Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
UPS is scrambling to pull those Cargolux 400's out of the desert now. This recovery and Arbitration has caught them with their pants down......Not enough lift, mechs or pilots. Next week will be interesting since they won't be able to poor mouth us during negotiations anymore.

Still not going to matter.... Good luck with the big strike..


Well-Known Member
UPS is scrambling to pull those Cargolux 400's out of the desert now. This recovery and Arbitration has caught them with their pants down......Not enough lift, mechs or pilots. Next week will be interesting since they won't be able to poor mouth us during negotiations anymore.

A monkey could have seen that UPS was gonna get caught with there pants down. I would love to know who makes the major decisions for this airline and if they have to aswer to anybody when it is obvious there costing this company millions with there poor judgement.

Dis-organized Labor

I'M Back!

You mechanics have no clue whatsoever about 579 and the ATB.
I do.
You do not.

I make the major decisions about lift and I expect all of you to do the job that I ask you to do. (Ask is putting it nicely).

No more/no less.

"Pant's Down"....get a clue. This is a business and the rank and file has not been asked for their opinion. JUST WORK!!!

You have no right to the P&L formthis Company. If you do, put in your letter!!!


Well-Known Member
I'M Back!

You mechanics have no clue whatsoever about 579 and the ATB.
I do.
You do not.

I make the major decisions about lift and I expect all of you to do the job that I ask you to do. (Ask is putting it nicely).

No more/no less.

"Pant's Down"....get a clue. This is a business and the rank and file has not been asked for their opinion. JUST WORK!!!

You have no right to the P&L formthis Company. If you do, put in your letter!!!

Enjoying your 2.5% raise for doing such an outstanding job?


Long Time Member
I see a similarity with UPSSOCKS and DOL.
I also see some similarities with Airbus, MRV and Unionman.

How many screen names can one person have???


Well-Known Member
Us "Quality People" are standing at the door ready to come in and work for a living. I hate to replace someone, but I need a job and I have some bills to pay. I also have a mechanic's license and can turn airplanes.
We are mechanics and they are management. the question is," who are you."

He's a mechanic waiting to take your job!
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Well-Known Member
I stuck my 2 cents in here and I saw the response that I knew that I would see.

My very objective opinion:

You have a good POV and they do NOT present an argument other than what Scott Davis Makes as the CEO.
I got called a Scab and that's OK. I will turn flights for UPS for less than $43. I don't want to, but I will as I need a job. My Wife and Kids need an income. I'm ready to work and UPS will like my skills.

We are mechanics and they are management. the question is," who are you."

He will even do your job for less!


Well-Known Member
If progress isn't made this week, it would be a good time for an overtime ban. The pilots ban is having a huge affect. They are barely able to make flights.


Well-Known Member
If progress isn't made this week, it would be a good time for an overtime ban. The pilots ban is having a huge affect. They are barely able to make flights.

I agree, this week will tell it all. Will we get a good offer or will we be released?


Well-Known Member
I got called a Scab and that's OK. I will turn flights for UPS for less than $43. I don't want to, but I will as I need a job. My Wife and Kids need an income. I'm ready to work and UPS will like my skills.

Good work MRV for doing your homework. It's good to point out the scabs now!

FXDWG, you will be marked a scab for life, your kids will be proud. Be courageous and follow the route every other UPS mechanic has throughout the years. If you are willing to cut corners, how qualified / safe of a mechanic can you be?


Well-Known Member
I hope we get released. The timing couldn't be better. On strike at the same time as the new Iphone release in June!


Well-Known Member
Good work MRV for doing your homework. It's good to point out the scabs now!

FXDWG, you will be marked a scab for life, your kids will be proud. Be courageous and follow the route every other UPS mechanic has throughout the years. If you are willing to cut corners, how qualified / safe of a mechanic can you be?

If giving your family nice things, having a good income, and having a good job makes you a scab, then I want to be a scab too... Don't be brainwashed by these unqualified, undeserving, union dopes.

How's the strike going???


Well-Known Member
One more thing for all of you to digest... This thread is about 9 months old. For nine months we have heard idle threats, suggesting there would be a strike. It just goes to show you that these posters on BC have no power, or organization. It goes to show you how weak and pathetic the union is. You 2727 guys are like the guy that walks to the bridge everyday and says he is going to jump. When he realizes that no one cares he climbs down and goes about his buisness. You all thank the almighty shield of UPS everyday for giving you what you have. Deep down you guys won't strike because no one cares if you do. Everyone of you are replaceable. Everyone of you are replaceable for much less costs. I will enlighten you with some wisdom, because I think you need it.

If you still are working steady continue to go to work and shut up. Do your job safely and don't question any decisions made by management. After all if you wanted to question decisions made by the company, you should of been in management. Be thankful you have a job, because someday you may not. Stop talking about a strike because you just sound silly now...

Dis-organized Labor

Picking a single piece of a Post or any written comment is BS.
If you want to address UPSSOCKK's Post.......then do so.......................
Is Airbus Bob C? Or Rob H? Are you them???


Well-Known Member
DOL- Whats your thoughts on the IPA trying to get FQS in the Union? Also any ideas on how the PMC arbitration win will settle out.......will it bring in more work or will it be ignored?


Well-Known Member
If giving your family nice things, having a good income, and having a good job makes you a scab, then I want to be a scab too... Don't be brainwashed by these unqualified, undeserving, union dopes.

A scab will not be able to afford nice things, because they will work for half the pay and never get ahead. Look at the NWA scabs complaining about their pay, now they will get laid off after Delta has their way with them. "If a fish swims alone in the ocean, odds are they will live a short life, fish that stick together, increase their odds to survive".

Someday you will learn grasshopper!
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