eating jelly beans. Atlas is going to fly Apple's ipods from china because we don't have the lift and rumor has it that we are turning down military revenue for the same reason, just so UPS can show that they are the boss.

Again volume is growing and revenue is generating. UPS is the boss and whatever happens, don't you forget it.

Oh I talked to some ground employees and they are waiting for the flare. When can we anticipate this strike.


Well-Known Member
How would you know? Your in some broom closet eating jelly beans. Atlas is going to fly Apple's ipods from china because we don't have the lift and rumor has it that we are turning down military revenue for the same reason, just so UPS can show that they are the boss.

I like Jelly Beans


Well-Known Member
2727 just won a major arbitration case. The Arbitrater ruled against UPS for outsoursing 2727 work to Asia in violation of the contract.


Well-Known Member
It means UPS will have to pay for the work illegally done overseas. Bring the work back to 2727, which should also bring back mechanics that were laid off. This is one of the major issues in the contract dispute.

I hope your right TIEGUY! Its time for us to goosestep on outta here....but not until we get our contract!


Well-Known Member
It means that they laid off mechanics and farmed the work out to China at those mechanics expense... Mechanics are pissed off, the pilots are pissed off, just about everybody is pissed off at UPS. What a way to run a business..... Oh yeah and now customers are pissed too.http://www.upslawsuit.com/


Well-Known Member
Your lawsuit link is old news and has little merit. When a customer sends a premium package through us, they, in effect, sign a contract with us in which we state that we will get their package from Point A to Point B in the specified time (depending upon service level) and will refund their money if we fail to do so for reasons that are within our control. Nowhere in that contract does it mandate mode of shipment. Should it make any difference to the customer if we fly their pkg from Atlanta to NYC or if we put it on a feeder for part of the trip as long as it gets there on time? I think it makes smart business sense for us to use the most economical means of transportation while ensuring ontime delivery. The lawsuit is a joke and will be dismissed without merit.


Well-Known Member
Your lawsuit link is old news and has little merit. When a customer sends a premium package through us, they, in effect, sign a contract with us in which we state that we will get their package from Point A to Point B in the specified time (depending upon service level) and will refund their money if we fail to do so for reasons that are within our control. Nowhere in that contract does it mandate mode of shipment. Should it make any difference to the customer if we fly their pkg from Atlanta to NYC or if we put it on a feeder for part of the trip as long as it gets there on time? I think it makes smart business sense for us to use the most economical means of transportation while ensuring ontime delivery. The lawsuit is a joke and will be dismissed without merit.

Its called fraud. Next day ***AIR***


Well-Known Member
Its called fraud. Next day ***AIR***

How is it fraud? The pkg got from Point A to Point B in one day.

When you go to work on Monday look at a NDA envelope. You should see the letters SM somewhere next to the words Next Day Air. SM stands for Service Mark, which is similar to a trademark. Next Day Air is for advertising purposes only.

Without giving away too much personal information, I can tell you that I live in zip code 12901. Our outbound ground loads go to Albany and Syracuse. Our outbound NDA is flown to either Albany or Syracuse to be sorted and flown to either Philly or Louisville. We also send NDA on the end of our outbound ground loads for destinations that can be serviced the next day by ground transportation.

Just because it doesn't fly doesn't mean it won't get there on time.

The lawsuit is a joke.


Well-Known Member
How is it fraud? The pkg got from Point A to Point B in one day.

When you go to work on Monday look at a NDA envelope. You should see the letters SM somewhere next to the words Next Day Air. SM stands for Service Mark, which is similar to a trademark. Next Day Air is for advertising purposes only.

Without giving away too much personal information, I can tell you that I live in zip code 12901. Our outbound ground loads go to Albany and Syracuse. Our outbound NDA is flown to either Albany or Syracuse to be sorted and flown to either Philly or Louisville. We also send NDA on the end of our outbound ground loads for destinations that can be serviced the next day by ground transportation.

Just because it doesn't fly doesn't mean it won't get there on time.

The lawsuit is a joke.

I will bet you, lets say a two week suspension from BC that UPS will lose that lawsuit.
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