Local 952 Is In Big Trouble!

Your cracker gangsta rap
Go get em ee. Kia sucks.


Well-Known Member
Why? Edgar is a socialist and an atheist. Why would it matter. Plus dude drives a Kia. He ain't no good union man driving that smack around.

Edgar drives a union made Jeep. But why don't you tell us about the Lexus the ex president of 952 Bob Hahn use to show up in at JC 42 meetings? I hear his disciple Grant M is a Honda man. Grant M got caught with his head up his butt when he invited management to a shop steward breakfast and took the side of management. Remember when Rat Trap called you out on the Reform 952 site Granty. The entire JC kept eye on that site you gutless coward. Can't wait to see your executive board go down.

Grant I hope you're aware that if you get suspended for 3 years you can't even go back to driving a package car. If we were in a right to work state you could, but not in union proud California.

So if you get suspended you'll not only be able to drop the kids of at school...you'll also be able to clean the house, pick the kids up and make dinner. By the time your suspension is done you'll have a new nickname... "the Nanny."
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Are you blind? All you need to do is read the back of the IBT quarterly. All those cronies of Hoffa are whats keeping the IRB in business.
Oh before you say it, none of the JC members where this corruption is going on say anything. I don't know about you but if I was a Hoffa fan I would have spoke up rather than see him embarrassed He's so worried about the image of the teamsters BS if he was so worried why didn't he tell RK to knock the Stuff off at Local 63? There is nothing worse than those videos of RK at the local nomination meeting and the IBT convention in Vegas yelling at St. Angel, that includes all the derogatoriness posted on Tnet and sites like that. You got shirt, you got jack!
Do you want some wine with that cheese?
Edgar drives a union made Jeep. But why don't you tell us about the Lexus the ex president of 952 Bob Hahn use to show up in at JC 42 meetings? I hear his disciple Grant M is a Honda man. Grant M got caught with his head up his butt when he invited management to a shop steward breakfast and took the side of management. Remember when Rat Trap called you out on the Reform 952 site Granty. The entire JC kept eye on that site you gutless coward. Can't wait to see your executive board go down.

Grant I hope you're aware that if you get suspended for 3 years you can't even go back to driving a package car. If we were in a right to work state you could, but not in union proud California.

So if you get suspended you'll not only be able to drop the kids of at school...you'll also be able to clean the house, pick the kids up and make dinner. By the time your suspension is done you'll have a new nickname... "the Nanny."
No Einstein I don't remember any of your jargon because I live two thousand miles away from you. I'm just twisting your cap and you are so ignorant that you can't even pick up on it. I know I'm in the upper half of intelligence in this great union but you are border line a window licker.