Local 952 Is In Big Trouble!

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
No Einstein I don't remember any of your jargon because I live two thousand miles away from you. I'm just twisting your cap and you are so ignorant that you can't even pick up on it. I know I'm in the upper half of intelligence in this great union but you are border line a window licker.
Your hilarious!! Another one with self promoting self importance syndrome ! ha ha ha ha ..


Well-Known Member
Lets not get EE involved in this. I'm a Cook! But am I JC? What about RatTrap, Backstabber,harley, Truthseeker, Rauzon, teamster 952, Sittingbull, Notlouied or maybe I'm the Rat getting revenge on Pk. What about EM, PK wouldn't even hire me back after serving my time. You tool do you think PK didn't burn bridges, he's an arsonists. JC42 is after his but. Rather than deal with the issues, your worried about who I am. You are just like PK don't correct the problems, silence the messenger. your not a good example for the N's

Well, there is two things here.

1. If your really Cook, We talked man to man a few years back and you said you were done with this.... That being said you would not be an active member of 952 nor do you even live anywhere close to here meaning you would just be here to troll (it would explain why you never go or complain at the hall). You also laid claims you talked to about 15 members in my center that opposed me as a steward. Now, I talked to a few and that we both know that is a complete lie and done just to make me look bad (Troll). So I when I talked to you on the phone last time you were very believable and honorable so I have a hard time believing you would come back to this.... These actions would be soooo much different than the man I talked to on the phone. Not to mention the beating the reformers took at the last election with all their lies what, would compel you to join them when life for you was good for you (or maybe you just made it seem) I know you know all locals get audited why would you not wait for the results?

2. The second thing is more believable in that your just another reformer hiding in the shadows but claiming to be Cook. They always make multiple screen name and this one had only signed in hours before trolling like a pro. Hell I even got a fake Email from a reformer posing as a member so there is no way I believe a damn thing on a blog. This is why going through the channels of a local Union are so important when dealing with trolls. I call them out and maybe to hard sometimes.

The only way I will believe your Cook is if we talk again MAN TO MAN so call me or I will call you. That's what separates the men from these boys. You put your buttt on the line back in the day and not scared to talk to the Local, Business Agent or Stewards. What have these guys done with issues against the local besides cry on the internet? Honestly I hope I am right that its just another reformer because If I hear your voice would I lose any respect I had for you.
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The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
Well you once told me I was a pond (that still cracks me up..........) You sure could use it.
Like i have told you before, someone who has to point out type-0s then really has nothing to say.

Where is your excuse for BA's using Angels Baseball tickets for their own personal use. Why are they not allowing members to attend these games?

Where is your excuse for allowing BA's to pay for dinners in Vegas on local union's credit card when everyone that is "invited" to go gets a stipend, isn't that double dipping?

Let's not bring up the failure to represent members! Should i go into that LB?



Well-Known Member
Like i have told you before, someone who has to point out type-0s then really has nothing to say.

Where is your excuse for BA's using Angels Baseball tickets for their own personal use. Why are they not allowing members to attend these games?

Where is your excuse for allowing BA's to pay for dinners in Vegas on local union's credit card when everyone that is "invited" to go gets a stipend, isn't that double dipping?

Let's not bring up the failure to represent members! Should i go into that LB?


That is why locals have audits. DUH. I have no reason to believe they have done any wrong doings nor will I make accusations without facts. I hope you can recognize a rational thought process and that it satisfies your ego.

Now Ginger Rodgers if you have all this evidence why do you not speak up at local meetings? Are you just pretending to be in our or Local are you scared of your affiliations!

Please don't dance around this one.